[Opinions] Ruth, Maeve, and Bethany
Do you like any of these three names?Which of the three is your favorite? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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This is such a coincidence! My daughter's name is Bethany Maeve! I wouldn't say I like Ruth, though.
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I like Ruth the most. Maeve is okay. I don’t care for Bethany.
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I like Ruth and Maeve. I would probably pick Maeve as my top favorite from the list. I don't like Bethany or really any name with "beth" in it. I am just not a fan of the sound.
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My favourite is Maeve, reminds me of spring and flowers. Bethany - can it be NNed Bettie / Betty?
Nice alternative to Elizabeth. I like Ruth when it's pronounced the Spanish way: Root, yep. I loved it, when I was a kid.
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I like them all, like Maeve best
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We seem to be channelling each other! For days now, I've been thinking of a sibset of Dinah, Maeve and Ruth. So, that leaves Bethany to be commented on. I don't like it: biblical and geographical. I know someone who married a Bethany: her father was a church minister and that influenced their choice. She's never liked it much, finds it long and inconvenient, and mostly goes by Bee. I prefer Bethan, and if that's confusingly close to Bethany then Betsan is also Welsh and also very lovely. That said, I do prefer Betsy to Betty and Beth.
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I like Maeve the best. I prefer Bethan to Bethany as well.

This message was edited 12/17/2022, 6:35 PM

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I think Ruth is old and has kind of a harsh sound. It’s not ready to come back yet.
Maeve is pretty but not pretty enough for me to use it. It reminds me of the color purple exclusively. It’s kind of princessy in a calm way.
Bethany is really dated to gen x and kind of reminds me of mismash names like Emmaleigh and Rylee so I don’t like it. So my favorite is Maeve. 100%
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I like Bethany, but not really enough to consider using it. Can't stand Ruth, it sounds like an old dog barking, or Maeve, which just plain feels and sounds weird.
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I like all of them. Ruth is friendly, approachable, and mature. I love the nickname Rue. I also think of a very kind girl when I see this name.Maeve is enchanting, pretty, and striking. It stands out in the best way. I love the meaning.Bethany I never gave too much thought but it’s a solid name.I’ll go with Maeve today.

This message was edited 12/17/2022, 4:43 PM

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I think Maeve would be my fave. Ruth gets seconds place, I think it's very cute in a stern way, and it has such a nice meaning. Bethany doesn't do much for me.
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I like Ruth and Maeve. I think I prefer Ruth.
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