[Games] Jul 20: Combo CAF
All names come from obituaries. Most from between 1840 to 1945.
LN: Your choice
DH: Alfred Melvin, Albert Henry, Horace William, George Henry, Charles Ellis, Bernard Jefferson
DW: Lulu Blanch, Emma Nona, Chloe Esther, Fannie Dorothy, Mary Louise, Emily Lorena
DD1: Armida France, Wilma Eliza, Serena Melvina, Goldie Marie, Mary Emma, Ester Isabell
DD2: Sally Lenore, Bertha Lominda, Erma Davis, Katie Elisabeth, Elizabeth Irene, Aurelia Maud
DS1: William Buck, James Bryant, Wayne Elton, Anthony DeWayne, Francis Orland, Hiram William
DD3/DD4: Virginia Josephine, Edith Mae, Mary Polly, Verna Marie, Ruby Lelia, Lenora Alice & Clara Belle, Asenith Caroline, Rosa Lee, Alice Florence, Lucy Laura, Nida Emma
DS2: Harrison Milton, Charles Jasper, Alfred Benjamin, Lewis Russell, George Benjamin, Freeman George
DS3: Roy Sylvester, Everett Warren, Floyd Stanley, Percy Herbert, James Wesley, Joseph Tibertius
DH: Robert James, Albert Sidney, George Washington, James Baxter, Thomas Edward, Earnest Edward
DD: Sarah Elizabeth, Barbara Alice, Nancy Tate, Isabelle Daisy, Katherine Josephine, Lelia Lissette
DD: Rhoda Saphronia, Harriet Esther, Ruth Ella, Doris Ann, Susie Mae, Lessie Mildred, Joyce Ann
DS: Herbert Clayton, Wilson Lloyd, Henry Wilson, Milton Allen, William Earl, Russell Arnell
DD: Annie Alice, Dellia Mary, Christiana Matilda, Jo Ann, Mary Rosa, Rosa Lula, Martha Inez
DH: Bryan Keith, Jasper Howard, Warren William, Charles Louis, Frederick Alfred, Jeremiah Dudley
DD: Maude Lititia, Elizabeth Jane, Jennie Estelle, Frances Marion, Marjorie Anne, Ruby Virginia
DD: Grace Martha, Abbie Francis, Ann Thalita, Martha Mabel, Elizabeth Amory, Eula Bettie
DS: Same as DH
DS: Donald Ray, Franklin LeRoy, Clifford Allen, Delbert Dudley, Orlando Adolphus, Lorne William
DD: Sallie Ann, Constance Myra, Sarah Christina, Violet Lovenia, Marian Eileen, Beulah May
DS, Millard Luther, Edgar Lawson, Jimmy Alvon, Edward Wolfe, Vander Wallace, Owen Gerald
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda, Irena Francis, Jaunita Pauline, Lottie Mae, Mary Isabel, Agnes Louise
DS: Claude Moisey, William Augustine, James Edward, Emery Clifford, Young Winston, Harry Richard
DS: Lawrence Thomas, Hazard Perry, James Caleb, Willis Eugene, Howard Eugene, Absalom Dennis
DS: Paris Dontrell, Philip Lee, Leslie Mack, Herbert Calvin, Fred Edward, Morgan Montgomery
DD: Eliza Jane, Florence Katherine, Bertha Mary, Lucinda Elizabeth, Mina Edith, Hazel Virginia
DH: Bernard Shelton, Donald Noel, Alden Frederick, Clarence Albert, Erwin Thomas, Clyde Sylvester
DD: Sadie Lillian, Mona Ruth, Zilpha Jane, Blanche Cleo, Cora Belle, Lena May
DD: Penelope Wyona, Manerva Christina, Jean Mary, Ginger Marie, Anna Belle, Enola Etola
DD: Margaret Ann, Ruby Margreta, Virginia Ann Jane, Jewel Hazel, Geraldine Winifred, Pearl Elizabeth
DS: Marion Alvin, Allen Marion, Carto Eliel, Andrew James, Jonathan David, Eugene Franklin, Green Berry
DD: Emily Jane, Mary Elizabeth Ann, Elva Ruth, Dana Frances, Lulu May, XX
DH: Lester Burdell, Alfred Christian, Isaac Dalton, Maurice Adolph, Arvil Oscar, Kenneth Alfred
DD: Rosa Caldonia, Lydia Mary, Eva Genevera, Minnie Thelma, Caroline Leora, XX
DS: Paul Henry, Elmer Dallas, William Hubert, Alton Alexander, Ray Francis, Horace Clinton
DD: Nannie Elizabeth, Mary Pearl, Carmen Ruth, Selina Mary, Clara Alice, Gwendolyn Mary
DS: Eddie Wayne, Jesse Winfield, Firman Jesse, Lonnie Glenn, Peter Walter, Zed Elisha
DD: Kathleen Ann, Hannah Jane, Rita Marie, Florence Ethel, Allie Parthena, Reva Louise
DW: Mickey Elizabeth, Belva Jean, Jeannette Vivian, Anne Mary, Dorothy Faye, Mattie Sue
DD: Georgia Ann, Opal Mildred, Judith Elaine, Mary Ellen, Karel Ann, Carolyn Elise
DD: Elsie Louisa, Nancy Ellen, Susie Jessie, Gladys Moree, Martha Jane, Frankie Jane
DS: Ernest Nathaniel, Milton Lewis, Troy Floran, Wilburn Midas, Horace Amos, Jasper Rich
DS: Walter Leroy, Harold Albertus, Clyde Vern, Vines Morgan, David John, Peter Edward
DD: Betty Sue, Nina Olive, Sophronia Texas, Grace Olivia, Sarah Emma, Georgia Drusilla
DW: Mariah Ellen, Edna May, Mary Eloise, Marguerite Clyde, Elizabeth Minerva, Rose Doris
DD: Shirley Ann, Essie Estelle, Lena Aloa, Kathleen Mary, Helen Judith, Dorothy May, Bessie Mabel
DS: Randall Franklin, George Benjamin, Ellery Channing, Martin Luther, Paul Edward, Carl Alvin
DD: Bessie Ann, Ann Eliza, Doris Patricia, Ruth Lucelle, Cassie Mae, Margo Diane
DS: Tony Earl, Lee Albert, Judd Eugene, Coburn Allen, Francis George, Robert Sterling
DD: Maggie Docia, Winifred Edith, Linda Faye, Ida Margaret, Launna Corrine, Mary Cordelia

LN: Your choice
DH: Alfred Melvin, Albert Henry, Horace William, George Henry, Charles Ellis, Bernard Jefferson
DW: Lulu Blanch, Emma Nona, Chloe Esther, Fannie Dorothy, Mary Louise, Emily Lorena
DD1: Armida France, Wilma Eliza, Serena Melvina, Goldie Marie, Mary Emma, Ester Isabell
DD2: Sally Lenore, Bertha Lominda, Erma Davis, Katie Elisabeth, Elizabeth Irene, Aurelia Maud
DS1: William Buck, James Bryant, Wayne Elton, Anthony DeWayne, Francis Orland, Hiram William
DD3/DD4: Virginia Josephine, Edith Mae, Mary Polly, Verna Marie, Ruby Lelia, Lenora Alice & Clara Belle, Asenith Caroline, Rosa Lee, Alice Florence, Lucy Laura, Nida Emma
DS2: Harrison Milton, Charles Jasper, Alfred Benjamin, Lewis Russell, George Benjamin, Freeman George
DS3: Roy Sylvester, Everett Warren, Floyd Stanley, Percy Herbert, James Wesley, Joseph Tibertius
DH: Robert James, Albert Sidney, George Washington, James Baxter, Thomas Edward, Earnest Edward
DD: Sarah Elizabeth, Barbara Alice, Nancy Tate, Isabelle Daisy, Katherine Josephine, Lelia Lissette
DD: Rhoda Saphronia, Harriet Esther, Ruth Ella, Doris Ann, Susie Mae, Lessie Mildred, Joyce Ann
DS: Herbert Clayton, Wilson Lloyd, Henry Wilson, Milton Allen, William Earl, Russell Arnell
DD: Annie Alice, Dellia Mary, Christiana Matilda, Jo Ann, Mary Rosa, Rosa Lula, Martha Inez
DH: Bryan Keith, Jasper Howard, Warren William, Charles Louis, Frederick Alfred, Jeremiah Dudley
DD: Maude Lititia, Elizabeth Jane, Jennie Estelle, Frances Marion, Marjorie Anne, Ruby Virginia
DD: Grace Martha, Abbie Francis, Ann Thalita, Martha Mabel, Elizabeth Amory, Eula Bettie
DS: Same as DH
DS: Donald Ray, Franklin LeRoy, Clifford Allen, Delbert Dudley, Orlando Adolphus, Lorne William
DD: Sallie Ann, Constance Myra, Sarah Christina, Violet Lovenia, Marian Eileen, Beulah May
DS, Millard Luther, Edgar Lawson, Jimmy Alvon, Edward Wolfe, Vander Wallace, Owen Gerald
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda, Irena Francis, Jaunita Pauline, Lottie Mae, Mary Isabel, Agnes Louise
DS: Claude Moisey, William Augustine, James Edward, Emery Clifford, Young Winston, Harry Richard
DS: Lawrence Thomas, Hazard Perry, James Caleb, Willis Eugene, Howard Eugene, Absalom Dennis
DS: Paris Dontrell, Philip Lee, Leslie Mack, Herbert Calvin, Fred Edward, Morgan Montgomery
DD: Eliza Jane, Florence Katherine, Bertha Mary, Lucinda Elizabeth, Mina Edith, Hazel Virginia
DH: Bernard Shelton, Donald Noel, Alden Frederick, Clarence Albert, Erwin Thomas, Clyde Sylvester
DD: Sadie Lillian, Mona Ruth, Zilpha Jane, Blanche Cleo, Cora Belle, Lena May
DD: Penelope Wyona, Manerva Christina, Jean Mary, Ginger Marie, Anna Belle, Enola Etola
DD: Margaret Ann, Ruby Margreta, Virginia Ann Jane, Jewel Hazel, Geraldine Winifred, Pearl Elizabeth
DS: Marion Alvin, Allen Marion, Carto Eliel, Andrew James, Jonathan David, Eugene Franklin, Green Berry
DD: Emily Jane, Mary Elizabeth Ann, Elva Ruth, Dana Frances, Lulu May, XX
DH: Lester Burdell, Alfred Christian, Isaac Dalton, Maurice Adolph, Arvil Oscar, Kenneth Alfred
DD: Rosa Caldonia, Lydia Mary, Eva Genevera, Minnie Thelma, Caroline Leora, XX
DS: Paul Henry, Elmer Dallas, William Hubert, Alton Alexander, Ray Francis, Horace Clinton
DD: Nannie Elizabeth, Mary Pearl, Carmen Ruth, Selina Mary, Clara Alice, Gwendolyn Mary
DS: Eddie Wayne, Jesse Winfield, Firman Jesse, Lonnie Glenn, Peter Walter, Zed Elisha
DD: Kathleen Ann, Hannah Jane, Rita Marie, Florence Ethel, Allie Parthena, Reva Louise
DW: Mickey Elizabeth, Belva Jean, Jeannette Vivian, Anne Mary, Dorothy Faye, Mattie Sue
DD: Georgia Ann, Opal Mildred, Judith Elaine, Mary Ellen, Karel Ann, Carolyn Elise
DD: Elsie Louisa, Nancy Ellen, Susie Jessie, Gladys Moree, Martha Jane, Frankie Jane
DS: Ernest Nathaniel, Milton Lewis, Troy Floran, Wilburn Midas, Horace Amos, Jasper Rich
DS: Walter Leroy, Harold Albertus, Clyde Vern, Vines Morgan, David John, Peter Edward
DD: Betty Sue, Nina Olive, Sophronia Texas, Grace Olivia, Sarah Emma, Georgia Drusilla
DW: Mariah Ellen, Edna May, Mary Eloise, Marguerite Clyde, Elizabeth Minerva, Rose Doris
DD: Shirley Ann, Essie Estelle, Lena Aloa, Kathleen Mary, Helen Judith, Dorothy May, Bessie Mabel
DS: Randall Franklin, George Benjamin, Ellery Channing, Martin Luther, Paul Edward, Carl Alvin
DD: Bessie Ann, Ann Eliza, Doris Patricia, Ruth Lucelle, Cassie Mae, Margo Diane
DS: Tony Earl, Lee Albert, Judd Eugene, Coburn Allen, Francis George, Robert Sterling
DD: Maggie Docia, Winifred Edith, Linda Faye, Ida Margaret, Launna Corrine, Mary Cordelia

DH: George Henry Johannsson
DW: Emily Lorena Spijker Johannsson
DD1: Serena Melvina Johannsson Lindsey
DD2: Aurelia Maud Johannsson Havrylyuk
DS1: Hiram William Johannsson
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Johannsson Ryan & Clara Belle Johannsson Cash
DS2: Alfred Benjamin Johannsson
DS3: James Wesley Johannsson
DH: Earnest Edward Lindsey
DW: Serena Melvina Johannsson Lindsey
DD: Lelia Lissette Lindsey
DD: Joyce Ann Lindsey
DS: Milton Allen Lindsey
DD: Rosa Lula Lindsey
DH: Jasper Howard Havrylyuk, Sr.
DW: Aurelia Maud Johannsson Havrylyuk
DD: Marjorie Anne Havrylyuk
DD: Grace Martha Havrylyuk
DS: Jasper Howard Havrylyuk, Jr.
DS: Donald Ray Havrylyuk
DD: Sarah Christina Havrylyuk
DS, Edward Wolfe Havrylyuk
DH: Hiram William Johannsson
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda Reyes Johannsson
DS: Harry Richard Johannsson
DS: Howard Eugene Johannsson
DS: Herbert Calvin Johannsson
DD: Lucinda Elizabeth Johannsson
DH: Clyde Sylvester Ryan
DW: Lenora Alice Johannsson Ryan
DD: Cora Belle Ryan
DD: Manerva Christina Ryan
DD: Virginia Ann Jane Ryan
DS: Allen Marion Ryan
DD: Elva Ruth Ryan
DH: Alfred Christian Cash
DW: Clara Belle Johannsson Cash
DD: Eva Genevera Cash
DS: Ray Francis Cash
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Cash
DS: Eddie Wayne Cash
DD: Rita Marie Cash
DH: Alfred Benjamin Johannsson
DW: Jeannette Vivian Markey Johannsson
DD: Karel Ann Johannsson
DD: Frankie Jane Johannsson
DS: Milton Lewis Johannsson
DS: Walter Leroy Johannsson
DD: Georgia Drusilla Johannsson
DH: James Wesley Johannsson
DW: Marguerite Clyde Leon Johannsson
DD: Bessie Mabel Johannsson
DS: Randall Franklin Johannsson
DD: Cassie Mae Johannsson
DS: Francis George Johannsson
DD: Linda Faye Johannsson
DW: Emily Lorena Spijker Johannsson
DD1: Serena Melvina Johannsson Lindsey
DD2: Aurelia Maud Johannsson Havrylyuk
DS1: Hiram William Johannsson
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Johannsson Ryan & Clara Belle Johannsson Cash
DS2: Alfred Benjamin Johannsson
DS3: James Wesley Johannsson
DH: Earnest Edward Lindsey
DW: Serena Melvina Johannsson Lindsey
DD: Lelia Lissette Lindsey
DD: Joyce Ann Lindsey
DS: Milton Allen Lindsey
DD: Rosa Lula Lindsey
DH: Jasper Howard Havrylyuk, Sr.
DW: Aurelia Maud Johannsson Havrylyuk
DD: Marjorie Anne Havrylyuk
DD: Grace Martha Havrylyuk
DS: Jasper Howard Havrylyuk, Jr.
DS: Donald Ray Havrylyuk
DD: Sarah Christina Havrylyuk
DS, Edward Wolfe Havrylyuk
DH: Hiram William Johannsson
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda Reyes Johannsson
DS: Harry Richard Johannsson
DS: Howard Eugene Johannsson
DS: Herbert Calvin Johannsson
DD: Lucinda Elizabeth Johannsson
DH: Clyde Sylvester Ryan
DW: Lenora Alice Johannsson Ryan
DD: Cora Belle Ryan
DD: Manerva Christina Ryan
DD: Virginia Ann Jane Ryan
DS: Allen Marion Ryan
DD: Elva Ruth Ryan
DH: Alfred Christian Cash
DW: Clara Belle Johannsson Cash
DD: Eva Genevera Cash
DS: Ray Francis Cash
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Cash
DS: Eddie Wayne Cash
DD: Rita Marie Cash
DH: Alfred Benjamin Johannsson
DW: Jeannette Vivian Markey Johannsson
DD: Karel Ann Johannsson
DD: Frankie Jane Johannsson
DS: Milton Lewis Johannsson
DS: Walter Leroy Johannsson
DD: Georgia Drusilla Johannsson
DH: James Wesley Johannsson
DW: Marguerite Clyde Leon Johannsson
DD: Bessie Mabel Johannsson
DS: Randall Franklin Johannsson
DD: Cassie Mae Johannsson
DS: Francis George Johannsson
DD: Linda Faye Johannsson
DH: Horace William Lau
DW: Blanch Lulu Lau (nee Head)
DD1: Armida France Lau “Mia”
DD2: Bertha Lominda Lau
DS1: Anthony DeWayne Lau “Tony”
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Lau/ Emma Nida Lau
DS2: Benjamin Alfred Lau “Ben”
DS3: Everett Warren Lau
Horace & Blanch Lau: Mia, Bertha, Tony, Edith, Emma, Ben, & Everett
DD1: Armida France Rye (nee Lau) “Mia”
DH: George Washington Rye
DD: Alice Barbara Rye
DD: Doris Ann Rye
DS: Arnell Russell Rye “Arnie”
DD: Inez Martha Rye
Mia & George Rye: Alice, Doris, Arnie, & Inez
DD2: Bertha Lominda Price (nee Lau)
DH: Louis Charles Price
DD: Anne Marjorie Price
DD: Bettie Eula Price
DS: Louis Charles Price Jr. “Lou”
DS: Orlando Adolphus Price
DD: Constance Myra Price “Connie”
DS: Vander Wallace Price
Bertha & Louis Price: Anne, Bettie, Lou, Orlando, Connie, & Vander
DS1: Anthony DeWayne Lau “Tony”
DW: Francis Irena Lau (nee Jansen)
DS: Augustine William Lau
DS: Caleb James Lau
DS: Dontrell Paris Lau “Donny”
DD: Elizabeth Lucinda Lau “Liz”
Tony & Francis Lau: Augustine, Caleb, Donny, & Liz
DD3: Edith Mae Underwood (nee Lau)
DH: Noel Donald Underwood
DD: Blanche Cleo Underwood
DD: Christina Manerva Underwood “Christy”
DD: Elizabeth Pearl Underwood “Ellie”
DS: Andrew James Underwood
DD: Frances Dana Underwood “Frankie”
Edith & Noel Underwood: Blanche, Christy, Ellie, Andrew, & Frankie
DD4: Emma Nida Huffman (nee Lau)
DH: Oscar Arvil Huffman
DD: Caldonia Rosa Huffman
DS: Alton Alexander Huffman
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Huffman “Gwen”
DS: Elisha Zed Huffman
DD: Hannah Jane Huffman
Emma & Oscar Huffman: Caldonia, Alton, Gwen, Elisha, & Hannah
DS2: Benjamin Alfred Lau “Ben”
DW: Belva Jean Lau (nee Maddison)
DD: Ann Karel Lau “Karel”
DD: Elsie Louisa Lau
DS: Amos Horace Lau
DS: Clyde Vern Lau
DD: Grace Olivia Lau
Ben & Belva Lau: Karel, Elsie, Amos, Clyde, & Grace
DS3: Everett Warren Lau
DW: Edna May Lau (nee Beaufort)
DD: Aloa Lena Lau “Allie”
DS: Benjamin George Lau “Benji”
DD: Bessie Ann Lau
DS: Coburn Allen Lau
DD: Corrine Launna Lau
Everett & Edna Lau: Allie, Benji, Bessie, Coburn, & Corrine
DW: Blanch Lulu Lau (nee Head)
DD1: Armida France Lau “Mia”
DD2: Bertha Lominda Lau
DS1: Anthony DeWayne Lau “Tony”
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Lau/ Emma Nida Lau
DS2: Benjamin Alfred Lau “Ben”
DS3: Everett Warren Lau
Horace & Blanch Lau: Mia, Bertha, Tony, Edith, Emma, Ben, & Everett
DD1: Armida France Rye (nee Lau) “Mia”
DH: George Washington Rye
DD: Alice Barbara Rye
DD: Doris Ann Rye
DS: Arnell Russell Rye “Arnie”
DD: Inez Martha Rye
Mia & George Rye: Alice, Doris, Arnie, & Inez
DD2: Bertha Lominda Price (nee Lau)
DH: Louis Charles Price
DD: Anne Marjorie Price
DD: Bettie Eula Price
DS: Louis Charles Price Jr. “Lou”
DS: Orlando Adolphus Price
DD: Constance Myra Price “Connie”
DS: Vander Wallace Price
Bertha & Louis Price: Anne, Bettie, Lou, Orlando, Connie, & Vander
DS1: Anthony DeWayne Lau “Tony”
DW: Francis Irena Lau (nee Jansen)
DS: Augustine William Lau
DS: Caleb James Lau
DS: Dontrell Paris Lau “Donny”
DD: Elizabeth Lucinda Lau “Liz”
Tony & Francis Lau: Augustine, Caleb, Donny, & Liz
DD3: Edith Mae Underwood (nee Lau)
DH: Noel Donald Underwood
DD: Blanche Cleo Underwood
DD: Christina Manerva Underwood “Christy”
DD: Elizabeth Pearl Underwood “Ellie”
DS: Andrew James Underwood
DD: Frances Dana Underwood “Frankie”
Edith & Noel Underwood: Blanche, Christy, Ellie, Andrew, & Frankie
DD4: Emma Nida Huffman (nee Lau)
DH: Oscar Arvil Huffman
DD: Caldonia Rosa Huffman
DS: Alton Alexander Huffman
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Huffman “Gwen”
DS: Elisha Zed Huffman
DD: Hannah Jane Huffman
Emma & Oscar Huffman: Caldonia, Alton, Gwen, Elisha, & Hannah
DS2: Benjamin Alfred Lau “Ben”
DW: Belva Jean Lau (nee Maddison)
DD: Ann Karel Lau “Karel”
DD: Elsie Louisa Lau
DS: Amos Horace Lau
DS: Clyde Vern Lau
DD: Grace Olivia Lau
Ben & Belva Lau: Karel, Elsie, Amos, Clyde, & Grace
DS3: Everett Warren Lau
DW: Edna May Lau (nee Beaufort)
DD: Aloa Lena Lau “Allie”
DS: Benjamin George Lau “Benji”
DD: Bessie Ann Lau
DS: Coburn Allen Lau
DD: Corrine Launna Lau
Everett & Edna Lau: Allie, Benji, Bessie, Coburn, & Corrine
DH: George Henry Stevens
DW: Emily Lorena Hart
DD1: Mary Emma Stevens
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Stevens
DS1: James Bryant Stevens
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Stevens & Clara Belle Stevens
DS2: Freeman George Stevens
DS3: Everett Warren Stevens
DD1: Mary Emma Stevens
DH: Thomas Edward Warner
DD: Isabelle Daisy Warner
DD: Harriet Esther Warner
DS: Henry Wilson Warner
DD: Christiana Matilda Warner
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Stevens
DH: Charles Louis Leibeck
DD: Elizabeth Jane Leibeck
DD: Grace Martha Leibeck
DS: Charles Louis Leibeck
DS: Franklin LeRoy Leibeck
DD: Violet Lovenia Leibeck
DS: Vander Wallace Leibeck
DS1: James Bryant Stevens
DW: Agnes Louise Underwood
DS: William Augustine Stevens
DS: James Caleb Stevens
DS: Philip Lee Stevens
DD: Florence Katherine Stevens
DD3: Edith Mae Stevens
DH: Alden Frederick Killarney
DD: Sadie Lillian Killarney
DD: Penelope Wyona Killarney
DD: Jewel Hazel Killarney
DS: Jonathan David Killarney
DD: Emily Jane Killarney
DD4: Clara Belle Stevens
DH: Isaac Dalton Davenport
DD: Eva Genevera Davenport
DS: Ray Francis Davenport
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Davenport
DS: Eddie Wayne Davenport
DD: Hannah Jane Davenport
DS2: Freeman George Stevens
DW: Mickey Elizabeth Ingram
DD: Opal Mildred Stevens
DD: Frankie Jane Stevens
DS: Jasper Rich Stevens
DS: David John Stevens
DD: Sarah Emma Stevens
DS3: Everett Warren Stevens
DW: Mary Eloise McDonald
DD: Essie Estelle Stevens
DS: George Benjamin Stevens
DD: Margo Diane Stevens
DS: Robert Sterling Stevens
DD: Ida Margaret Stevens
DW: Emily Lorena Hart
DD1: Mary Emma Stevens
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Stevens
DS1: James Bryant Stevens
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Stevens & Clara Belle Stevens
DS2: Freeman George Stevens
DS3: Everett Warren Stevens
DD1: Mary Emma Stevens
DH: Thomas Edward Warner
DD: Isabelle Daisy Warner
DD: Harriet Esther Warner
DS: Henry Wilson Warner
DD: Christiana Matilda Warner
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Stevens
DH: Charles Louis Leibeck
DD: Elizabeth Jane Leibeck
DD: Grace Martha Leibeck
DS: Charles Louis Leibeck
DS: Franklin LeRoy Leibeck
DD: Violet Lovenia Leibeck
DS: Vander Wallace Leibeck
DS1: James Bryant Stevens
DW: Agnes Louise Underwood
DS: William Augustine Stevens
DS: James Caleb Stevens
DS: Philip Lee Stevens
DD: Florence Katherine Stevens
DD3: Edith Mae Stevens
DH: Alden Frederick Killarney
DD: Sadie Lillian Killarney
DD: Penelope Wyona Killarney
DD: Jewel Hazel Killarney
DS: Jonathan David Killarney
DD: Emily Jane Killarney
DD4: Clara Belle Stevens
DH: Isaac Dalton Davenport
DD: Eva Genevera Davenport
DS: Ray Francis Davenport
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Davenport
DS: Eddie Wayne Davenport
DD: Hannah Jane Davenport
DS2: Freeman George Stevens
DW: Mickey Elizabeth Ingram
DD: Opal Mildred Stevens
DD: Frankie Jane Stevens
DS: Jasper Rich Stevens
DS: David John Stevens
DD: Sarah Emma Stevens
DS3: Everett Warren Stevens
DW: Mary Eloise McDonald
DD: Essie Estelle Stevens
DS: George Benjamin Stevens
DD: Margo Diane Stevens
DS: Robert Sterling Stevens
DD: Ida Margaret Stevens
LN: Your choice
DH: George Henry
DW: Emily Lorena
DD1: Ester Isabell
DD2: Aurelia Maud
DS1: Hiram William
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia & Alice Florence
DS2: Harrison Milton
DS3: Everett Warren
DD1: Ester Isabell
DH: Albert Sidney
DD: Isabelle Daisy
DD: Harriet Esther
DS: Russell Arnell
DD: Dellia Mary
DD2: Aurelia Maud
DH: Frederick Alfred
DD: Ruby Virginia
DD: Martha Mabel
DS: Frederick Alfred
DS: Lorne William
DD: Violet Lovenia
DS: Owen Gerald
DS1: Hiram William
DW: Irena Francis
DS: Emery Clifford
DS: James Caleb
DS: Herbert Calvin
DH: George Henry
DW: Emily Lorena
DD1: Ester Isabell
DD2: Aurelia Maud
DS1: Hiram William
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia & Alice Florence
DS2: Harrison Milton
DS3: Everett Warren
DD1: Ester Isabell
DH: Albert Sidney
DD: Isabelle Daisy
DD: Harriet Esther
DS: Russell Arnell
DD: Dellia Mary
DD2: Aurelia Maud
DH: Frederick Alfred
DD: Ruby Virginia
DD: Martha Mabel
DS: Frederick Alfred
DS: Lorne William
DD: Violet Lovenia
DS: Owen Gerald
DS1: Hiram William
DW: Irena Francis
DS: Emery Clifford
DS: James Caleb
DS: Herbert Calvin
DH: Albert Henry Jones
DW: Chloe Esther [May] Jones
DD1: Mary Emma Jones
DD2: Aurelia Maud Jones
DS1: Francis Orland Jones
DD3 [twin]: Lenora Alice Jones
DD4 [twin]: Clara Belle Jones
DS2: Alfred Benjamin Jones
DS3: Everett Warren Jones
DD1: Mary Emma [Jones] Cunningham
DH: Robert James Cunningham
DD1: Isabelle Daisy Cunningham
DD2: Harriet Esther Cunningham
DS1: William Earl Cunningham
DD3: Martha Inez Cunningham
DD2: Aurelia Maud [Jones] Jenkins
DH: Charles Louis Jenkins
DD1: Marjorie Anne Jenkins
DD2: Grace Martha Jenkins
DS1: Charles Louis Jenkins, Jr.
DS2: Donald Ray Jenkins
DD3: Constance Myra Jenkins
DS3: Edgar Lawson Jenkins
DS1: Francis Orland Jones
DW: Agnes Louise [Walker] Jones
DS1: Harry Richard Jones
DS2: Lawrence Thomas Jones
DS3: Philip Lee Jones
DD1: Florence Katherine Jones
DD3 [twin]: Lenora Alice [Jones] Burke
DH: Alden Frederick Burke
DD1: Sadie Lillian Burke
DD2: Penelope Wyona Burke
DD3: Pearl Elizabeth Burke
DS1: Jonathan David Burke
DD4: Emily Jane Burke
DD4 [twin]: Clara Belle [Jones] Anderson
DH: Isaac Dalton Anderson
DD1: Lydia Mary Anderson
DS1: William Hubert Anderson
DD2: Selina Mary Anderson
DS2: Jesse Winfield Anderson
DD3: Florence Ethel Anderson
DS2: Alfred Benjamin Jones
DW: Dorothy Faye [McCormick] Jones
DD1: Carolyn Elise Jones
DD2: Nancy Ellen Jones
DS1: Ernest Nathaniel Jones
DS2: Peter Edward Jones
DD3: Nina Olive Jones
DS3: Everett Warren Jones
DW: Mariah Ellen [Klein] Jones
DD1: Kathleen Mary Jones
DS1: George Benjamin Jones
DD2: Margo Diane Jones
DS2: Lee Albert Jones
DD3: Ida Margaret Jones
DW: Chloe Esther [May] Jones
DD1: Mary Emma Jones
DD2: Aurelia Maud Jones
DS1: Francis Orland Jones
DD3 [twin]: Lenora Alice Jones
DD4 [twin]: Clara Belle Jones
DS2: Alfred Benjamin Jones
DS3: Everett Warren Jones
DD1: Mary Emma [Jones] Cunningham
DH: Robert James Cunningham
DD1: Isabelle Daisy Cunningham
DD2: Harriet Esther Cunningham
DS1: William Earl Cunningham
DD3: Martha Inez Cunningham
DD2: Aurelia Maud [Jones] Jenkins
DH: Charles Louis Jenkins
DD1: Marjorie Anne Jenkins
DD2: Grace Martha Jenkins
DS1: Charles Louis Jenkins, Jr.
DS2: Donald Ray Jenkins
DD3: Constance Myra Jenkins
DS3: Edgar Lawson Jenkins
DS1: Francis Orland Jones
DW: Agnes Louise [Walker] Jones
DS1: Harry Richard Jones
DS2: Lawrence Thomas Jones
DS3: Philip Lee Jones
DD1: Florence Katherine Jones
DD3 [twin]: Lenora Alice [Jones] Burke
DH: Alden Frederick Burke
DD1: Sadie Lillian Burke
DD2: Penelope Wyona Burke
DD3: Pearl Elizabeth Burke
DS1: Jonathan David Burke
DD4: Emily Jane Burke
DD4 [twin]: Clara Belle [Jones] Anderson
DH: Isaac Dalton Anderson
DD1: Lydia Mary Anderson
DS1: William Hubert Anderson
DD2: Selina Mary Anderson
DS2: Jesse Winfield Anderson
DD3: Florence Ethel Anderson
DS2: Alfred Benjamin Jones
DW: Dorothy Faye [McCormick] Jones
DD1: Carolyn Elise Jones
DD2: Nancy Ellen Jones
DS1: Ernest Nathaniel Jones
DS2: Peter Edward Jones
DD3: Nina Olive Jones
DS3: Everett Warren Jones
DW: Mariah Ellen [Klein] Jones
DD1: Kathleen Mary Jones
DS1: George Benjamin Jones
DD2: Margo Diane Jones
DS2: Lee Albert Jones
DD3: Ida Margaret Jones
DH: Charles Ellis Lane
DW: Chloe Esther [Whittle] Lane
DD1: Armida France Lane
DD2: Aurelia Maud Lane
DS1: Hiram William Lane
DD3/DD4: Ruby Leila Lane/Lucy Laura Lane
DS2: Freeman George Lane
DS3: Percy Herbert Lane
Charles and Chloe with Armida, Aurelia, Hiram, Ruby, Lucy, Freeman, and Percy
DW: Armida France [Lane] Banks
DH: Earnest Edward Banks
DD: Nancy Tate Banks
DD: Susie Mae Banks
DS: Wilton Allen Banks
DD: Jo Ann Banks
Armida and Earnest with Nancy, Susie, Wilton, and Jo
DW: Aurelia Maud [Lane] Stone
DH: Jasper Howard Stone
DD: Maude Lititia Stone
DD: Martha Mabel Stone
DS: Jasper Howard Stone
DS: Lorne William Stone
DD: Constance Myra Stone
DS: Vander Wallace Stone
Aurelia and Jasper wtih Maude, Martha, Jasper, Lorne, Constance, and Vander
DH: Hiram William Lane
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda [O'Reilly] Lane
DS: Claude Moisey Lane
DS: Hazard Perry Lane
DS: Morgan Montgomery Lane
DD: Hazel Virginia Lane
Hiram and Malinda with Claude, Hazard, Morgan, and Hazel
DW: Ruby Leila [Lane] Sherman
DH: Erwin Thomas Sherman
DD: Zipha Jane Sherman
DD: Enola Etela Sherman
DD: Virginia Ann Jane Sherman
DS: Green Berry Sherman
DD: Dana Frances Sherman
Ruby and Erwin with Zipha, Enola, Virginia, Green, and Dana
DW: Lucy Laura [Lane] Campos
DH: Avril Oscar Campos
DD: Lydia Mary Campos
DS: Alton Alexander Campos
DD: Carmen Ruth Campos
DS: Jesse Winfield Campos
DD: Rita Marie Campos
Lucy and Avril with Lydia, Alton, Carmen, Jesse, and Rita
DH: Freeman George Lane
DW: Mattie Sue [Holland] Lane
DD: Georgia Ann Lane
DD: Frankie Jane Lane
DS: Jasper Rich Lane
DS: David John Lane
DD: Sophornia Texas Lane
Freeman and Mattie with Georgia, Frankie, Jasper, David, and Sophronia
DH: Percy Herbert Lane
DW: Mariah Ellen [Strickland] Lane
DD: Lena Aloa Lane
DS: Ellery Channing Lane
DD: Cassie Mae Lane
DS: Lee Albert Lane
DD: Ida Margaret Lane
Percy and Mariah with Lena, Ellery, Cassie, Lee, and Ida
DW: Chloe Esther [Whittle] Lane
DD1: Armida France Lane
DD2: Aurelia Maud Lane
DS1: Hiram William Lane
DD3/DD4: Ruby Leila Lane/Lucy Laura Lane
DS2: Freeman George Lane
DS3: Percy Herbert Lane
Charles and Chloe with Armida, Aurelia, Hiram, Ruby, Lucy, Freeman, and Percy
DW: Armida France [Lane] Banks
DH: Earnest Edward Banks
DD: Nancy Tate Banks
DD: Susie Mae Banks
DS: Wilton Allen Banks
DD: Jo Ann Banks
Armida and Earnest with Nancy, Susie, Wilton, and Jo
DW: Aurelia Maud [Lane] Stone
DH: Jasper Howard Stone
DD: Maude Lititia Stone
DD: Martha Mabel Stone
DS: Jasper Howard Stone
DS: Lorne William Stone
DD: Constance Myra Stone
DS: Vander Wallace Stone
Aurelia and Jasper wtih Maude, Martha, Jasper, Lorne, Constance, and Vander
DH: Hiram William Lane
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda [O'Reilly] Lane
DS: Claude Moisey Lane
DS: Hazard Perry Lane
DS: Morgan Montgomery Lane
DD: Hazel Virginia Lane
Hiram and Malinda with Claude, Hazard, Morgan, and Hazel
DW: Ruby Leila [Lane] Sherman
DH: Erwin Thomas Sherman
DD: Zipha Jane Sherman
DD: Enola Etela Sherman
DD: Virginia Ann Jane Sherman
DS: Green Berry Sherman
DD: Dana Frances Sherman
Ruby and Erwin with Zipha, Enola, Virginia, Green, and Dana
DW: Lucy Laura [Lane] Campos
DH: Avril Oscar Campos
DD: Lydia Mary Campos
DS: Alton Alexander Campos
DD: Carmen Ruth Campos
DS: Jesse Winfield Campos
DD: Rita Marie Campos
Lucy and Avril with Lydia, Alton, Carmen, Jesse, and Rita
DH: Freeman George Lane
DW: Mattie Sue [Holland] Lane
DD: Georgia Ann Lane
DD: Frankie Jane Lane
DS: Jasper Rich Lane
DS: David John Lane
DD: Sophornia Texas Lane
Freeman and Mattie with Georgia, Frankie, Jasper, David, and Sophronia
DH: Percy Herbert Lane
DW: Mariah Ellen [Strickland] Lane
DD: Lena Aloa Lane
DS: Ellery Channing Lane
DD: Cassie Mae Lane
DS: Lee Albert Lane
DD: Ida Margaret Lane
Percy and Mariah with Lena, Ellery, Cassie, Lee, and Ida
DH: Albert Henry Yearby
DW: Chloe Esther Yearby (née Fitzherbert)
DD1: Goldie Marie Huntington (née Yearby)
➢ DH: Robert James Huntington | Twin
—➢ DD1: Sarah Elizabeth Huntington
—➢ DD2: Harriet Esther Huntington
—➢ DS!: William Earl Huntington
—➢ DD3: Martha Inez Huntington
DD2: Aurelia Maud Vowels (née Yearby)
➢ DH: Jeremiah Dudley Vowels, Sr.
—➢ DD1: Marjorie Anne Vowels
—➢ DD2: Grace Martha Vowels
—➢ DS1: Jeremiah Dudley Vowels, Jr.
—➢ DS2: Franklin Leroy Vowels
—➢ DD3: Constance Myra Vowels
—➢ DS3: Millard Luther Vowels
DS1: Francis Orland Yearby
➢ DW: Agnes Louise Yearby (née Rosenberg)
—➢ DS1: James Edward Yearby
—➢ DS2: Lawrence Thomas Yearby
—➢ DS3: Morgan Montgomery Yearby
—➢ DD1: Hazel Virginia Yearby
DD3: Edith Mae Huntington (née Yearby) | Twin
➢ DH: Clyde Sylvester Huntington | Twin
—➢ DD1: Lena May Huntington
—➢ DD2: Ginger Marie Huntington
—➢ DD3: Jewel Hazel Huntington
—➢ DS1: Andrew James Huntington
—➢ DD4: Emily Jane Huntington
DD4: Clara Belle McMahon (née Yearby) | Twin
➢ DH: Isaac Dalton McMahon
—➢ DD1: Caroline Leora McMahon
—➢ DS1: Paul Henry McMahon
—➢ DD2: Carmen Ruth McMahon
—➢ DS2: Peter Walter McMahon
—➢ DD3: Rita Marie McMahon
DS2: Harrison Milton Yearby
➢ DW: Dorothy Faye Yearby (née Shoemaker)
—➢ DD1: Georgia Ann Yearby
—➢ DD2: Martha Jane Yearby
—➢ DS1: Troy Floran Yearby
—➢ DS2: Vines Morgan Yearby
—➢ DD3: Grace Olivia Yearby
DS3: James Wesley Yearby
➢ DW: Mariah Ellen Yearby (née Thomas)
—➢ DD1: Kathleen Mary Yearby
—➢ DS1: Martin Luther Yearby
—➢ DD2: Ann Eliza Yearby
—➢ DS2: Coburn Allen Yearby
—➢ DD3: Ida Margaret Yearby
DW: Chloe Esther Yearby (née Fitzherbert)
DD1: Goldie Marie Huntington (née Yearby)
➢ DH: Robert James Huntington | Twin
—➢ DD1: Sarah Elizabeth Huntington
—➢ DD2: Harriet Esther Huntington
—➢ DS!: William Earl Huntington
—➢ DD3: Martha Inez Huntington
DD2: Aurelia Maud Vowels (née Yearby)
➢ DH: Jeremiah Dudley Vowels, Sr.
—➢ DD1: Marjorie Anne Vowels
—➢ DD2: Grace Martha Vowels
—➢ DS1: Jeremiah Dudley Vowels, Jr.
—➢ DS2: Franklin Leroy Vowels
—➢ DD3: Constance Myra Vowels
—➢ DS3: Millard Luther Vowels
DS1: Francis Orland Yearby
➢ DW: Agnes Louise Yearby (née Rosenberg)
—➢ DS1: James Edward Yearby
—➢ DS2: Lawrence Thomas Yearby
—➢ DS3: Morgan Montgomery Yearby
—➢ DD1: Hazel Virginia Yearby
DD3: Edith Mae Huntington (née Yearby) | Twin
➢ DH: Clyde Sylvester Huntington | Twin
—➢ DD1: Lena May Huntington
—➢ DD2: Ginger Marie Huntington
—➢ DD3: Jewel Hazel Huntington
—➢ DS1: Andrew James Huntington
—➢ DD4: Emily Jane Huntington
DD4: Clara Belle McMahon (née Yearby) | Twin
➢ DH: Isaac Dalton McMahon
—➢ DD1: Caroline Leora McMahon
—➢ DS1: Paul Henry McMahon
—➢ DD2: Carmen Ruth McMahon
—➢ DS2: Peter Walter McMahon
—➢ DD3: Rita Marie McMahon
DS2: Harrison Milton Yearby
➢ DW: Dorothy Faye Yearby (née Shoemaker)
—➢ DD1: Georgia Ann Yearby
—➢ DD2: Martha Jane Yearby
—➢ DS1: Troy Floran Yearby
—➢ DS2: Vines Morgan Yearby
—➢ DD3: Grace Olivia Yearby
DS3: James Wesley Yearby
➢ DW: Mariah Ellen Yearby (née Thomas)
—➢ DD1: Kathleen Mary Yearby
—➢ DS1: Martin Luther Yearby
—➢ DD2: Ann Eliza Yearby
—➢ DS2: Coburn Allen Yearby
—➢ DD3: Ida Margaret Yearby
DH: Charles Ellis Dougherty 'Charlie'
DW: Emily Lorena (Marquez) Dougherty
DD1: Ester Isabell Dougherty 'Este'
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Dougherty
DS1: James Bryant Dougherty
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Dougherty 'Nora'/Rosa Lee Dougherty 'Rosy'
DS2: Lewis Russell Dougherty
DS3: Roy Sylvester Dougherty
DD1: Ester Isabell (Dougherty) Chaney 'Este'
DH: Thomas Edward Chaney
DD: Isabelle Daisy Chaney 'Izzy'
DD: Harriet Esther Chaney 'Hattie'
DS: William Earl Chaney 'Will'
DD: Dellia Mary Chaney
DD2: Katie Elisabeth (Dougherty) Galvan
DH: Jeremiah Dudley Galvan 'Remy'
DD: Ruby Virginia Galvan
DD: Grace Martha Galvan
DS: Jeremiah Dudley Galvan, Jr. 'J.J.'
DS: Donald Ray Galvan 'Donny'
DD: Violet Lovenia Galvan
DS: Owen Gerald Galvan
DS1: James Bryant Dougherty
DW: Lottie Mae (Norris) Dougherty
DS: James Edward Dougherty 'Jamie'
DS: Howard Eugene Dougherty 'Howie'
DS: Philip Lee Dougherty 'Phil'
DD: Mina Edith Dougherty
DD3: Lenora Alice (Dougherty) Walters 'Nora'
DH: Alden Frederick Walters
DD: Sadie Lillian Walters
DD: Penelope Wynona Walters 'Nella'
DD: Margaret Ann Walters 'Maggie'
DS: Jonathan David Walters
DD: Dana Frances Walters
DD4: Rosa Lee (Dougherty) Cameron 'Rosy'
DH: Isaac Dalton Cameron
DD: Lydia Mary Cameron
DS: Paul Henry Cameron
DD: Clara Alice Cameron
DS: Jesse Winfield Cameron
DD: Hannah Jane Cameron
DS2: Lewis Russell Dougherty
DW: Jeannette Vivian (Pearson) Dougherty 'Jeannie'
DD: Opal Mildred Dougherty
DD: Elsie Louisa Dougherty
DS: Jasper Rich Dougherty
DS: Peter Edward Dougherty 'Pete'
DD: Georgia Drusilla Dougherty 'Gigi'
DS3: Roy Sylvester Dougherty
DW: Mariah Ellen (Sandoval) Dougherty
DD: Lena Aloa Dougherty
DS: Ellery Channing Dougherty
DD: Cassie Mae Dougherty
DS: Coburn Allen Dougherty
DD: Winifred Edith Dougherty 'Winnie'
DW: Emily Lorena (Marquez) Dougherty
DD1: Ester Isabell Dougherty 'Este'
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Dougherty
DS1: James Bryant Dougherty
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Dougherty 'Nora'/Rosa Lee Dougherty 'Rosy'
DS2: Lewis Russell Dougherty
DS3: Roy Sylvester Dougherty
DD1: Ester Isabell (Dougherty) Chaney 'Este'
DH: Thomas Edward Chaney
DD: Isabelle Daisy Chaney 'Izzy'
DD: Harriet Esther Chaney 'Hattie'
DS: William Earl Chaney 'Will'
DD: Dellia Mary Chaney
DD2: Katie Elisabeth (Dougherty) Galvan
DH: Jeremiah Dudley Galvan 'Remy'
DD: Ruby Virginia Galvan
DD: Grace Martha Galvan
DS: Jeremiah Dudley Galvan, Jr. 'J.J.'
DS: Donald Ray Galvan 'Donny'
DD: Violet Lovenia Galvan
DS: Owen Gerald Galvan
DS1: James Bryant Dougherty
DW: Lottie Mae (Norris) Dougherty
DS: James Edward Dougherty 'Jamie'
DS: Howard Eugene Dougherty 'Howie'
DS: Philip Lee Dougherty 'Phil'
DD: Mina Edith Dougherty
DD3: Lenora Alice (Dougherty) Walters 'Nora'
DH: Alden Frederick Walters
DD: Sadie Lillian Walters
DD: Penelope Wynona Walters 'Nella'
DD: Margaret Ann Walters 'Maggie'
DS: Jonathan David Walters
DD: Dana Frances Walters
DD4: Rosa Lee (Dougherty) Cameron 'Rosy'
DH: Isaac Dalton Cameron
DD: Lydia Mary Cameron
DS: Paul Henry Cameron
DD: Clara Alice Cameron
DS: Jesse Winfield Cameron
DD: Hannah Jane Cameron
DS2: Lewis Russell Dougherty
DW: Jeannette Vivian (Pearson) Dougherty 'Jeannie'
DD: Opal Mildred Dougherty
DD: Elsie Louisa Dougherty
DS: Jasper Rich Dougherty
DS: Peter Edward Dougherty 'Pete'
DD: Georgia Drusilla Dougherty 'Gigi'
DS3: Roy Sylvester Dougherty
DW: Mariah Ellen (Sandoval) Dougherty
DD: Lena Aloa Dougherty
DS: Ellery Channing Dougherty
DD: Cassie Mae Dougherty
DS: Coburn Allen Dougherty
DD: Winifred Edith Dougherty 'Winnie'
DH: Charles Ellis Daala
DW: Emily Lorena Drayson
DD1: Serena Melvina Daala
DD2: Aurelia Maud Daala
DS1: James Bryant Daala
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Daala & Alice Florence Daala
DS2: Harrison Milton Daala
DS3: Everett Warren Daala
DD1: Serena Daala
-DH: Thomas Edward Zahn
--DD: Isabelle Daisy Zahn
--DD: Ruth Ella Zahn
--DS: Wilson Lloyd Zahn
--DD: Martha Inez Zahn
DD2: Aurelia Daala
-DH: Jeremiah Dudley Isard
--DD: Elizabeth Jane Isard
--DD: Grace Martha Isard
--DS: Jeremiah Dudley Isard
--DS: Clifford Allen Isard
--DD: Constance Myra Isard
--DS: Owen Gerald Isard
DS1: James Daala
-DW: Agnes Louise Fel
--DS: Emery Clifford Daala
--DS: Willis Eugene Daala
DW: Emily Lorena Drayson
DD1: Serena Melvina Daala
DD2: Aurelia Maud Daala
DS1: James Bryant Daala
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Daala & Alice Florence Daala
DS2: Harrison Milton Daala
DS3: Everett Warren Daala
DD1: Serena Daala
-DH: Thomas Edward Zahn
--DD: Isabelle Daisy Zahn
--DD: Ruth Ella Zahn
--DS: Wilson Lloyd Zahn
--DD: Martha Inez Zahn
DD2: Aurelia Daala
-DH: Jeremiah Dudley Isard
--DD: Elizabeth Jane Isard
--DD: Grace Martha Isard
--DS: Jeremiah Dudley Isard
--DS: Clifford Allen Isard
--DD: Constance Myra Isard
--DS: Owen Gerald Isard
DS1: James Daala
-DW: Agnes Louise Fel
--DS: Emery Clifford Daala
--DS: Willis Eugene Daala
DH: George Henry
DW: Chloe Esther
DD1: Mary Emma
DD2: Katie Elisabeth
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae & Clara Belle
DS2: Charles Jasper "CJ"
DS3: Everett Warren
DH: Thomas Edward
DD: Sarah Elizabeth
DD: Joyce Ann
DS: Henry Wilson
DD: Christiana Matilda
DH: Bryan Keith
DD: Ruby Virginia
DD: Abbie Francis
DS: Bryan Keith
DS: Clifford Allen "Cliff"
DD: Sarah Christina
DS, Owen Gerald
DW: Mary Isabel
DS: William Augustine "Will"
DS: James Caleb
DS: Morgan Montgomery
DD: Eliza Jane
DH: Alden Frederick
DD: Sadie Lillian
DD: Ginger Marie
DD: Margaret Ann "Maggie"
DS: Jonathan David
DD: Emily Jane
DH: Isaac Dalton
DD: Caroline Leora
DS: Alton Alexander
DD: Carmen Ruth
DS: Jesse Winfield
DD: Hannah Jane
DW: Jeannette Vivian
DD: Georgia Ann
DD: Elsie Louisa
DS: Troy Floran
DS: David John
DD: Grace Olivia
DW: Mariah Ellen
DD: Helen Judith
DS: Ellery Channing
DD: Margo Diane
DS: Robert Sterling "Rob"
DD: Winifred Edith "Winnie"
DW: Chloe Esther
DD1: Mary Emma
DD2: Katie Elisabeth
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae & Clara Belle
DS2: Charles Jasper "CJ"
DS3: Everett Warren
DH: Thomas Edward
DD: Sarah Elizabeth
DD: Joyce Ann
DS: Henry Wilson
DD: Christiana Matilda
DH: Bryan Keith
DD: Ruby Virginia
DD: Abbie Francis
DS: Bryan Keith
DS: Clifford Allen "Cliff"
DD: Sarah Christina
DS, Owen Gerald
DW: Mary Isabel
DS: William Augustine "Will"
DS: James Caleb
DS: Morgan Montgomery
DD: Eliza Jane
DH: Alden Frederick
DD: Sadie Lillian
DD: Ginger Marie
DD: Margaret Ann "Maggie"
DS: Jonathan David
DD: Emily Jane
DH: Isaac Dalton
DD: Caroline Leora
DS: Alton Alexander
DD: Carmen Ruth
DS: Jesse Winfield
DD: Hannah Jane
DW: Jeannette Vivian
DD: Georgia Ann
DD: Elsie Louisa
DS: Troy Floran
DS: David John
DD: Grace Olivia
DW: Mariah Ellen
DD: Helen Judith
DS: Ellery Channing
DD: Margo Diane
DS: Robert Sterling "Rob"
DD: Winifred Edith "Winnie"
DH: George Henry Stevenson
DW: Chloe Esther (nee. Leblanc) Stevenson
DD1: Mary Emma
DD2: Elizabeth Irene
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae // Alice Florence
DS2: Charles Jasper
DS3: Joseph Tiberius
DD1 Mary Emma (nee. Stevenson) Llyod
DH: Albert Sidney Lloyd
DD: Katherine Josephine Lloyd
DD: Harriet Esther Lloyd
DS: Henry Wilson Lloyd
DD: Martha Inez Lloyd
DD2: Elizabeth Irene (nee. Stevenson) Trapper
DH: Frederick Alfred Trapper
DD: Ruby Virginia Trapper
DD: Grace Martha Trapper
DS: Frederick Alfred Trapper, Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen Trapper
DD: Constance Myra Trapper
DS, Edgar Lawson Trapper
DW: Chloe Esther (nee. Leblanc) Stevenson
DD1: Mary Emma
DD2: Elizabeth Irene
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae // Alice Florence
DS2: Charles Jasper
DS3: Joseph Tiberius
DD1 Mary Emma (nee. Stevenson) Llyod
DH: Albert Sidney Lloyd
DD: Katherine Josephine Lloyd
DD: Harriet Esther Lloyd
DS: Henry Wilson Lloyd
DD: Martha Inez Lloyd
DD2: Elizabeth Irene (nee. Stevenson) Trapper
DH: Frederick Alfred Trapper
DD: Ruby Virginia Trapper
DD: Grace Martha Trapper
DS: Frederick Alfred Trapper, Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen Trapper
DD: Constance Myra Trapper
DS, Edgar Lawson Trapper
DH: Alfred Melvin Berenthal
DW: Emily Lorena Remar Berenthal
DD1: Wilma Eliza Berenthal
DD2: Aurelia Maud Berenthal
DS1: Francis Orland Berenthal
DD3/DD4: Verna Marie Berenthal & Clara Belle Berenthal
DS2: Lewis Russell Berenthal
DS3: Floyd Stanley Berenthal
DD1: Wilma Eliza Berenthal Ebersole
DH: James Baxter Ebersole
DD: Barbara Alice
DD: Harriet Esther
DS: William Earl
DD: Martha Inez
DD2: Aurelia Maud Berenthal McBain
DH: Frederick Alfred McBain
DD: Marjorie Anne
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Frederick Alfred
DS: Lorne William
DD: Sarah Christina
DS, Millard Luther
DS1: Francis Orland Berenthal
DW: Agnes Louise Singer Berenthal
DS: Claude Moisey
DW: Emily Lorena Remar Berenthal
DD1: Wilma Eliza Berenthal
DD2: Aurelia Maud Berenthal
DS1: Francis Orland Berenthal
DD3/DD4: Verna Marie Berenthal & Clara Belle Berenthal
DS2: Lewis Russell Berenthal
DS3: Floyd Stanley Berenthal
DD1: Wilma Eliza Berenthal Ebersole
DH: James Baxter Ebersole
DD: Barbara Alice
DD: Harriet Esther
DS: William Earl
DD: Martha Inez
DD2: Aurelia Maud Berenthal McBain
DH: Frederick Alfred McBain
DD: Marjorie Anne
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Frederick Alfred
DS: Lorne William
DD: Sarah Christina
DS, Millard Luther
DS1: Francis Orland Berenthal
DW: Agnes Louise Singer Berenthal
DS: Claude Moisey
DH: Bernard Jefferson "Bernie" Garthcott
DW: Frances Dorothy "Fannie" Varano
DD1: Armida Frances "Mimi" Garthcott
DD2: Aurelia Maud "Rae" Garthcott
DS1: Bryant James Garthcott
DD3/DD4: Verna Marie & Rosa Lee Garthcott
DS2: Jasper Charles Garthcott
DS3: Joseph Tiberius Garthcott
DD1: Armida Frances "Mimi" Garthcott
DH: George Washington Tate
DD: Barbara Alice Tate
DD: Joyce Anne Tate
DS: Russell Arnell Tate
DD: Martha Inez Tate
DD2: Aurelia Maud "Rae" Garthcott
DH: Frederick Alfred "Fred" Dudley
DD: Frances Marion "Frankie" Dudley
DD: Mabel Martha "Mamie" Dudley
DS: Frederick Alfred "Al" Dudley, Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen "Cliff" Dudley
DD: Violet Louvenia "Viv" Dudley
DS: Gerald Owen "Jerry" Dudley
DS1: Bryant James Garthcott
DW: Agnes Louise Young
DS: Winston Young Garthcott
DS: Howard Eugene Garthcott
DS: Philip Lee Garthcott
DD: Eliza Jane Garthcott
DD3: Verna Marie Garthcott
DH: Clyde Sylvester Norris
DD: Zilpha Jane Norris
DD: Virginia Marie "Ginger" Norris
DD: Ruby Margaret Norris
DS: Eugene Franklin Norris
DD: Elva Ruth Norris
DD4: Rosa Lee Garthcott
DH: Lester Burdell Winfield
DD: Minnie Thelma Winfield
DS: Roy Francis Winfield
DD: Clara Alice Winfield
DS: Lonnie Glenn Winfield
DD: Rita Marie Winfield
DS2: Jasper Charles Garthcott
DW: Belva Jean Parkhurst
DD: Carolyn Jean Garthcott
DD: Nancy Ellen Garthcott
DS: Richard Jasper "Rich" Garthcott
DS: Walter Leroy Garthcott
DD: Elizabeth Susan "Betty Sue" Garthcott
DS3: Joseph Tiberius Garthcott
DW: Edna May Vandelle
DD: Shirley Ann Garthcott
DS: Paul Edward Garthcott
DD: Doris Patricia "Patsy" Garthcott
DS: Anthony Earl "Tony" Garthcott
DD: Linda Faye Garthcott
DW: Frances Dorothy "Fannie" Varano
DD1: Armida Frances "Mimi" Garthcott
DD2: Aurelia Maud "Rae" Garthcott
DS1: Bryant James Garthcott
DD3/DD4: Verna Marie & Rosa Lee Garthcott
DS2: Jasper Charles Garthcott
DS3: Joseph Tiberius Garthcott
DD1: Armida Frances "Mimi" Garthcott
DH: George Washington Tate
DD: Barbara Alice Tate
DD: Joyce Anne Tate
DS: Russell Arnell Tate
DD: Martha Inez Tate
DD2: Aurelia Maud "Rae" Garthcott
DH: Frederick Alfred "Fred" Dudley
DD: Frances Marion "Frankie" Dudley
DD: Mabel Martha "Mamie" Dudley
DS: Frederick Alfred "Al" Dudley, Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen "Cliff" Dudley
DD: Violet Louvenia "Viv" Dudley
DS: Gerald Owen "Jerry" Dudley
DS1: Bryant James Garthcott
DW: Agnes Louise Young
DS: Winston Young Garthcott
DS: Howard Eugene Garthcott
DS: Philip Lee Garthcott
DD: Eliza Jane Garthcott
DD3: Verna Marie Garthcott
DH: Clyde Sylvester Norris
DD: Zilpha Jane Norris
DD: Virginia Marie "Ginger" Norris
DD: Ruby Margaret Norris
DS: Eugene Franklin Norris
DD: Elva Ruth Norris
DD4: Rosa Lee Garthcott
DH: Lester Burdell Winfield
DD: Minnie Thelma Winfield
DS: Roy Francis Winfield
DD: Clara Alice Winfield
DS: Lonnie Glenn Winfield
DD: Rita Marie Winfield
DS2: Jasper Charles Garthcott
DW: Belva Jean Parkhurst
DD: Carolyn Jean Garthcott
DD: Nancy Ellen Garthcott
DS: Richard Jasper "Rich" Garthcott
DS: Walter Leroy Garthcott
DD: Elizabeth Susan "Betty Sue" Garthcott
DS3: Joseph Tiberius Garthcott
DW: Edna May Vandelle
DD: Shirley Ann Garthcott
DS: Paul Edward Garthcott
DD: Doris Patricia "Patsy" Garthcott
DS: Anthony Earl "Tony" Garthcott
DD: Linda Faye Garthcott
DH: Alfred Melvin “Fred”
DW: Chloe Esther
DD1: Armida France
DD2: Aurelia Maud
DS1: Francis Orland
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia & Rosa Lee
DS2: Freeman George
DS3: Floyd Stanley
DH: George Washington
DD: Nancy Tate
DD: Rhoda Saphronia
DS: Russell Arnell
DD: Dellia Mary
DH: Jeremiah Dudley, Sr.
DD: Jennie Estelle
DD: Ann Thalita “Annie”
DS: Jeremiah Dudley, Jr. “Jeremy”
DS: Lorne William
DD: Violet Lovenia “Vi”
DS: Vander Wallace
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda “Minda”
DS: William Augustine “Bill”
DS: Absalom Dennis “Abe”
DS: Herbert Calvin “Herb”
DW: Chloe Esther
DD1: Armida France
DD2: Aurelia Maud
DS1: Francis Orland
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia & Rosa Lee
DS2: Freeman George
DS3: Floyd Stanley
DH: George Washington
DD: Nancy Tate
DD: Rhoda Saphronia
DS: Russell Arnell
DD: Dellia Mary
DH: Jeremiah Dudley, Sr.
DD: Jennie Estelle
DD: Ann Thalita “Annie”
DS: Jeremiah Dudley, Jr. “Jeremy”
DS: Lorne William
DD: Violet Lovenia “Vi”
DS: Vander Wallace
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda “Minda”
DS: William Augustine “Bill”
DS: Absalom Dennis “Abe”
DS: Herbert Calvin “Herb”
DH: Charles Ellis “Charlie”
DW: Mary Louise
DD1: Mary Emma “Emma”
DD2: Elizabeth Irene
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Ruby Leila & Lucy Laura
DS2: George Benjamin
DS3: Everett Warren
DH: Thomas Edward “Tom”
DD: Sarah Elizabeth
DD: Ruth Ella “Ruthie”
DS: Henry Wilson
DD: Annie Alice
DH: Warren William
DD: Elizabeth Jane “Ellie”
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Warren William Jr “Will”
DS: Franklin LeRoy “Frankie”
DD: Sarah Christina
DS: Owen Gerald
DW: Mary Isabel “Molly”
DS: James Edward “Jimmy”
DW: Mary Louise
DD1: Mary Emma “Emma”
DD2: Elizabeth Irene
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Ruby Leila & Lucy Laura
DS2: George Benjamin
DS3: Everett Warren
DH: Thomas Edward “Tom”
DD: Sarah Elizabeth
DD: Ruth Ella “Ruthie”
DS: Henry Wilson
DD: Annie Alice
DH: Warren William
DD: Elizabeth Jane “Ellie”
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Warren William Jr “Will”
DS: Franklin LeRoy “Frankie”
DD: Sarah Christina
DS: Owen Gerald
DW: Mary Isabel “Molly”
DS: James Edward “Jimmy”
DH: Charles Ellis Jefferson "Charlie"
DW: Mary Louise Henry Jefferson
DD1: Mary Emma Jefferson "Emma"
DD2: Aurelia Maud Jefferson
DS1: James Bryant Jefferson "Jim"
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Jefferson "Edie" & Clara Belle Jefferson
DS2: George Benjamin Jefferson
DS3: Everett Warren Jefferson
DD1: Mary Emma Jefferson Baxter "Emma"
DH: Thomas Edward Baxter "Tom"
DD: Isabelle Daisy Baxter
DD: Ruth Ella Baxter
DS: Henry Wilson Baxter
DD: Dellia Mary Baxter
DD2: Aurelia Maud Jefferson Howard
DH: Warren William Howard
DD: Marjorie Anne Howard
DD: Elizabeth Amory Howard "Ellie"
DS: Warren William Howard, Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen Howard "Cliff"
DD: Sarah Christina Howard
DS: Owen Gerald Howard
DS1: James Bryant Jefferson "Jim"
DW: Mary Isabel Francis Jefferson "Marybel"
DS: William Augustine Jefferson "Billy"
DS: James Caleb Jefferson "Jimmy"
DS: Morgan Montgomery Jefferson "Mo"
DD: Hazel Virginia Jefferson
DD3: Edith Mae Jefferson Shelton "Edie"
DH: Alden Frederick Shelton
DD: Sadie Lillian Shelton
DD: Ginger Marie Shelton
DD: Pearl Elizabeth Shelton
DS: Jonathan David Shelton "Jack"
DD: Emily Jane Shelton
DD4: Clara Belle Jefferson Burdell
DH: Isaac Dalton Burdell
DD: Caroline Leora Burdell "Carrie"
DS: Ray Francis Burdell
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Burdell "Wendy"
DS: Jesse Winfield Burdell
DD: Hannah Jane Burdell
DS2: George Benjamin Jefferson
DW: Dorothy Faye Rich Jefferson "Dot"
DD: Georgia Ann Jefferson "Georgie Ann"
DD: Elsie Louisa Jefferson
DS: Jasper Rich Jefferson
DS: David John Jefferson "Davey"
DD: Grace Olivia Jefferson "Gracie"
DS3: Everett Warren Jefferson
DW: Elizabeth Minerva Rose Jefferson "Betsy"
DD: Kathleen Mary Jefferson "Kathy"
DS: Ellery Channing Jefferson
DD: Margo Diane Jefferson
DS: Francis George Jefferson "Frankie"
DD: Winifred Edith Jefferson "Winnie"
DW: Mary Louise Henry Jefferson
DD1: Mary Emma Jefferson "Emma"
DD2: Aurelia Maud Jefferson
DS1: James Bryant Jefferson "Jim"
DD3/DD4: Edith Mae Jefferson "Edie" & Clara Belle Jefferson
DS2: George Benjamin Jefferson
DS3: Everett Warren Jefferson
DD1: Mary Emma Jefferson Baxter "Emma"
DH: Thomas Edward Baxter "Tom"
DD: Isabelle Daisy Baxter
DD: Ruth Ella Baxter
DS: Henry Wilson Baxter
DD: Dellia Mary Baxter
DD2: Aurelia Maud Jefferson Howard
DH: Warren William Howard
DD: Marjorie Anne Howard
DD: Elizabeth Amory Howard "Ellie"
DS: Warren William Howard, Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen Howard "Cliff"
DD: Sarah Christina Howard
DS: Owen Gerald Howard
DS1: James Bryant Jefferson "Jim"
DW: Mary Isabel Francis Jefferson "Marybel"
DS: William Augustine Jefferson "Billy"
DS: James Caleb Jefferson "Jimmy"
DS: Morgan Montgomery Jefferson "Mo"
DD: Hazel Virginia Jefferson
DD3: Edith Mae Jefferson Shelton "Edie"
DH: Alden Frederick Shelton
DD: Sadie Lillian Shelton
DD: Ginger Marie Shelton
DD: Pearl Elizabeth Shelton
DS: Jonathan David Shelton "Jack"
DD: Emily Jane Shelton
DD4: Clara Belle Jefferson Burdell
DH: Isaac Dalton Burdell
DD: Caroline Leora Burdell "Carrie"
DS: Ray Francis Burdell
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Burdell "Wendy"
DS: Jesse Winfield Burdell
DD: Hannah Jane Burdell
DS2: George Benjamin Jefferson
DW: Dorothy Faye Rich Jefferson "Dot"
DD: Georgia Ann Jefferson "Georgie Ann"
DD: Elsie Louisa Jefferson
DS: Jasper Rich Jefferson
DS: David John Jefferson "Davey"
DD: Grace Olivia Jefferson "Gracie"
DS3: Everett Warren Jefferson
DW: Elizabeth Minerva Rose Jefferson "Betsy"
DD: Kathleen Mary Jefferson "Kathy"
DS: Ellery Channing Jefferson
DD: Margo Diane Jefferson
DS: Francis George Jefferson "Frankie"
DD: Winifred Edith Jefferson "Winnie"
Alfred Melvin Dittmar
Emma Nona Hale Dittmar
Goldie Marie Dittmar
Elizabeth Irene 'Lizzie' Dittmar
William Buck 'Will' Dittmar
Lenora Alice & Rosa Lee Dittmar
Charles Jasper 'Charlie' Dittmar
James Wesley Dittmar
Goldie Marie Dittmar Munson
Thomas Edward Munson
Katherine Josephine Munson
Doris Ann Munson
Russell Arnell Munson
Mary Rosa Munson
Elizabeth Irene 'Lizzie Dittmar Goth
Frederick Alfred 'Freddie' Goth
Marjorie Anne Goth
Grace Martha 'Gracie' Goth
Frederick Alfred 'Junior' Goth Jr.
Orlando Adolphus Goth
Violet Lovenia Goth
Edgar Lawson Goth
William Buck 'Will' Dittmar
Juanita Pauline Wallace Dittmar
William Augustine 'August' Dittmar
Absalom Dennis Dittmar
Leslie Mack Dittmar
Florence Katherine Dittmar
Lenora Alice Dittmar Ogilvie
Clarence Albert Ogilvie
Cora Belle Ogilvie
Penelope Wyona 'Nell' Ogilvie
Pearl Elizabeth Ogilvie
Andrew James Ogilvie
Emily Jane Ogilvie
Rosa Lee Dittmar Aiello
Avril Oscar Aiello
Eva Genevera Aiello
Paul Henry Aiello
Clara Alice Aiello
Zed Elisha Aiello
Rita Marie Aiello
Charles Jasper 'Charlie' Dittmar
Jeanette Vivian Colbert Dittmar
Opal Mildred Dittmar
Frances Jane 'Frankie' Dittmar
Jasper Rich Dittmar
David John Dittmar
Sarah Emma Dittmar
James Wesley Dittmar
Edna May Chambers Dittmar
Helen Judith Dittmar
Randall Franklin Dittmar
Ruth Lucelle Dittmar
Lee Albert Dittmar
Luanna Corinne Dittmar
Emma Nona Hale Dittmar
Goldie Marie Dittmar
Elizabeth Irene 'Lizzie' Dittmar
William Buck 'Will' Dittmar
Lenora Alice & Rosa Lee Dittmar
Charles Jasper 'Charlie' Dittmar
James Wesley Dittmar
Goldie Marie Dittmar Munson
Thomas Edward Munson
Katherine Josephine Munson
Doris Ann Munson
Russell Arnell Munson
Mary Rosa Munson
Elizabeth Irene 'Lizzie Dittmar Goth
Frederick Alfred 'Freddie' Goth
Marjorie Anne Goth
Grace Martha 'Gracie' Goth
Frederick Alfred 'Junior' Goth Jr.
Orlando Adolphus Goth
Violet Lovenia Goth
Edgar Lawson Goth
William Buck 'Will' Dittmar
Juanita Pauline Wallace Dittmar
William Augustine 'August' Dittmar
Absalom Dennis Dittmar
Leslie Mack Dittmar
Florence Katherine Dittmar
Lenora Alice Dittmar Ogilvie
Clarence Albert Ogilvie
Cora Belle Ogilvie
Penelope Wyona 'Nell' Ogilvie
Pearl Elizabeth Ogilvie
Andrew James Ogilvie
Emily Jane Ogilvie
Rosa Lee Dittmar Aiello
Avril Oscar Aiello
Eva Genevera Aiello
Paul Henry Aiello
Clara Alice Aiello
Zed Elisha Aiello
Rita Marie Aiello
Charles Jasper 'Charlie' Dittmar
Jeanette Vivian Colbert Dittmar
Opal Mildred Dittmar
Frances Jane 'Frankie' Dittmar
Jasper Rich Dittmar
David John Dittmar
Sarah Emma Dittmar
James Wesley Dittmar
Edna May Chambers Dittmar
Helen Judith Dittmar
Randall Franklin Dittmar
Ruth Lucelle Dittmar
Lee Albert Dittmar
Luanna Corinne Dittmar
LN: Talbert
DH: Bernard Jefferson
DW: Chloe Esther
DD1: Goldie Marie
DD2: Katie Elisabeth
DS1: William Buck
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia & Clara Belle
DS2: Lewis Russell
DS3: Percy Herbert
DD1'S FAMILY - Goldie Marie
DH: James Baxter
DD: Isabelle Daisy
DD: Ruth Ella “Ruthie”
DS: Henry Wilson
DD: Martha Inez
DD2'S FAMILY - Katie Elisabeth
DH: Frederick Alfred “Fred”
DD: Elizabeth Jane “Beth”
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Frederick Alfred “Alfie”
DS: Donald Ray “Don”
DD: Sallie Ann
DS: Edgar Lawson
DS1'S FAMILY - William Buck “Billy”
DW: Lottie Mae
DS: William Augustine “Will”
DS: Lawrence Thomas “Larry”
DS: Morgan Montgomery
DD: Florence Katherine
DD3'S FAMILY - Ruby Lelia
DH: Bernard Shelton
DD: Sadie Lillian
DD: Ginger Marie
DD: Pearl Elizabeth
DS: Jonathan David
DD: Lulu May
DD4'S FAMILY - Clara Belle
DH: Isaac Dalton
DD: Lydia Mary
DS: Ray Francis
DD: Carmen Ruth
DS: Zed Elisha
DD: Hannah Jane
DS2'S FAMILY - Lewis Russell
DW: Anne Mary “Annie”
DD: Georgia Ann
DD: Elsie Louisa
DS: Ernest Nathaniel
DS: David John
DD: Nina Olive
DS3'S FAMILY - Percy Herbert
DW: Rose Doris “Rosie”
DD: Bessie Mabel
DS: Paul Edward
DD: Margo Diane
DS: Robert Sterling “Rob”
DD: Mary Cordelia “Molly”
DH: Bernard Jefferson
DW: Chloe Esther
DD1: Goldie Marie
DD2: Katie Elisabeth
DS1: William Buck
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia & Clara Belle
DS2: Lewis Russell
DS3: Percy Herbert
DD1'S FAMILY - Goldie Marie
DH: James Baxter
DD: Isabelle Daisy
DD: Ruth Ella “Ruthie”
DS: Henry Wilson
DD: Martha Inez
DD2'S FAMILY - Katie Elisabeth
DH: Frederick Alfred “Fred”
DD: Elizabeth Jane “Beth”
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Frederick Alfred “Alfie”
DS: Donald Ray “Don”
DD: Sallie Ann
DS: Edgar Lawson
DS1'S FAMILY - William Buck “Billy”
DW: Lottie Mae
DS: William Augustine “Will”
DS: Lawrence Thomas “Larry”
DS: Morgan Montgomery
DD: Florence Katherine
DD3'S FAMILY - Ruby Lelia
DH: Bernard Shelton
DD: Sadie Lillian
DD: Ginger Marie
DD: Pearl Elizabeth
DS: Jonathan David
DD: Lulu May
DD4'S FAMILY - Clara Belle
DH: Isaac Dalton
DD: Lydia Mary
DS: Ray Francis
DD: Carmen Ruth
DS: Zed Elisha
DD: Hannah Jane
DS2'S FAMILY - Lewis Russell
DW: Anne Mary “Annie”
DD: Georgia Ann
DD: Elsie Louisa
DS: Ernest Nathaniel
DS: David John
DD: Nina Olive
DS3'S FAMILY - Percy Herbert
DW: Rose Doris “Rosie”
DD: Bessie Mabel
DS: Paul Edward
DD: Margo Diane
DS: Robert Sterling “Rob”
DD: Mary Cordelia “Molly”
DH: George Henry Krause
DW: Mary Louise {Hutchinson} Krause
DD: Mary Emma {Krause} Harrington
— DH: Thomas Edward Harrington
— DD: Isabelle Daisy Harrington
— DD: Harriet Esther Harrington
— DS: Russell Arnell Harrington
— DD: Annie Alice Harrington
DD: Elizabeth Irene {Krause} Harmon
— DH: Charles Louis Harmon
— DD: Frances Marion Harmon
— DD: Grace Martha Harmon
— DS: Charles Louis Harmon II
— DS: Franklin LeRoy Harmon
— DD: Violet Lovenia Harmon
— DS: Owen Gerald Harmon
DS: James Bryant Krause
— DW: Lottie Mae {Black} Krause
— DS: Emery Clifford Krause
— DS: Howard Eugene Krause
— DS: Philip Lee Krause
— DD: Eliza Jane Krause
DD: Virginia Josephine {Krause} Walter [twin]
— DH: Clyde Sylvester Walter
— DD: Cora Belle Walter
— DD: Penelope Wyona Walter
— DD: Margaret Ann Walter
— DS: Andrew James Walter
— DD: Dana Frances Walter
DD: Alice Florence {Krause} Cole [twin]
— DH: Isaac Dalton Cole
— DD: Caroline Leora Cole
— DS: Paul Henry Cole
— DD: Gwendolyn Mary Cole
— DS: Peter Walter Cole
— DD: Rita Marie Cole
DS: George Benjamin Krause
— DW: Jeannette Vivian {Adkins} Krause
— DD: Georgia Ann Krause
— DD: Frankie Jane Krause
— DS: Troy Floran Krause
— DS: David John Krause
— DD: Betty Sue Krause
DS: Everett Warren Krause
— DW: Mary Eloise {Short} Krause
— DD: Kathleen Mary Krause
— DS: Carl Alvin Krause
— DD: Cassie Mae Krause
— DS: Robert Sterling Krause
— DD: Winifred Faith Krause
DW: Mary Louise {Hutchinson} Krause
DD: Mary Emma {Krause} Harrington
— DH: Thomas Edward Harrington
— DD: Isabelle Daisy Harrington
— DD: Harriet Esther Harrington
— DS: Russell Arnell Harrington
— DD: Annie Alice Harrington
DD: Elizabeth Irene {Krause} Harmon
— DH: Charles Louis Harmon
— DD: Frances Marion Harmon
— DD: Grace Martha Harmon
— DS: Charles Louis Harmon II
— DS: Franklin LeRoy Harmon
— DD: Violet Lovenia Harmon
— DS: Owen Gerald Harmon
DS: James Bryant Krause
— DW: Lottie Mae {Black} Krause
— DS: Emery Clifford Krause
— DS: Howard Eugene Krause
— DS: Philip Lee Krause
— DD: Eliza Jane Krause
DD: Virginia Josephine {Krause} Walter [twin]
— DH: Clyde Sylvester Walter
— DD: Cora Belle Walter
— DD: Penelope Wyona Walter
— DD: Margaret Ann Walter
— DS: Andrew James Walter
— DD: Dana Frances Walter
DD: Alice Florence {Krause} Cole [twin]
— DH: Isaac Dalton Cole
— DD: Caroline Leora Cole
— DS: Paul Henry Cole
— DD: Gwendolyn Mary Cole
— DS: Peter Walter Cole
— DD: Rita Marie Cole
DS: George Benjamin Krause
— DW: Jeannette Vivian {Adkins} Krause
— DD: Georgia Ann Krause
— DD: Frankie Jane Krause
— DS: Troy Floran Krause
— DS: David John Krause
— DD: Betty Sue Krause
DS: Everett Warren Krause
— DW: Mary Eloise {Short} Krause
— DD: Kathleen Mary Krause
— DS: Carl Alvin Krause
— DD: Cassie Mae Krause
— DS: Robert Sterling Krause
— DD: Winifred Faith Krause
DH: Charles Ellis Carmichael
DW: Emily Lorena [Duchannes] Carmichael
DD1: Wilma Eliza Carmichael
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Carmichael
DS1: James Bryant Carmichael
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia Carmichael / Clara Belle Carmichael
DS2: Lewis Russell Carmichael
DS3: Everett Warren “Rhett” Carmichael
DD1: Wilma [Carmichael] Dawson
DH: Thomas Edward Dawson
DD: Sarah Elizabeth Dawson
DD: Joyce Ann Dawson
DS: William Earl “Liam” Dawson
DD: Annie Alice Dawson
DD2: Katie [Carmichael] Ravenwood
DH: Jasper Howard Ravenwood
DD: Ruby Virginia Ravenwood
DD: Elizabeth Amory “Libby” Ravenwood
DS: Jasper Howard “J.J.” Ravenwood Jr.
DS: Lorne William Ravenwood
DD: Violet Lovenia Ravenwood
DW: Emily Lorena [Duchannes] Carmichael
DD1: Wilma Eliza Carmichael
DD2: Katie Elisabeth Carmichael
DS1: James Bryant Carmichael
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia Carmichael / Clara Belle Carmichael
DS2: Lewis Russell Carmichael
DS3: Everett Warren “Rhett” Carmichael
DD1: Wilma [Carmichael] Dawson
DH: Thomas Edward Dawson
DD: Sarah Elizabeth Dawson
DD: Joyce Ann Dawson
DS: William Earl “Liam” Dawson
DD: Annie Alice Dawson
DD2: Katie [Carmichael] Ravenwood
DH: Jasper Howard Ravenwood
DD: Ruby Virginia Ravenwood
DD: Elizabeth Amory “Libby” Ravenwood
DS: Jasper Howard “J.J.” Ravenwood Jr.
DS: Lorne William Ravenwood
DD: Violet Lovenia Ravenwood
DH: George Henry
DW: Emily Lorena
DD1: Mary Emma
DD2: Elizabeth Irene
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia / Clara Belle
DS2: Lewis Russell
DS3: Joseph Tibertius
George & Emily; Mary, Elizabeth, James, Ruby, Clara, Lewis, and Joseph
DH: Thomas Edward
DD: Isabelle Daisy
DD: Ruth Ella
DS: William Earl
DD: Christiana Matilda
Mary & Thomas; Isabelle, Ruth, William, and Christiana
DH: Charles Louis
DD: Elizabeth Jane “Libby”
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Charles Louis “Louis”
DS: Orlando Adolphus
DW: Emily Lorena
DD1: Mary Emma
DD2: Elizabeth Irene
DS1: James Bryant
DD3/DD4: Ruby Lelia / Clara Belle
DS2: Lewis Russell
DS3: Joseph Tibertius
George & Emily; Mary, Elizabeth, James, Ruby, Clara, Lewis, and Joseph
DH: Thomas Edward
DD: Isabelle Daisy
DD: Ruth Ella
DS: William Earl
DD: Christiana Matilda
Mary & Thomas; Isabelle, Ruth, William, and Christiana
DH: Charles Louis
DD: Elizabeth Jane “Libby”
DD: Grace Martha
DS: Charles Louis “Louis”
DS: Orlando Adolphus
DH: Albert Henry Batson
DW: Emily Lorena {Cobain} Batson
DD1: Serena Melvina {Batson} Hollister
DD2: Elizabeth Irene {Batson} Lord
DS1: William Buck Batson
DD3: Lenora Alice {Batson} Lively [twin]
DD4: Clara Belle {Batson} Coleman [twin]
DS2: Charles Jasper Batson
DS3: James Wesley Batson
DD1: Serena Melvina {Batson} Hollister
DH: Thomas Edward Hollister
DD: Katherine Josephine Hollister
DD: Harriet Esther Hollister
DS: Henry Wilson Hollister
DD: Martha Inez Hollister
DD2: Elizabeth Irene {Batson} Lord
DH: Frederick Alfred Lord, Sr.
DD: Ruby Virginia Lord
DD: Abbie Francis Lord
DS: Frederick Alfred Lord, Jr.
DS: Franklin LeRoy Lord
DD: Violet Lovenia Lord
DS: Edgar Lawson Lord
DS1: William Buck Batson
DW: Agnes Louise {Blake} Batson
DS: William Augustine Batson
DS: Howard Eugene Batson
DS: Philip Lee Batson
DD: Mina Edith Batson
DD3: Lenora Alice {Batson} Lively [twin]
DH: Bernard Shelton Lively
DD: Sadie Lillian Lively
DD: Penelope Wyona Lively
DD: Jewel Hazel Lively
DS: Jonathan David Lively
DD: Emily Jane Lively
DD4: Clara Belle {Batson} Coleman [twin]
DH: Isaac Dalton Coleman
DD: Caroline Leora Coleman
DS: Alton Alexander Coleman
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Coleman
DS: Jesse Winfield Coleman
DD: Allie Parthena Coleman
DS2: Charles Jasper Batson
DW: Mattie Sue {Love} Batson
DD: Georgia Ann Batson
DD: Elsie Louisa Batson
DS: Jasper Rich Batson
DS: Harold Albertus Batson
DD: Grace Olivia Batson
DS3: James Wesley Batson
DW: Mariah Ellen {Gallant} Batson
DD: Dorothy May Batson
DS: Ellery Channing Batson
DD: Margo Diane Batson
DS: Robert Sterling Batson
DD: Launna Corrine Batson
DW: Emily Lorena {Cobain} Batson
DD1: Serena Melvina {Batson} Hollister
DD2: Elizabeth Irene {Batson} Lord
DS1: William Buck Batson
DD3: Lenora Alice {Batson} Lively [twin]
DD4: Clara Belle {Batson} Coleman [twin]
DS2: Charles Jasper Batson
DS3: James Wesley Batson
DD1: Serena Melvina {Batson} Hollister
DH: Thomas Edward Hollister
DD: Katherine Josephine Hollister
DD: Harriet Esther Hollister
DS: Henry Wilson Hollister
DD: Martha Inez Hollister
DD2: Elizabeth Irene {Batson} Lord
DH: Frederick Alfred Lord, Sr.
DD: Ruby Virginia Lord
DD: Abbie Francis Lord
DS: Frederick Alfred Lord, Jr.
DS: Franklin LeRoy Lord
DD: Violet Lovenia Lord
DS: Edgar Lawson Lord
DS1: William Buck Batson
DW: Agnes Louise {Blake} Batson
DS: William Augustine Batson
DS: Howard Eugene Batson
DS: Philip Lee Batson
DD: Mina Edith Batson
DD3: Lenora Alice {Batson} Lively [twin]
DH: Bernard Shelton Lively
DD: Sadie Lillian Lively
DD: Penelope Wyona Lively
DD: Jewel Hazel Lively
DS: Jonathan David Lively
DD: Emily Jane Lively
DD4: Clara Belle {Batson} Coleman [twin]
DH: Isaac Dalton Coleman
DD: Caroline Leora Coleman
DS: Alton Alexander Coleman
DD: Gwendolyn Mary Coleman
DS: Jesse Winfield Coleman
DD: Allie Parthena Coleman
DS2: Charles Jasper Batson
DW: Mattie Sue {Love} Batson
DD: Georgia Ann Batson
DD: Elsie Louisa Batson
DS: Jasper Rich Batson
DS: Harold Albertus Batson
DD: Grace Olivia Batson
DS3: James Wesley Batson
DW: Mariah Ellen {Gallant} Batson
DD: Dorothy May Batson
DS: Ellery Channing Batson
DD: Margo Diane Batson
DS: Robert Sterling Batson
DD: Launna Corrine Batson
DH: Charles Ellis Atkinson
DW: Fannie Dorothy Atkinson
DD1: Serena Melvina Atkinson
DD2: Aurelia Maud Atkinson
DS1: Francis Orland Atkinson
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Atkinson & Clara Belle Atkinson
DS2: George Benjamin Atkinson
DS3: Everett Warren Atkinson
DD1: Serena Melvina Holland (née Atkinson)
DH: Thomas Edward Holland
DD: Katherine Josephine Holland
DD: Harriet Esther Holland
DS: William Earl Holland
DD: Mary Rosa Holland
DD2: Aurelia Maud James (née Atkinson)
DH: Frederick Alfred James
DD: Marjorie Anne James
DD: Elizabeth Amory James
DS: Frederick Alfred James Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen James
DD: Marian Eileen James
DS: Owen Gerald James
DW: Fannie Dorothy Atkinson
DD1: Serena Melvina Atkinson
DD2: Aurelia Maud Atkinson
DS1: Francis Orland Atkinson
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Atkinson & Clara Belle Atkinson
DS2: George Benjamin Atkinson
DS3: Everett Warren Atkinson
DD1: Serena Melvina Holland (née Atkinson)
DH: Thomas Edward Holland
DD: Katherine Josephine Holland
DD: Harriet Esther Holland
DS: William Earl Holland
DD: Mary Rosa Holland
DD2: Aurelia Maud James (née Atkinson)
DH: Frederick Alfred James
DD: Marjorie Anne James
DD: Elizabeth Amory James
DS: Frederick Alfred James Jr.
DS: Clifford Allen James
DD: Marian Eileen James
DS: Owen Gerald James
Charles Ellis ❤️ Lulu Blanch
Goldie Marie
Aurelia Maud
William Buck "Buck"
Ruby Lelia "Rue" & Rosa Lee "Roe"
Charles Jasper "Chip"
Everett Warren
[Charles & Lulu || Goldie, Aurelia, Buck, Rue & Roe, Chip, Everett]
Goldie Marie ❤️ Earnest Edward
Barbara Alice "Babs"
Rhoda Saphronia
Herbert Clayton "Herb"
Mary Rosa "Mamie"
[Goldie & Earnest || Babs, Rhoda, Herb, Mamie
Aurelia Maud ❤️ Warren William "W"
Maude Lititia
Eula Bettie
Warren William
Clifford Allen "Cliff"
Constance Myra "Tansy"
Millard Luther "Mill"
[Aurelia & W || Maude, Eula, Warren, Cliff, Tansy, Mill]
William Buck "Buck" ❤️ Mary Isabel
Emery Clifford
Hazard Perry
Paris Dontrell
Florence Katherine "Flo"
[Buck & Mary Isabel || Emery, Hazard, Paris, Flo]
Ruby Lelia "Rue" ❤️ Clyde Sylvester
Blanche Cleo
Jean Mary "Jeannie"
Pearl Elizabeth
Green Berry
Mary Elizabeth Ann "Bessie"
[Rue & Clyde || Blanche, Jeannie, Pearl, Green, Bessie]
Rosa Lee "Roe" ❤️ Alfred Christian "Ed"
Rosa Caldonia "Rosie"
Elmer Dallas
Carmen Ruth "Ruth"
Eddie Wayne
Rita Marie
[Roe & Ed || Rosie, Elmer, Ruth, Eddie, Rita]
Charles Jasper "Chip" ❤️ Mickey Elizabeth
Mary Ellen
Frankie Jane
Jasper Rich
Vines Morgan
Betty Sue
[Chip & Mickey || Mary Ellen, Frankie Jane, Jasper, Vines, Betty Sue]
Everett Warren ❤️ Elizabeth Minerva "Ellie"
Kathleen Mary "Kath"
Martin Luther
Ann Eliza
Robert Sterling
Linda Faye "Lynn"
[Everett & Ellie || Kath, Martin, Ann, Robert, Lynn]
DH: Horace William Cunningham
DW: Frances Dorothy "Fannie" (Hopkins) Cunningham
DD1: Armida France Cunningham
DD2: Aurelia Maud Cunningham
DS1: James Bryant Cunningham
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Cunningham & Clara Belle Cunningham
DS2: Freeman George Cunningham
DS3: Everett Warren Cunningham
DH: Earnest Edward Throop
DW: Armida France (Cunningham) Throop
DD: Isabelle Daisy Throop
DD: Celestia Mildred "Lessie" Throop
DS: Herbert Clayton Throop
DD: Christiana Matilda Throop
DH: Jeremiah Dudley Benson
DW: Aurelia Maud (Cunningham) Benson
DD: Marjorie Anne Benson
DD: Elizabeth Amory "Liza" Benson
DS: Jeremiah Dudley "Jed" Benson II
DS: Clifford Allen Benson
DD: Constance Myra Benson
DS: Evander Wallace "Vander" Benson
DH: James Bryant Cunningham
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda (Van Aert) Cunningham
DS: William Augustine Cunningham
DS: Absalom Dennis Cunningham
DS: Morgan Montgomery Cunningham
DD: Lucinda Elizabeth Cunningham
DH: Clyde Sylvester Ambrose
DW: Lenora Alice (Cunningham) Ambrose
DD: Zilpha Jane Ambrose
DD: Penelope Wyona Ambrose
DD: Ruby Margreta Ambrose
DS: Eugene Franklin Ambrose
DD: Elva Ruth Ambrose
DH: Arvil Oscar Dye
DW: Clara Belle (Cunningham) Dye
DD: Minnie Thelma Dye
DS: Paul Henry Dye
DD: Selina Mary Dye
DS: Jesse Winfield Dye
DD: Florence Ethel Dye
DH: Freeman George Cunningham
DW: Dorothy Faye (Fremont) Cunningham
DD: Opal Mildred Cunningham
DD: Elsie Louisa Cunningham
DS: Wilburn Midas Cunningham
DS: Peter Edward Cunningham
DD: Georgia Drusilla Cunningham
DH: Everett Warren Cunningham
DW: Elizabeth Minerva "Betsy" (Conrad) Cunningham
DD: Helen Judith Cunningham
DS: Carl Alvin Cunningham
DD: Doris Patricia Cunningham
DS: Robert Sterling Cunningham
DD: Mary Cordelia Cunningham
DW: Frances Dorothy "Fannie" (Hopkins) Cunningham
DD1: Armida France Cunningham
DD2: Aurelia Maud Cunningham
DS1: James Bryant Cunningham
DD3/DD4: Lenora Alice Cunningham & Clara Belle Cunningham
DS2: Freeman George Cunningham
DS3: Everett Warren Cunningham
DH: Earnest Edward Throop
DW: Armida France (Cunningham) Throop
DD: Isabelle Daisy Throop
DD: Celestia Mildred "Lessie" Throop
DS: Herbert Clayton Throop
DD: Christiana Matilda Throop
DH: Jeremiah Dudley Benson
DW: Aurelia Maud (Cunningham) Benson
DD: Marjorie Anne Benson
DD: Elizabeth Amory "Liza" Benson
DS: Jeremiah Dudley "Jed" Benson II
DS: Clifford Allen Benson
DD: Constance Myra Benson
DS: Evander Wallace "Vander" Benson
DH: James Bryant Cunningham
DW: Malinda Louise Lucinda (Van Aert) Cunningham
DS: William Augustine Cunningham
DS: Absalom Dennis Cunningham
DS: Morgan Montgomery Cunningham
DD: Lucinda Elizabeth Cunningham
DH: Clyde Sylvester Ambrose
DW: Lenora Alice (Cunningham) Ambrose
DD: Zilpha Jane Ambrose
DD: Penelope Wyona Ambrose
DD: Ruby Margreta Ambrose
DS: Eugene Franklin Ambrose
DD: Elva Ruth Ambrose
DH: Arvil Oscar Dye
DW: Clara Belle (Cunningham) Dye
DD: Minnie Thelma Dye
DS: Paul Henry Dye
DD: Selina Mary Dye
DS: Jesse Winfield Dye
DD: Florence Ethel Dye
DH: Freeman George Cunningham
DW: Dorothy Faye (Fremont) Cunningham
DD: Opal Mildred Cunningham
DD: Elsie Louisa Cunningham
DS: Wilburn Midas Cunningham
DS: Peter Edward Cunningham
DD: Georgia Drusilla Cunningham
DH: Everett Warren Cunningham
DW: Elizabeth Minerva "Betsy" (Conrad) Cunningham
DD: Helen Judith Cunningham
DS: Carl Alvin Cunningham
DD: Doris Patricia Cunningham
DS: Robert Sterling Cunningham
DD: Mary Cordelia Cunningham