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[Opinions] Coral
I have a brownie unit which I have helped run for the best part of 23 years (August). Something my sister asked me today made me think back to when I too was a brownie almost 30 years ago. One of the girls in my six (small group within the brownie unit) was called Coral and at the time I loved the name. I wouldn’t use it now but then I thought it was interesting and original. WDYT?
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I have mixed feelings about it because...1. It puts me in mind of endangered species + jewelry, kind of like Ivory does.2. The *r-l sound feels a bit awkward to me (same as it does in Laurel). Maybe I'd get over that if I knew one, maybe not.3. It's an animal but most people seem to equate it with plants which...maybe that's mysterious and appealing, but maybe it's weird and superficial.4. I really like all the variants and Cor* in general: Coralie, Coraline, Koralia, Cora, Coretta...5. Color names can be fun. Though then it'd be like Amber or Ruby, and I dislike Amber.6. I can't confidently say I'd like having to tell people I'm Coral.7. It reminds me a bit of Opal and Beryl which makes it seem vintage. I've started to think of Opal as potentially cute but not Beryl.8. I would like to meet a Coral.

This message was edited 6/11/2023, 4:23 PM

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I think it’s pretty.
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Eh, its fine.
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I like this name a lot for a girl!
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It is cute enough. But I prefer Coralie.
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I know Nemo's mom was named Coral, but this would be a nice alternative to the popular Cora.
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Like it, just ran across it again this past week. First time I saw it was on actress Coral Browne.
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It's ok
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Coral always makes me feel like someone couldn't make a choice between Cora and Coraline, so the resulting is the midway point between. I once cut my foot open on a piece of coral in the ocean as a child... not a huge fan now lmao. Coral is pretty but the hard and possibly dangerous image is always what comes to mind for me. I love Coraline. As a teen I had a series of several dreams in which I had a daughter named Coraline nicknamed "Corrie" so It's suck with me all these years of the name of one of my children in "dream land". I would totally use it in a heartbeat if a daughter seemed to fit the "vibe" of a Coraline. Cora is still a bit dusty to me, but does have vintage charm. Coralie is just an extension of Coral to me. A descriptor. "How is the water, Frank?" "It's very Coral-y!!" lmao
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I love it. It's so warm, and more fun than Cora (which is also nice). I love the colour, though, so I am biased.
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I met someone once whose daughter was named Coral. She said that they'd wanted to name her Carol, but it was or had been too common so they switched the vowels. This did not turn me on to it at all! But I very much like Coralie; no logical reason, I just do.
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It's pretty. I also like Coraline.
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