[Opinions] Greer
On a girl , your thoughts ? Any suggestions on a middle name ?
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A tad ugly… but it’s rugged in way where it can be potentially appealing and trendy. Greer Annabelle
Greer Elizabeth
Greer Nadejda
Greer Noelia
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I like it, it's short & sweet/short & to the point, similar to Grit/Greet, Nour/Nur or Bar.Greer Ariadne
Greer Cressida
Greer Guinevere
Greer Kallirroi
Greer Marianne
Greer Riccarda
Greer Sotiria
Greer Sunniva
Greer Tessanee
Greer Verushka
Greer Yolanthe
Greer Zephyrine
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I also went to college with a girl named Greer
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I like the connection with Greer Garson. She was very classy as an actress.
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It's not my favorite name, but I don't hate it like a lot of other BtN users. (Greer actually showed up in another post a while back, and many users seem to agree it was the ugliest name in the database.) I put it in the same category as Sloane.Greer needs a quite feminine middle name, though, otherwise it looks too much like a political statement rejecting the feminine:Greer Evangeline
Greer Angelina
Greer Agatha
Greer Lowenna
Greer Luciana
Greer Olivia (a little basic, but it goes)
Greer Olivette
Greer Filomena
Greer Melisande
Greer Melisandra
Greer Alessandra
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I know people with the family name Greer, so personally it sounds weird as a first name.
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I like it and I have no idea why.
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NoI can’t find one positive thing to say about it
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Don't like it at all
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