[Opinions] Michelle
What do you think of the name Michelle?
Michelle was one of my original favorites for a girl when I first became a "name nerd" (which was about 4-5 years ago). After awhile it went off of my favorites list, mainly because my favorites list broadened and this one was a bit too popular for my tastes. However, I am starting to like this name once again and I think it would be a nice name for a girl these days (since it isn't quite as popular as it once was).
Michelle was one of my original favorites for a girl when I first became a "name nerd" (which was about 4-5 years ago). After awhile it went off of my favorites list, mainly because my favorites list broadened and this one was a bit too popular for my tastes. However, I am starting to like this name once again and I think it would be a nice name for a girl these days (since it isn't quite as popular as it once was).
I am a fan because Michelle's my middle name. I would have trouble with it as a fn though, personally, because I would be hard-pressed to think of a mn that flows well.
I agree that popularity has gone down. the only Michelles I know of personally are in their 20's at the youngest. it *does* have a good song, as someone pointed out. I was in the grocery store last night and it came on, and I was rather excited. (Michelle by the Beatles has always been my song because there're never any "Sabrina" songs.)
I agree that popularity has gone down. the only Michelles I know of personally are in their 20's at the youngest. it *does* have a good song, as someone pointed out. I was in the grocery store last night and it came on, and I was rather excited. (Michelle by the Beatles has always been my song because there're never any "Sabrina" songs.)
I was thinking just the other night what a pretty name Michelle is. Unfortunately, its recent overuse has made it less desirable for me. Then again, it's so common in my and dh's families (six who I can think of right off the top of my head).
I know the sweetest kindergartener named Michelle. I like it.
I'm partial to it because it is my own middle name, but I think it could be pretty depending on what other names you put with it and... I dunno, names are such a personal thing, right? If you like it stick with it.
I don't like it much, I know too many of them and I don't like the sound. Sorry..
(has a nice song though :)

(has a nice song though :)