[Opinions] Giselle or Gabrielle
We are at a stalemate between Giselle Margeaux or Gabrielle Margeaux for a little girl.
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Giselle is beautiful, as is Gabrielle. I prefer Gabrielle, but Giselle Margeaux is much better. Margeaux Giselle would be lovely, but spelling issues may occur.
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Giselle Margeaux
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I prefer the meaning of Gabrielle, but I also enjoy how Giselle is reminiscent of gazelle. Either way, I agree with people below who prefer Margaux.
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They're both good names. I would choose Giselle though.
Gabrielle Margeaux looks too long, too many letters.
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Gabrielle, 10000%! Even though I know it’s not pronounced exactly the same, all I can think of is gazelle. Could be a worse animal to be associated with, I know!
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Gabrielle, hands down.
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Both lovely names, tough choice, I'd pick Gabrielle
I would use the spelling Margaux
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They are both gorgeous but my preference is Giselle / Gisele. One note: Margeaux would be pronounced with a soft G in French because of the E following it. Are you sure you don't mean Margaux, with a hard G? The Margaux region in France produces wine and was the inspiration for Margaux Hemingway's name. :0)
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Thank you, @Bear. That’s why it’s been so difficult. Thanks for the education on the French pronunciation. We want to pronounce it the same as Margo or Margot, just not as fond of those spellings.
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