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[Games] first thought #4
Selene♪★♪★♪★♪★♪★If you don't turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else's story.♪★♪★♪★♪★♪★Please rate here:
And there:♪★♪★♪★♪★♪★
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Claudius - evil uncle.
Balthazar - three wise men.
Endymion - great name for a sleeping pill.
Griffith - griffins as a mythical creature.
Solomon - the biblical king.
Allegra - Byron's daughter.
Cassandra - a close friend.
Isla - islands.
Harmony - starts with Harm.
Selene - so similar yet so different to Celine.
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A little late butClaudius - Roman empire
Balthazar - isn't that the demon from LOTR (edit: nope)
Endymion - endocrine system lol
Griffith - griffin
Solomon - the sun
Allegra - sounds like some sort of medicine
Cassandra - sand
Isla - island
Harmony - music
Selene - Selene Dion

This message was edited 11/17/2022, 3:49 PM

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Claudius - Roman EmpireBalthazar - Character from an old RPG I played in high schoolEndymion - Greek mythology?Griffith - A former classmateSolomon - Biblical kingAllegra - Allergies or happinessCassandra - Ex-wife of a friendIsla - IslandsHarmony - MelodySelene - Moon goddess
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Claudius- pompous and exceptionally fat Roman elite
Endymion- end medallion
Griffith- Andy
Solomon- Wisdom and a crap ton of wives
Allegra- oh my gosh I love this name it's so pretty (endless internal rant)
Cassandra- Evenlyn
Isla- misspelled Ilse (I feel so sorry for her she went through so much crap)
Harmony- and Melody
Selene- a very cat-like woman in a short red dress
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Claudius - Claudius Templesmith, Hunger Games announcer. I know, I’m obsessed.
Balthazar - 3 wise men
Endymion - end minion?
Griffith - griffin
Solomon - salmon
Allegra - allergy medication OR allegro
Cassandra - how the nn Cassie is infinitely better than the nn Sandra.
Isla - island
Harmony - “ebony and ivory live on perfect harmony”
Selene - the fact that it’s a beautiful name but I hate the original pronunciation OR the protagonist of the Lunar Chronicles
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Sorry about that dumb comment, just trying to prove in a stupid way that I liked the Lunar Chronicles. I’m glad you do! Please forget it.
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Dumb comment on my part :)

This message was edited 12/5/2022, 10:12 PM

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Claudius - I, Claudius
Balthazar - 3 Wise Men
Endymion - New Orleans Mardi Gras parade
Griffith - Andy
Solomon - wisdom
Allegra - Cat
Cassandra - Trojan War
Isla - British Isles
Harmony - Melody
Selene - The Moon
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Claudius- Claudia
Balthazar- 3 wise men
Endymion- a sci-fi book
Griffith- Griffindor
Solomon- salmon
Allegra- alegría (happiness in spanish)
Cassandra- Sofia Carson's character in Purple Hearts
Isla- an island
Harmony- music
Selene- Selene M. Pascual (a writer) or the Moon
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