[Games] Brayden’s Namebank CAF- round 4
Below the name banks are two pictures. if you like picture 1 better, pick from namebank 1! If you like picture 2 better, pick from namebank 2!
Namebank 1: Ace Axel Bobby-Ray Desperado Edgar Lorcan Rein Rhys Rocco Theoden Thor Thorbjorn Viggo Zeus
Namebank 2: Audra Blake Gwen Iuturna Kiersten Raina Reese Rhonwen Spark Stormy Tempest Thea Tondra Zora
Also comment one male and one female name for EACH picture
Picture 1:
Picture 2: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUs3DLV89Ppr1jtx8UlncOXEjMrisvDf488A&usqp=CAU
“The more times and the more different things you do, the more likely it is that you succeed.” -Brian Tracy
Namebank 1: Ace Axel Bobby-Ray Desperado Edgar Lorcan Rein Rhys Rocco Theoden Thor Thorbjorn Viggo Zeus
Namebank 2: Audra Blake Gwen Iuturna Kiersten Raina Reese Rhonwen Spark Stormy Tempest Thea Tondra Zora
Also comment one male and one female name for EACH picture
Picture 1:

Picture 2: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUs3DLV89Ppr1jtx8UlncOXEjMrisvDf488A&usqp=CAU
“The more times and the more different things you do, the more likely it is that you succeed.” -Brian Tracy
This message was edited 11/17/2022, 4:10 PM
The James Family!
The James Family
H: Sylvan Emrys James
W: Fleur Lysandra (Weston) James
D1: Psamathe Calypso James, "Sam"
D2: Iuturna Tempest James, "Tempest"
The James Family
H: Sylvan Emrys James
W: Fleur Lysandra (Weston) James
D1: Psamathe Calypso James, "Sam"
D2: Iuturna Tempest James, "Tempest"
H: Ajax Kai Castle
W: Erin Avalon (Grey) Castle
D1: India Zoë Castle
S1: Lorcan Axel Castle
Picture 1: Paris, Antoine
Picture 2: Kalani, Jon
W: Erin Avalon (Grey) Castle
D1: India Zoë Castle
S1: Lorcan Axel Castle
Picture 1: Paris, Antoine
Picture 2: Kalani, Jon
DH: Rowan Kai
DW: Ember Faye
DD: Sophronia Skye
DS: Rocco Ace
Picture 1: Elodie, Pierre
Picture 2: Marina, Steven
DW: Ember Faye
DD: Sophronia Skye
DS: Rocco Ace
Picture 1: Elodie, Pierre
Picture 2: Marina, Steven
DW: Violet Lysandra
DH: Florian Auberon
DD: Willa Cordelia
DD: Tempest Iuturna
Pascal, Madeleine
Tegan, Zinnia
DH: Florian Auberon
DD: Willa Cordelia
DD: Tempest Iuturna
Pascal, Madeleine
Tegan, Zinnia
DH: Florian Adonis Levitt
DW: Camilla Titania [Garrett] Levit
DD: Skye Nereida Levitt
DS: Rocco Lorcan Levitt
Picture 1: Gaston, Liliane
Picture 2: Poseidon, Coral
DW: Camilla Titania [Garrett] Levit
DD: Skye Nereida Levitt
DS: Rocco Lorcan Levitt
Picture 1: Gaston, Liliane
Picture 2: Poseidon, Coral
W: Rowena Alice Blankenship
H: Florian Auberon Fiala
D: Aphrodite Clare Fiala
D: Iuturna Thea Fiala
Ludovic, Rosemonde, Pelagia, Oceanus
H: Florian Auberon Fiala
D: Aphrodite Clare Fiala
D: Iuturna Thea Fiala
Ludovic, Rosemonde, Pelagia, Oceanus