[Games] Bel's Travel This or That CAF (1)
Hayden Kurt Reece Angus Jack(son) Callum Corey Brent Zachary Beau Lachlan // Kayla Madeleine Simone Vanessa Teagan Jacqueline Chantelle Elise Brooke Cassandra Bianca
Last name your choice
Do you pack light or overpack?
Pack Light: Would you rather name your son Roger or Karl?
- Roger, namebank 1
- Karl, namebank 2
Overpack: Would you rather name your daughter Liesl or Gretchen?
Liesl, namebank 3
Gretchen, namebank 4
- Feel free to change nicknames into full names, but use the given nickname.
- Feel free to change spellings (Miya -> Mia)
First child is born in Austria
Namebank 1
Mateo Nico Gabriel Johannes Levi Valentin Anton Konstantin Elias Noah
Namebank 2
Theo Michael Adam Raphael Benjamin Niklas Julian Dominik Kilian Florian
Namebank 3
Elisa Ida Franziska Rosalie Theresa Alina Amelie Livia Magdalena Maria
Namebank 4
Elina Antonia Luisa Lara Johanna Paula Annika Eva Marlene Sara

Hayden Kurt Reece Angus Jack(son) Callum Corey Brent Zachary Beau Lachlan // Kayla Madeleine Simone Vanessa Teagan Jacqueline Chantelle Elise Brooke Cassandra Bianca
Last name your choice
Do you pack light or overpack?
Pack Light: Would you rather name your son Roger or Karl?
- Roger, namebank 1
- Karl, namebank 2
Overpack: Would you rather name your daughter Liesl or Gretchen?
Liesl, namebank 3
Gretchen, namebank 4
- Feel free to change nicknames into full names, but use the given nickname.
- Feel free to change spellings (Miya -> Mia)
First child is born in Austria
Namebank 1
Mateo Nico Gabriel Johannes Levi Valentin Anton Konstantin Elias Noah
Namebank 2
Theo Michael Adam Raphael Benjamin Niklas Julian Dominik Kilian Florian
Namebank 3
Elisa Ida Franziska Rosalie Theresa Alina Amelie Livia Magdalena Maria
Namebank 4
Elina Antonia Luisa Lara Johanna Paula Annika Eva Marlene Sara

LN: North
DW: Simone Madeleine
DH: Lachlan Angus
DD: Ida Amelie
DW: Simone Madeleine
DH: Lachlan Angus
DD: Ida Amelie
Jack Lachlan Bailey and Simone Vanessa Reyez
D: Alina Rosalie Bailey
D: Alina Rosalie Bailey
Beau Lachlan Cullen
Vanessa Madeline (Deming) Cullen
Alina Maria Cullen
Vanessa Madeline (Deming) Cullen
Alina Maria Cullen
DH: Jackson Beau Ivey
DW: Teagan Cassandra Ivey (nee Bailey)
DS: Kilian Niklas Ivey
Jackson & Teagan Ivey: Kilian
DW: Teagan Cassandra Ivey (nee Bailey)
DS: Kilian Niklas Ivey
Jackson & Teagan Ivey: Kilian
DH: Angus Jack (LN: Hensley)
DW: Kayla Madeleine (MN: Jones)
DS: Benjamin Raphael
DW: Kayla Madeleine (MN: Jones)
DS: Benjamin Raphael
DH: Brent Lachlan Luxley “Brent”
DW: Teagan Madeleine [MacLeod] Luxley “Teagan”
DD: Annika Sara Luxley “Annie”
Brent & Teagan Luxley: Annie
DW: Teagan Madeleine [MacLeod] Luxley “Teagan”
DD: Annika Sara Luxley “Annie”
Brent & Teagan Luxley: Annie
H: Callum Kurt Engquist
W: Chantelle Vanessa Paradis
D: Elina Luisa Engquist
Callum & Chantelle | Elina
W: Chantelle Vanessa Paradis
D: Elina Luisa Engquist
Callum & Chantelle | Elina
DH: Zachary Beau Jarvis "Zach"
DW: Madeleine Elise Fleury Jarvis "Maddie"
DD: Alina Rosalie Jarvis
DW: Madeleine Elise Fleury Jarvis "Maddie"
DD: Alina Rosalie Jarvis
Corey Beau ❤️ Cassandra Elise
Lara Johanna
[Corey & Cassandra || Lara]
This message was edited 1/1/2023, 11:30 AM
F: Kurt Callum Bonnier
M: Simone Vanessa Oetker
D: Alina Livia Amelie Bonnier
M: Simone Vanessa Oetker
D: Alina Livia Amelie Bonnier
DH: Beau Jackson Smith
DW: Elise Simone (Rowland) Smith
DS: Raphael Theo Smith
DW: Elise Simone (Rowland) Smith
DS: Raphael Theo Smith
DH: Lachlan Brent Ó Caoimh (anglicized as O'Keefe)
DW: Brooke Madeleine Kayla Wright
DS1: Levi Matthew O'Keefe
DW: Brooke Madeleine Kayla Wright
DS1: Levi Matthew O'Keefe
DH: Callum Zachary Border
DW: Vanessa Madeleine (Aiken) Border
DD: Annika Marlene Border 'Nikki'
DW: Vanessa Madeleine (Aiken) Border
DD: Annika Marlene Border 'Nikki'
H: Reece Callum Tolliver
W: Madeleine Bianca Woodward
D: Livia Magdalena Tolliver
W: Madeleine Bianca Woodward
D: Livia Magdalena Tolliver
DH: Lachlan Beau McGregor
DW: Elise Chantelle {Talbot} McGregor
DD: Elina Johanna McGregor
DW: Elise Chantelle {Talbot} McGregor
DD: Elina Johanna McGregor
H: Jackson Reece Campbell
W: Bianca Simone (Edwards) Campbell
D: Lara Johanna Campbell
W: Bianca Simone (Edwards) Campbell
D: Lara Johanna Campbell
SO: Zachary Hayden Gold
SO: Madeleine Elise Quincey
DD: Livia Rosalie Ida Quincey-Gold
SO: Madeleine Elise Quincey
DD: Livia Rosalie Ida Quincey-Gold
H: Callum Angus Smith
W: Elise Simone Madeleine Jackson Smith
S: Anton Levi Gabriel Smith
W: Elise Simone Madeleine Jackson Smith
S: Anton Levi Gabriel Smith
DH: Corey Jackson Park Gallagher
DW: Kayla Brooke Gallagher
DD1: Lara Antonia Gallagher
DW: Kayla Brooke Gallagher
DD1: Lara Antonia Gallagher
DH: Kurtis 'Kurt' Zachary Meriwether
DW: Simone Cassandra {Irving} Meriwether
DS: Theo Raphael Meriwether
DW: Simone Cassandra {Irving} Meriwether
DS: Theo Raphael Meriwether
Angus Lachlan D'Arcy & Madeleine Elise Fairweather
DS (Austria): Theo Raphael D'Arcy
DS (Austria): Theo Raphael D'Arcy
DH: Lachlan Reece Ainsley
DW: Madeleine Simone [Beauchêne] Ainsley
DD: Livia Rosalie Ainsley
Lachlan and Madeleine with Livia
DW: Madeleine Simone [Beauchêne] Ainsley
DD: Livia Rosalie Ainsley
Lachlan and Madeleine with Livia
H: Reese Haden Kimball
W: Bianca “B” Simone Kimball (née Brown)
S1: Johannes “Joe” Anton
W: Bianca “B” Simone Kimball (née Brown)
S1: Johannes “Joe” Anton
Callum Lachlan Murphy // Simone Madeleine Dupont
DS: Elias Gabriel Dupont Murphy
Callum Lachlan Murphy // Simone Madeleine Dupont
DS: Elias Gabriel Dupont Murphy
DH: Callum Zachary Braithwaite
DW: Simone Elise van Meter
DS: Elias Anton Braithwaite
DW: Simone Elise van Meter
DS: Elias Anton Braithwaite
DH: Beau Kurt Richmond
DW: Vanessa Madeleine (Black) Richmond
DD: Livia Theresa Richmond
DW: Vanessa Madeleine (Black) Richmond
DD: Livia Theresa Richmond
The Brent Family!
The Brent Family
H: Hayden Beau Brent
W: Simone Vanessa (Teagan) Brent
D: Johanna Marlene Brent, "Jo"
The Brent Family
H: Hayden Beau Brent
W: Simone Vanessa (Teagan) Brent
D: Johanna Marlene Brent, "Jo"
DH: Corey Brent Jackson
DW: Cassandra Elise (Brooks) Jackson
DD: Lara Antonia Jackson
DW: Cassandra Elise (Brooks) Jackson
DD: Lara Antonia Jackson
Lachlan Kurt Ross & Vanessa Simone Riviere Ross
Gabriel Valentine Ross
Gabriel Valentine Ross
DH: Jackson Beau Wright
DW: Teagan Madeleine {Schneider} Wright
DD: Elina Marlene Wright
DW: Teagan Madeleine {Schneider} Wright
DD: Elina Marlene Wright
DH: Angus Lachlan Henderson
DW: Simone Cassandra [Westerberg] Henderson
DD: Antonia Marlene Henderson
DW: Simone Cassandra [Westerberg] Henderson
DD: Antonia Marlene Henderson
DH: Callum Beau Roquefort-du Champs
DW: Madeleine "Maddie" Chantelle Roquefort-du Champs
ADD: Amelie "Lia" Franziska Magdalena Roquefort-du Champs
DW: Madeleine "Maddie" Chantelle Roquefort-du Champs
ADD: Amelie "Lia" Franziska Magdalena Roquefort-du Champs