[Opinions] Giselle
What are your thoughts on Giselle? I consider it for my future daughter. My first daughter is named Rosalie.° We are but older children dear, who fret to find our bedtime near ° Lewis Carroll
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I just can’t get past how the first syllable sounds like a slang term for… certain fluids.
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I like it. Tbh I get a very sultry vibe from it, but I don't think that should stop anyone from using it.
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Giselle is beautiful! It definitely goes with Rosalie and lends itself to Zelle as a nn if you’re into that. It seems sweet, happy, fairy-like.
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Giselle is quite beautiful and fairy-tale like. I also think of a ballerina. I love the sound of Gisela though.
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Giselle is very balletic, and most people where I live don't manage the French L; they use the second L sound in 'little' instead of the first. For both reasons, I find that I prefer Gisela.
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I love and suggest Jasmine as a third daughter.
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I love Giselle! Beautiful and fairy-tale-ish but not too crazy. Very usable.
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It's ok. Goes ok with Rosalie
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