[Games] October 22: Count-Along-CAF (1880's)
- Roll the 10 sided dice to count the names. E.g. 3 + 3 and DW's name is Gretchen Arie
- Feel free to extend the family & skip similar names
- http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm
LN: Food related
Verda Clarissa Gretchen Nelly Tennessee Arie Luetta Shirley Viva Lissie Candace Jodie Johannah Trudie Zoa Dinah Elfrieda Elisa Elima Georgina Joyce Magdalen Marilla Odile Rhea Susannah Nevada Rae Emeline Faith Ottie Martina Odelia Olevia Peggy Wilda Zita Joan Marcella Annabel Odie Chloe Antonia Dixie Abigail Albertina Corrie Lenore Queenie Emmer Theresia Ottilie Mariah Emelia Besse Blossom Celestia Denise Edmonia Iza Joella Cherry Thea Vada Magdalena Aurora Rettie Alvina Mallie Hallie Tina Eulalia Betsy Cassie Rosalie Pinkie Hulda Cathryn Georgie Lotta Bess Ethelyn Leanna Charity
Saul Cleve Webster Kirk Linus Reinhold Elmore Lincoln Brooks Octave Tracy Troy Ace Alpheus Orie Carson Blaine Dayton Ethan Harlan Roman Titus Lyle Rodney Garrett Angus Carey Sterling Rex Hunter Sebastian Evans Cooper Darius Hoyt Maxwell Roderick Henderson Kelly Coy Campbell Graeme Randall Ned Houston Warner Augustine Ennis Melville Capser Hardy Leland Ransom Bruce Adrian Jackson Steven Booker Milo Grover Cassius Levy Orson Logan Elijah Cecil Caleb Emmett Leander Ellis Crawford
If you want to name the next generation too:

- Feel free to extend the family & skip similar names
- http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm
LN: Food related
Verda Clarissa Gretchen Nelly Tennessee Arie Luetta Shirley Viva Lissie Candace Jodie Johannah Trudie Zoa Dinah Elfrieda Elisa Elima Georgina Joyce Magdalen Marilla Odile Rhea Susannah Nevada Rae Emeline Faith Ottie Martina Odelia Olevia Peggy Wilda Zita Joan Marcella Annabel Odie Chloe Antonia Dixie Abigail Albertina Corrie Lenore Queenie Emmer Theresia Ottilie Mariah Emelia Besse Blossom Celestia Denise Edmonia Iza Joella Cherry Thea Vada Magdalena Aurora Rettie Alvina Mallie Hallie Tina Eulalia Betsy Cassie Rosalie Pinkie Hulda Cathryn Georgie Lotta Bess Ethelyn Leanna Charity
Saul Cleve Webster Kirk Linus Reinhold Elmore Lincoln Brooks Octave Tracy Troy Ace Alpheus Orie Carson Blaine Dayton Ethan Harlan Roman Titus Lyle Rodney Garrett Angus Carey Sterling Rex Hunter Sebastian Evans Cooper Darius Hoyt Maxwell Roderick Henderson Kelly Coy Campbell Graeme Randall Ned Houston Warner Augustine Ennis Melville Capser Hardy Leland Ransom Bruce Adrian Jackson Steven Booker Milo Grover Cassius Levy Orson Logan Elijah Cecil Caleb Emmett Leander Ellis Crawford
If you want to name the next generation too:

LN: Kersey
DH: Lincoln Blaine
DW: Viva Candace
DS1: Roman Angus
DS2: Carey Maxwell
DD1: Zoa Elisa
DS3/DD2: Graeme Hardy / Susannah Wilda
DS4: Ransom Adrian
DD3: Abigail Emelia
DD4: Celestia Thea
Lincoln & Viva | Roman, Carey, Zoa, Graeme / Susannah, Ransom, Abigail, Celestia
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DH: Lincoln Blaine Kersey
DW: Hallie Tina (Pottinger) Kersey
- DS: Titus Garrett
- DD: Rae Ottie
- DD: Joan Marcella
- DS: Corrie Besse
Lincoln & Hallie | Titus, Rae, Joan, Corrie
DH: Roman Angus Kersey
DW: Eulalia Lotta (Jagoda) Kersey
- DD: Magdalena Rettie
- DS: Cooper Campbell
- DS: Leland Logan
Roman & Eulalia | Magdalena, Cooper, Leland
DH: Jackson Steven Appleby
DW: Zoa Elisa (Kersey) Appleby
- DD/DD: Cassie Pinkie / Verda Dinah
Jackson & Zoa | Cassie, Verda
DH: Graeme Hardy Kersey
DW: Bess Gretchen (Kohl) Kersey
- DD: Faith Olevia
Graeme & Bess | Faith
DH: Milo Grover Barnes
DW: Susannah Wilda (Kersey) Barnes
- DD: Annabel Dixie
- DS: Ellis Cleve
- DD: Queenie Denise
- DD: Cherry Mallie
Milo & Susannah | Annabel, Ellis, Queenie, Cherry
DH: Ransom Adrian Kersey
DW: Lissie Marilla (Sweet) Kersey
- DD: Nelly Elfrieda
Ransom & Lissie | Nelly
DH: Caleb Linus Garner
DW: Abigail Emelia (Kersey) Garner
- DS: Troy Sterling
- DD: Elima Odile
Caleb & Abigail | Troy, Elima
DH: Alpheus Harlan Pickle
DW: Celestia Thea (Kersey) Pickle
- DD: Zita Lenore
- DD: Mariah Betsy
- DS: Roderick Kelly
Alpheus & Celestia | Zita, Mariah, Roderick
DH: Lincoln Blaine
DW: Viva Candace
DS1: Roman Angus
DS2: Carey Maxwell
DD1: Zoa Elisa
DS3/DD2: Graeme Hardy / Susannah Wilda
DS4: Ransom Adrian
DD3: Abigail Emelia
DD4: Celestia Thea
Lincoln & Viva | Roman, Carey, Zoa, Graeme / Susannah, Ransom, Abigail, Celestia
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DH: Lincoln Blaine Kersey
DW: Hallie Tina (Pottinger) Kersey
- DS: Titus Garrett
- DD: Rae Ottie
- DD: Joan Marcella
- DS: Corrie Besse
Lincoln & Hallie | Titus, Rae, Joan, Corrie
DH: Roman Angus Kersey
DW: Eulalia Lotta (Jagoda) Kersey
- DD: Magdalena Rettie
- DS: Cooper Campbell
- DS: Leland Logan
Roman & Eulalia | Magdalena, Cooper, Leland
DH: Jackson Steven Appleby
DW: Zoa Elisa (Kersey) Appleby
- DD/DD: Cassie Pinkie / Verda Dinah
Jackson & Zoa | Cassie, Verda
DH: Graeme Hardy Kersey
DW: Bess Gretchen (Kohl) Kersey
- DD: Faith Olevia
Graeme & Bess | Faith
DH: Milo Grover Barnes
DW: Susannah Wilda (Kersey) Barnes
- DD: Annabel Dixie
- DS: Ellis Cleve
- DD: Queenie Denise
- DD: Cherry Mallie
Milo & Susannah | Annabel, Ellis, Queenie, Cherry
DH: Ransom Adrian Kersey
DW: Lissie Marilla (Sweet) Kersey
- DD: Nelly Elfrieda
Ransom & Lissie | Nelly
DH: Caleb Linus Garner
DW: Abigail Emelia (Kersey) Garner
- DS: Troy Sterling
- DD: Elima Odile
Caleb & Abigail | Troy, Elima
DH: Alpheus Harlan Pickle
DW: Celestia Thea (Kersey) Pickle
- DD: Zita Lenore
- DD: Mariah Betsy
- DS: Roderick Kelly
Alpheus & Celestia | Zita, Mariah, Roderick
DH: Linus Tracy
DW: Nelly Johannah
DS1: Ethan Titus
DS2: Rodney Sterling
DD1: Georgina Magdalen "Gigi"
DS3/DD2: Maxwell Houston "Max" / Ottie Annabel
DS4: Ennis Jackson
DD3: Corrie Lenore
DD4: Theresia Mariah "Tess"
DW: Nelly Johannah
DS1: Ethan Titus
DS2: Rodney Sterling
DD1: Georgina Magdalen "Gigi"
DS3/DD2: Maxwell Houston "Max" / Ottie Annabel
DS4: Ennis Jackson
DD3: Corrie Lenore
DD4: Theresia Mariah "Tess"
DH: Octave Carson Berry
DW: Gretchen Nelly (Rice) Berry
DS1: Blaine Roman Berry
DS2: Sterling Evans Berry
DD1: Candace Elisa Berry
DS3/DD2: Coy Warner Berry/Rhea Faith Berry
DS4: Hardy Bruce Berry
DD3: Annabel Dixie Berry
DD4: Mariah Besse Berry
DH: Blaine Roman Berry
DW: Denise Alvina (Saunders) Berry
DS: Booker Logan Berry
DD: Cathryn Verda Berry 'Cat'
DD: Nelly Trudie Berry 'Nell'
DS: Caleb Saul Berry
DH: Sterling Evans Berry
DW: Dinah Marilla (Holt) Berry
DD: Faith Odelia Berry
DS: Lincoln Tracy Berry 'Link'
DS: Ace Blaine Berry
DH: Harlan Carey Oliver
DW: Candace Elisa (Berry) Oliver
DD/DD: Marcella Chloe Oliver 'Cella'/Abigail Queenie Oliver 'Abby'
DH: Coy Warner Berry
DW: Theresia Celestia (Craig) Berry 'Tess'
DD: Vada Tina Berry
DH: Rex Roderick Kent
DW: Rhea Faith (Berry) Kent
DD: Lotta Clarissa Kent
DS: Houston Ennis Kent
DD: Lissie Georgina Kent
DD: Emeline Martina Kent 'Emme'
DH: Hardy Bruce Berry
DW: Odie Lenore (Miles) Berry
DD: Blossom Aurora Berry
DH: Casper Ransom Kennedy
DW: Annabel Dixie (Berry) Kennedy
DS: Jackson Elijah Kennedy
DD: Mallie Cassie Kennedy
DH: Ellis Kirk Wagner
DW: Mariah Besse (Berry) Wagner
DD: Leanna Nelly Wagner
DD: Jodie Zoa Wagner
DS: Brooks Octave Wagner
DW: Gretchen Nelly (Rice) Berry
DS1: Blaine Roman Berry
DS2: Sterling Evans Berry
DD1: Candace Elisa Berry
DS3/DD2: Coy Warner Berry/Rhea Faith Berry
DS4: Hardy Bruce Berry
DD3: Annabel Dixie Berry
DD4: Mariah Besse Berry
DH: Blaine Roman Berry
DW: Denise Alvina (Saunders) Berry
DS: Booker Logan Berry
DD: Cathryn Verda Berry 'Cat'
DD: Nelly Trudie Berry 'Nell'
DS: Caleb Saul Berry
DH: Sterling Evans Berry
DW: Dinah Marilla (Holt) Berry
DD: Faith Odelia Berry
DS: Lincoln Tracy Berry 'Link'
DS: Ace Blaine Berry
DH: Harlan Carey Oliver
DW: Candace Elisa (Berry) Oliver
DD/DD: Marcella Chloe Oliver 'Cella'/Abigail Queenie Oliver 'Abby'
DH: Coy Warner Berry
DW: Theresia Celestia (Craig) Berry 'Tess'
DD: Vada Tina Berry
DH: Rex Roderick Kent
DW: Rhea Faith (Berry) Kent
DD: Lotta Clarissa Kent
DS: Houston Ennis Kent
DD: Lissie Georgina Kent
DD: Emeline Martina Kent 'Emme'
DH: Hardy Bruce Berry
DW: Odie Lenore (Miles) Berry
DD: Blossom Aurora Berry
DH: Casper Ransom Kennedy
DW: Annabel Dixie (Berry) Kennedy
DS: Jackson Elijah Kennedy
DD: Mallie Cassie Kennedy
DH: Ellis Kirk Wagner
DW: Mariah Besse (Berry) Wagner
DD: Leanna Nelly Wagner
DD: Jodie Zoa Wagner
DS: Brooks Octave Wagner
LN: Saffron
DH: Lincoln Ace
DW: Nelly Viva
DS1: Ethan Rex
DS2: Maxwell Ned
DD1: Elisa Magdalen
DS3/DD2: Hardy Milo / Faith Zita
DS4: Elijah Caleb
DD3: Chloe Abigail
DD4: Mariah Blossom
DH: Lincoln Ace
DW: Nelly Viva
DS1: Ethan Rex
DS2: Maxwell Ned
DD1: Elisa Magdalen
DS3/DD2: Hardy Milo / Faith Zita
DS4: Elijah Caleb
DD3: Chloe Abigail
DD4: Mariah Blossom
Kirk Octave ❤️ Viva Candace
Harlan Hunter
Maxwell Kelly
Georgina Marilla
Houston Leland & Ottie Marcella
Ransom Cassius
Corrie Celestia
Joella Rettie
[Kirk & Viva || Harlan, Maxwell, Georgina, Houston & Ottie, Ransom, Corrie, Joella]
Harlan Hunter ❤️ Hulda Ethelyn (né Dayton)
Leander Reinhold
Charity Lissie
Jodie Joyce
Alpheus Dayton "Dayton"
[Harlan & Huldah || Leander, Charity, Jodie, Dayton]
Maxwell Kelly ❤️ Rhea Peggy (né Campbell)
Antonia Lenore "Tonia"
Angus Maxwell
Campbell Casper
[Maxwell & Rhea || Tonia, Angus, Campbell]
Georgina Marilla ❤️ Bruce Grover
Emelia Vada & Alvina Cassie
[Georgina & Bruce || Emelia & Alvina]
Houston Leland ❤️ Cathryn Gretchen
Lissie Elina
[Houston & Cathryn || Lissie]
Ottie Marcella ❤️ Levy Ellis
Emeline Ottie "Mellie"
Webster Ace
Marcella Queenie
Theresia Mariah
[Ottie & Levy || Mellie, Webster, Marcella, Theresia]
Ransom Cassius ❤️ Magdalena Rosalie "Maggie"
Bess Nelly
[Ransom & Maggie || Bess]
Corrie Celestia ❤️ Blaine Titus
Carey Sebastian "Sebastian"
Johannah Odile
[Carrie & Blaine || Sebastian, Johannah]
Joella Rettie ❤️ Coy Ned
Odelia Dixie
Blossom Edmonia
Warner Ennis
[Joella & Coy || Odelia, Blossom, Warner]
DH: Elmore Brooks Alfredo “El”
DW: Arie Lissie [Berry] Alfredo “Arie”
DS1: Carson Dayton Alfredo
DS2: Garrett Carey Alfredo
DD1: Dinah Georgina Alfredo
DS3/DD2: Darius Maxwell Alfredo / Susannah Faith Alfredo
DS4: Randall Houston Alfredo
DD3: Wilda Annabel Alfredo
DD4: Albertina Emmer Alfredo
El & Arie Alfredo: Carson, Garrett, Dinah, Dare, Susie, Randy, Willa, & Tina
DW: Arie Lissie [Berry] Alfredo “Arie”
DS1: Carson Dayton Alfredo
DS2: Garrett Carey Alfredo
DD1: Dinah Georgina Alfredo
DS3/DD2: Darius Maxwell Alfredo / Susannah Faith Alfredo
DS4: Randall Houston Alfredo
DD3: Wilda Annabel Alfredo
DD4: Albertina Emmer Alfredo
El & Arie Alfredo: Carson, Garrett, Dinah, Dare, Susie, Randy, Willa, & Tina
DH: Kirk Alpheus Berry
DW: Viva Elima Wheaton
DS1: Carson Angus Berry
DS2: Hoyt Henderson Berry
DD1: Odile Nevada Berry
DS3/DD2: Ennis Casper Berry / Peggy Zita Berry
DS4: Bruce Grover Berry
DD3: Annabel Corrie Berry
DD4: Mariah Iza Berry
DD5: Hallie Tina Berry
Kirk & Viva; Carson, Hoyt, Odile, Ennis, Peggy, Bruce, Annabel, Mariah, Hallie
DW: Viva Elima Wheaton
DS1: Carson Angus Berry
DS2: Hoyt Henderson Berry
DD1: Odile Nevada Berry
DS3/DD2: Ennis Casper Berry / Peggy Zita Berry
DS4: Bruce Grover Berry
DD3: Annabel Corrie Berry
DD4: Mariah Iza Berry
DD5: Hallie Tina Berry
Kirk & Viva; Carson, Hoyt, Odile, Ennis, Peggy, Bruce, Annabel, Mariah, Hallie
DH: Webster Ace Applebees
DW: Arie Johannah [Currant] Applebees
DS1: Blaine Garrett Applebees
- DW: Joella Mallie [Murgia] Applebees
- DS: Caleb Emmett Applebees
- DD: Cathryn Verda Applebees
- DD: Gretchen Viva Applebees
- DS: Elmore Brooks Applebees
DS2: Carey Maxwell Applebees
- DW: Johannah Georgina [Cook] Applebees
- DD: Magdalen Nevada Applebees
- DS: Tracy Carson Applebees
- DS: Harlan Rex Applebees
DD1: Elisa Georgina [Applebees] Curry
- DH: Sebastian Evans Curry
- DD/DD: Emeline Ottie Curry/Olevia Joan Curry
DS3: Henderson Warner Applebees (Nevada's twin)
- DW: Albertina Queenie [Nocchi] Applebees
- DD: Ottilie Edmonia Applebees
DD2: Nevada Odelia [Applebees] Knochenmus (Henderson's twin)
- DH: Hoyt Ned Knochenmus
- DD: Magdalena Hallie Knochenmus
- DS: Leland Cassius Knochenmus
- DD: Georgie Clarissa Knochenmus
- DD: Arie Luetta Knochenmus
DS4: Adrian Steven Applebees
- DW: Jodie Georginia [Kohl] Applebees
- DD: Nevada Rae Applebees
DD3: Joan Dixie [Applebees] Peynirci
- DH: Orson Cecil Peynirci
- DS: Emmett Webster Peynirci
- DD: Faith Olevia Peynirci
DD4: Mariah Edmonia Applebees
- DH: Tracy Ace Applebees-Rice
- DD: Wilda Chloe Applebees-Rice
- DD: Ottilie Iza Applebees-Rice
- DS: Harlan Carey Applebees-Rice
Webster and Arie with Blaine, Carey, Elisa, Henderson, Nevada, Adrian, Joan, and Mariah
- Blaine and Joella with Caleb, Cathryn, Gretchen, and Elmore
- Carey and Johannah with Magdalen, Tracy, and Harlan
- Elisa and Sebastian with Emeline and Olevia
- Henderson and Albertina with Ottilie
- Nevada and Hoyt with Magdalena, Leland, Georgie, and Arie
- Adrian and Jodie with Nevada Rae
- Joan and Orson with Emmett and Faith
- Mariah and Tracy with Wilda, Ottilie, and Harlan
DW: Arie Johannah [Currant] Applebees
DS1: Blaine Garrett Applebees
- DW: Joella Mallie [Murgia] Applebees
- DS: Caleb Emmett Applebees
- DD: Cathryn Verda Applebees
- DD: Gretchen Viva Applebees
- DS: Elmore Brooks Applebees
DS2: Carey Maxwell Applebees
- DW: Johannah Georgina [Cook] Applebees
- DD: Magdalen Nevada Applebees
- DS: Tracy Carson Applebees
- DS: Harlan Rex Applebees
DD1: Elisa Georgina [Applebees] Curry
- DH: Sebastian Evans Curry
- DD/DD: Emeline Ottie Curry/Olevia Joan Curry
DS3: Henderson Warner Applebees (Nevada's twin)
- DW: Albertina Queenie [Nocchi] Applebees
- DD: Ottilie Edmonia Applebees
DD2: Nevada Odelia [Applebees] Knochenmus (Henderson's twin)
- DH: Hoyt Ned Knochenmus
- DD: Magdalena Hallie Knochenmus
- DS: Leland Cassius Knochenmus
- DD: Georgie Clarissa Knochenmus
- DD: Arie Luetta Knochenmus
DS4: Adrian Steven Applebees
- DW: Jodie Georginia [Kohl] Applebees
- DD: Nevada Rae Applebees
DD3: Joan Dixie [Applebees] Peynirci
- DH: Orson Cecil Peynirci
- DS: Emmett Webster Peynirci
- DD: Faith Olevia Peynirci
DD4: Mariah Edmonia Applebees
- DH: Tracy Ace Applebees-Rice
- DD: Wilda Chloe Applebees-Rice
- DD: Ottilie Iza Applebees-Rice
- DS: Harlan Carey Applebees-Rice
Webster and Arie with Blaine, Carey, Elisa, Henderson, Nevada, Adrian, Joan, and Mariah
- Blaine and Joella with Caleb, Cathryn, Gretchen, and Elmore
- Carey and Johannah with Magdalen, Tracy, and Harlan
- Elisa and Sebastian with Emeline and Olevia
- Henderson and Albertina with Ottilie
- Nevada and Hoyt with Magdalena, Leland, Georgie, and Arie
- Adrian and Jodie with Nevada Rae
- Joan and Orson with Emmett and Faith
- Mariah and Tracy with Wilda, Ottilie, and Harlan
DH: Elmore Alpheus Ziemniak
DW: Tennessee Jodie {Bobal} Ziemniak
DS: Rodney Carey Ziemniak
DS: Rex Evans Ziemniak
DD: Johannah Magdalen Ziemniak
DS: Kelly Ennis Ziemniak [twin]
DD: Emeline Odelia Ziemniak [twin]
DS: Hardy Bruce Ziemniak
DD: Joan Albertina Ziemniak
DD: Besse Cherry Ziemniak
DW: Tennessee Jodie {Bobal} Ziemniak
DS: Rodney Carey Ziemniak
DS: Rex Evans Ziemniak
DD: Johannah Magdalen Ziemniak
DS: Kelly Ennis Ziemniak [twin]
DD: Emeline Odelia Ziemniak [twin]
DS: Hardy Bruce Ziemniak
DD: Joan Albertina Ziemniak
DD: Besse Cherry Ziemniak
DH: Brooks Blaine Apple
DW: Lissie Dinah Apple (nee Hamilton)
DH: Harlan Lyel Apple
DW: Odile Susannah Apple (nee McGuire)
DS: Garrett Hunter Apple
DD: Faith Peggy Apple
DD: Abigail Mariah Apple
DS: Hoyt Coy Apple
DH: Campbell Augustine Apple
DW: Celestia Thea Apple (nee Ford)
DD: Eulalia Hulda Apple “Lia”
DS: Leland Adrian Apple
DS: Orson Leander Apple
DH: Elmore Lincoln Bray
DW: Cathryn Ethelyn Bray (nee Apple)
DD/DD: Verda Viva Bray/ Candace Trudie Bray
DH: Orie Garrett Apple
DW: Dinah Rhea Apple (nee Marsh)
DD: Rae Wilda Apple
DH: Sterling Sebastian White
DW: Zita Chloe White (nee Apple)
DD: Antonia Queenie White
DS: Coy Ned White
DD: Edmonia Thea White
DD: Eulalia Cassie White
DH: Houston Ransom Apple
DW: Lotta Bess Apple (nee Fletcher)
DD: Verda Gretchen Apple “Vera”
DH: Booker Cecil Bracken
DW: Johannah Elima Bracken (nee Apple)
DS: Saul Cleve Bracken
DD: Odile Olevia Bracken “Odie”
DH: Elmore Octave Ribay “El”
DW: Chloe Lenore Ribay (nee Apple)
DD: Queenie Mariah Ribay
DD: Thea Vada Ribay
DS: Harlan Carey Ribay “Harley”
Brooks & Lissie Apple: Harlan, Campbell, Cathryn, Orie, Zita, Houston, Johannah, & Chloe
Harlan & Odile Apple: Garrett, Faith, Abigail, & Hoyt
Campbell & Celestia Apple: Lia, Leland, & Orson
Elmore & Cathryn Bray: Verda & Candace
Orie & Dinah Apple: Rae
Sterling & Zita White: Antonia, Coy, Edmonia, & Eulalia
Houston & Lotta Apple: Vera
Booker & Johannah Bracken: Saul & Odie
El & Chloe Ribay: Queenie, Thea, & Harley
DW: Lissie Dinah Apple (nee Hamilton)
DH: Harlan Lyel Apple
DW: Odile Susannah Apple (nee McGuire)
DS: Garrett Hunter Apple
DD: Faith Peggy Apple
DD: Abigail Mariah Apple
DS: Hoyt Coy Apple
DH: Campbell Augustine Apple
DW: Celestia Thea Apple (nee Ford)
DD: Eulalia Hulda Apple “Lia”
DS: Leland Adrian Apple
DS: Orson Leander Apple
DH: Elmore Lincoln Bray
DW: Cathryn Ethelyn Bray (nee Apple)
DD/DD: Verda Viva Bray/ Candace Trudie Bray
DH: Orie Garrett Apple
DW: Dinah Rhea Apple (nee Marsh)
DD: Rae Wilda Apple
DH: Sterling Sebastian White
DW: Zita Chloe White (nee Apple)
DD: Antonia Queenie White
DS: Coy Ned White
DD: Edmonia Thea White
DD: Eulalia Cassie White
DH: Houston Ransom Apple
DW: Lotta Bess Apple (nee Fletcher)
DD: Verda Gretchen Apple “Vera”
DH: Booker Cecil Bracken
DW: Johannah Elima Bracken (nee Apple)
DS: Saul Cleve Bracken
DD: Odile Olevia Bracken “Odie”
DH: Elmore Octave Ribay “El”
DW: Chloe Lenore Ribay (nee Apple)
DD: Queenie Mariah Ribay
DD: Thea Vada Ribay
DS: Harlan Carey Ribay “Harley”
Brooks & Lissie Apple: Harlan, Campbell, Cathryn, Orie, Zita, Houston, Johannah, & Chloe
Harlan & Odile Apple: Garrett, Faith, Abigail, & Hoyt
Campbell & Celestia Apple: Lia, Leland, & Orson
Elmore & Cathryn Bray: Verda & Candace
Orie & Dinah Apple: Rae
Sterling & Zita White: Antonia, Coy, Edmonia, & Eulalia
Houston & Lotta Apple: Vera
Booker & Johannah Bracken: Saul & Odie
El & Chloe Ribay: Queenie, Thea, & Harley
DH: Reinhold Brooks Breiner
DW: Viva Elisabeth "Lissie" Breiner, née Heinz
DS1: Dayton Garrett Breiner
- DW: Joella Aurora Breiner, née Necchi
-- DS: Hoyt Coy Breiner
-- DD: Susannah Martina "Suzie" Breiner
-- DD: Zita Dixie Breiner
-- DS: Houston Ennis Breiner
DS2: Evans Henderson Breiner
- DW: Malvina Georgie "Mallie" Breiner, née Rice
-- DD: Emelia Cherry "Millie" Breiner
-- DS: Booker Grover Breiner
-- DS: Elijah Webster Breiner
DD1: Jodie Joyce Ramsey, née Breiner
- DH: Logan Emmett Ramsey
-- DD/DD: Vada Cassandra "Cassie" Ramsey & Ethelyn Leanna "Ettie" Ramsey
DS3: Ennis Leland Breiner (twin)
- DW: Tennessee Candace "Tennie" Breiner, née Kohl
-- DD: Charity Verda Breiner
DD2: Rhea Martina Pottinger, née Breiner (twin)
- DH: Kirk Alpheus Pottinger
-- DD: Arie Gertrude "Trudie" Pottinger
-- DS: Reinhold Octave "Rey" Pottinger
-- DD: Elisabeth Marilla "Elisa" Pottinger
-- DD: Ottoline Martina "Ottie" Pottinger
DS4: Grover Orson Breiner
- DW: Elfrieda Georgina "Frida" Breiner, née Linden
-- DD: Odelia Chloe "Delia" Breiner
DD3: Joan Abigail "Nabbie" Appleton, née Breiner
- DH: Ethan Rodney Appleton
-- DS: Ethan Roman "EJ" Appleton
DD4: Emmer Edmonia "Emma" Sweet, née Breiner
- DH: Sterling Sebastian Sweet
-- DD: Quintella Celestia "Queenie" Sweet
-- DD: Edmonia Magdalena "Eddie" Sweet
-- DS: Hunter Sebastian Sweet
DW: Viva Elisabeth "Lissie" Breiner, née Heinz
DS1: Dayton Garrett Breiner
- DW: Joella Aurora Breiner, née Necchi
-- DS: Hoyt Coy Breiner
-- DD: Susannah Martina "Suzie" Breiner
-- DD: Zita Dixie Breiner
-- DS: Houston Ennis Breiner
DS2: Evans Henderson Breiner
- DW: Malvina Georgie "Mallie" Breiner, née Rice
-- DD: Emelia Cherry "Millie" Breiner
-- DS: Booker Grover Breiner
-- DS: Elijah Webster Breiner
DD1: Jodie Joyce Ramsey, née Breiner
- DH: Logan Emmett Ramsey
-- DD/DD: Vada Cassandra "Cassie" Ramsey & Ethelyn Leanna "Ettie" Ramsey
DS3: Ennis Leland Breiner (twin)
- DW: Tennessee Candace "Tennie" Breiner, née Kohl
-- DD: Charity Verda Breiner
DD2: Rhea Martina Pottinger, née Breiner (twin)
- DH: Kirk Alpheus Pottinger
-- DD: Arie Gertrude "Trudie" Pottinger
-- DS: Reinhold Octave "Rey" Pottinger
-- DD: Elisabeth Marilla "Elisa" Pottinger
-- DD: Ottoline Martina "Ottie" Pottinger
DS4: Grover Orson Breiner
- DW: Elfrieda Georgina "Frida" Breiner, née Linden
-- DD: Odelia Chloe "Delia" Breiner
DD3: Joan Abigail "Nabbie" Appleton, née Breiner
- DH: Ethan Rodney Appleton
-- DS: Ethan Roman "EJ" Appleton
DD4: Emmer Edmonia "Emma" Sweet, née Breiner
- DH: Sterling Sebastian Sweet
-- DD: Quintella Celestia "Queenie" Sweet
-- DD: Edmonia Magdalena "Eddie" Sweet
-- DS: Hunter Sebastian Sweet
DH: Octave Troy Kohl
DW: Shirley Jodie Mandel
DS1: Roman Rex Kohl
DS2: Maxwell Randall Kohl
DD1: Elima Odile Kohl
DS3/DD2: Casper Adrian Kohl & Martina Chloe Kohl
DS4: Orson Logan Kohl
DD3: Queenie Celestia Kohl
DD4: Margareta Rosalie "Rettie" Kohl
DW: Shirley Jodie Mandel
DS1: Roman Rex Kohl
DS2: Maxwell Randall Kohl
DD1: Elima Odile Kohl
DS3/DD2: Casper Adrian Kohl & Martina Chloe Kohl
DS4: Orson Logan Kohl
DD3: Queenie Celestia Kohl
DD4: Margareta Rosalie "Rettie" Kohl
DH: Webster Brooks Linden
DW: Nelly Tennessee (Kohl) Linden
DS1: Troy Carson Linden
DS2: Ethan Harlan Linden
DD1: Candace Dinah Linden
DS3/DD2: Garrett Carey Linden/Elisa Odile Linden
DS4: Sterling Hunter Linden
DD3: Martina Annabel Linden
DD4: Queenie Mariah Linden
DH: Troy Carson Linden
DW: Thea Aurora (Heinz) Linden
DS: Maxwell Houston Linden
DD: Alvina Hulda Linden
DD: Leanna Arie Linden
DS: Melville Adrian Linden
DH: Ethan Harlan Linden
DW: Trudie Marilla (Keller) Linden
DD: Faith Zita Linden
DS: Milo Cassius Linden
DW: Nelly Tennessee (Kohl) Linden
DS1: Troy Carson Linden
DS2: Ethan Harlan Linden
DD1: Candace Dinah Linden
DS3/DD2: Garrett Carey Linden/Elisa Odile Linden
DS4: Sterling Hunter Linden
DD3: Martina Annabel Linden
DD4: Queenie Mariah Linden
DH: Troy Carson Linden
DW: Thea Aurora (Heinz) Linden
DS: Maxwell Houston Linden
DD: Alvina Hulda Linden
DD: Leanna Arie Linden
DS: Melville Adrian Linden
DH: Ethan Harlan Linden
DW: Trudie Marilla (Keller) Linden
DD: Faith Zita Linden
DS: Milo Cassius Linden