[Opinions] Meadow / Willow
Thoughts on these names ? I love them both ! What middle names would you use with these names ?
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Wliiow Rivers
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Meadow is a guilty pleasure of mine. I don’t care for Willow that much but it’s still pretty. I feel like they have to be paired with very short, common middle names. Meadow Rose
Meadow Ann
Meadow Grace Willow Rose
Willow Ann
Willow Grace
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I like Willow much better, Meadow reminds me too much of The Sopranos.
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I like both, but Meadow is my favorite.
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Really like Willow, Meadow is a bit much though.Willow Elise
Willow Pearl
Willow Jane
Willow Faye
Willow Fawn
Willow Sage
Willow EvangelineMeadow Pearl
Meadow Sage
Meadow Evangeline
Meadow Estelle
Meadow Caroline
Meadow Lucine
Meadow Elizabeth
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I don't like either
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