[Opinions] Hester
What are your opinions on Hester for a girl? This name has been on my mind for months now; I really like this name. When I was younger, I actually despised this name; I thought that it sounded grating and dusty. It’s funny how I’ve practically become obsessed with it nowadays. I love how it sounds close to Esther and the fact that it’s uncommon. I don’t think I’ve met anyone called Hester; my grandmother says it used to be known (she’s 86). Not only that, but it’s a vintage-style name, which I love! Also, this name is used in Dutch! I find that pretty cool, lol.
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I don’t care for it. I think Esther would work a lot better. To me, Hester sounds more masculine because it reminds me of Lester.
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Like Hester, even more than Esther, got a bit more to it.
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I'm afraid I always immediately think of the line "I hope and I pray for a Hester to win just one more A" in the song "The Sadder But Wiser Girl for Me" from the Broadway musical "The Music Man", which gives it a way oversexed image for me personally.
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I LOVE Hester! I slightly prefer Esther, but Hester has such a funky, unique, old fashioned feel. Lots of cool characters named Hester- Lee Scoresby’s daemon in His Dark Materials, and that girl in I, Coriander. Overall, fantastic name. I’d love to see more of it.
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Don't like it at all, prefer Esther
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Reminds me of Hester Prynne.
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I dislike ugly old people names and I love this one.
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I love it, but I love "ugly" old people names, so...
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I adore Hester. It's staid but not lifeless.
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Like it but I prefer Esther too.
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