[Opinions] Greer - is this the most unappealing girl name ever?
Greer is very harsh sounding and has such an unattractive sound.
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I actually think Greer is fine as a modern girl's name.However, it drove me up the wall when it was used to name one of Mary Queen of Scots' ladies in waiting in the TV series "Reign", centuries before anyone actually thought of naming a baby girl Greer.
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I don’t hate it. I think it would be nice for a character.
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No it’s kind of charming, possibly because of Greer Garson.
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There are worse...Blair for instance. Sloane, is indeed awful, but Ainsley is worse, sounds like gastro-intestinal distress.
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I don’t think Ainsley is that bad sound wise, just annoyingly juvenile and grating to the ears. I think Sloane despite being slimy has a bit of delicacy to it.

This message was edited 1/1/2023, 8:57 AM

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Nope. I actually quite like it. Then again, I love Sloane which people are saying is worse.
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I dislike it, but I quite like Briar. Am I a hypocrite?))
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No, I don’t think you’re a hypocrite for disliking Greer but liking Briar, they’re two completely different names with different initial sounds and vowel sounds and vibes.
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I'm surprised at people saying that Sloane is worse than Greer! It definitely isn't.Greer is horrible and if anything sounds like an angry cat growling and getting ready to attack; the "reeer" part in particular is ear-piercing and unwelcoming. Sloane at least has that soft-sound "s" sound; Greer on the other hand is so harsh and violent sounding, like someone scratching deep into their own skin.
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I actually kind of like it but I don’t think I have the guts to use it. Same with Sloane.
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I hate most names that stick in the back of my throat. That includes both Sloane and Greer, but also some classic names like Beulah and some downright popular ones like Lucy.
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One of the ugliest for sure.
Sloan and Tatum could compete. Maybe Piper too ... but if we bring in surnames there are just too many unappealing ones to contemplate.
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I like it.
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Idk I like the Association with Greer Garson. I had a classmate named Greer who was named after her that was very classy too. NMS but makes me think old Hollywood than unappealing
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One of them, I guess. It sounds like greed.
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I agree ...It's ugly as homemade sin. I'd think it was equally ugly on a boy. Like someone grinding his teeth down to nubs while trying to start up a car that should have been junked five years ago.
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I think Sloane beats it out, but it's a close race.
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Agree!Greer is unpleasant and unattractive but Sloane takes the number one spot for unappealing. Greer is a close second.
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Ditto. Greer and IMO Garland are pretty unpleasant but but Sloane is bad.
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Oh I can't stand Sloane, makes me think of bodily fluids during a cold lol
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Yeah, I was thinking Sloane is probably worse. Greer is creepily greasy all right but it's so unusual that it moves it from merely "ugly" to some other category.
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I was going to say Sloane too
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