[Opinions] Ruth
I had a dream about a young girl named Ruth last night. Thoughts on Ruth? Is it too old-fashioned?LISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
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I’ve always loved it, because I love the story of the biblical Ruth. Plenty of people will think it’s old fashioned and clunky, but I love it.
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It's old fashioned but I think it's becoming more popular. There was a time when Ruth would have been seen as a weird ultra -conservative religious name, but I think that is relaxing, especially with the rise of.... I can't remember what clever name it has, but basically it's people trying to make "country bumpkin backwoods Appalachian redneck" style cool. Hickster, I think that's it! I think Ruth is pretty cute in a stern way. And it has such a sweet meaning. Ruthie is adorable. I'd love to meet a young Ruth.
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I find Ruth to be humble, friendly, and usable. I very much like how youthful yet mature it is. I don’t like it’s too old fashioned really. Quite timeless if anything since “Grandma/Grandpa” names are trendy right now. I’m sure Ruth wouldn’t look too weird on a class list next to Dorothy, Mabel, or Eloise. I’d rather be a Ruth than a Jaxtyn.Offtopic slightly, but I love the sound of Ruth Annabel.
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Ruth is one of my very favourite single-syllable names. I'd use it happily as fn or mn. When we were about 6 or 7, a friend of mine at school whose name is Ruth had trouble with some English sounds, and introduced herself serenely as Woof; not even that puts me off! I think Ruth is classic rather than old-fashioned, and still very usable. I know a Ruth Mary and her sister, Anna Elizabeth; they are both in their 40s but could, I think, be any age at all.Ruth Cecily
Ruth Felicity (the meanings are a bit much, but mns are seldom used so it'd be OK)
Harriet Betsy Ruth
Ruth Joanna Mary
Ruth Penelope Jean
Ruth Philippa Esme
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I love your combos! Ruth Felicity and Ruth Penelope Jean are especially lovely.I agree that Ruth Mary and Anna Elizabeth could be any age. Perfectly classic and timeless combos.
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Warm, classic, lovely meaning. I love names with double meanings. And nn Ruthie is cute!
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I like it, not old fashioned
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