[Games] Mini CAF
DH: Michael James Edward Joseph Alexander Jack Benjamin [Simmons Laveaux Holmes]
DW: Allison Elizabeth Camille Winifred Noelle Eleanor Molly [Hick Olson Karle]DS: Christopher Beck Oliver Henry Theodore Mateo Sebastian Reid
DD: Ava Charlotte Juliet Virginia Madeleine Anna Josephine MargotPet(s): Athena Kipper Murphy Gilmore Ducky Poseidon Luna Cersei Marlin Elsinore
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DH: Alexander Michael Holmes
DW: Molly Winifred Holmes (nee Hick)DS: Beck Theodore Holmes
DD: Ava Juliet HolmesPet: LunaAlexander & Molly Holmes: Beck & Ava
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H: Jack Alexander Benjamin Holmes
W: Winifred EleanorWinnie” [Olson] HolmesS: Henry Christopher Holmes
D: Charlotte Juliet HolmesDog: Athena
Cat: Cersei
Fish: Poseidon
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H: James Edward Laveaux (45)
W: Elizabeth Eleanor Karle Laveaux (46)S: Theodore Sebastian Laveaux (9)
D: Juliet Anna Laveaux (6)Cat: Ducky
Gerbil: MurphyJames & Elizabeth (Liz); Theodore (Teddy) and Juliet.
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DH: Joseph Alexander Laveaux
DW: Winifred Camille Olson LaveauxDS: Sebastian Reid Laveaux
DD: Josephine Margot LaveauxDcat: Athena
Dcat: Marlin
Dcat: Murphy
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DH: Edward Benjamin Laveaux
DW: Elizabeth Noelle (nee. Karle) Laveaux DS: Oliver Mateo
DD: Juliet MadeleinePet(s): Athena (cat) & Marlin (goldfish)
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DH: Edward James Laveaux
DW: Winifred Eleanor KarleDS: Theodore Christopher Laveaux
DD: Virginia Madeleine LaveauxSnakes: Athena, Marlin, and Ducky
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Alexander James Simmons + Camille Elizabeth {Olson} Simmons
- Beck Christopher Simmons
- Juliet Anna Simmons
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DH: Joseph Benjamin “Joe” [Simmons]
DW: Molly Elizabeth [Olson]DS: Henry Oliver
DD: Ava MargotDog: Luna
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DH: Jack Edward Laveaux
DW: Camille Eleanor [Olson] LaveauxDS: Oliver Theodore "Ollie"
DD: Margot JulietDog: Kipper
Cat: Ducky
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DH: Edward Alexander Simmons
DW: Winifred Noelle Karle "Winnie"DS: Theodore Sebastian Simmons
DD: Margot Josephine SimmonsDog: Kipper
Cat: Marlin
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DH: Michael Benjamin Simmons
DW: Eleanor Camille [Hick] SimmonsDS: Oliver Henry Simmons
DD: Anna Charlotte SimmonsCat: Luna
Cat: Athena
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DH: Edward Jack Simmons
DW: Allison Noelle [Hick] SimmonsDS: Christopher Mateo Simmons
DD: Ava Margot SimmonsDog: Athena
Dog: Gilmore
Dog: Luna
Goldfish: Poseidon
Goldfish: Merlin
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DH: Jack Edward Laveaux
DW: Molly Winifred [Karle] LaveauxDS: Oliver Beck Laveaux
DD: Margot Josephine LaveauxDog: Kipper
Cat: Luna
Hamster: Ducky
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DH: Jack Benjamin
DW: Allison NoelleDS: Reid Sebastian
DD: Juliet Margot
Dog: Athena
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DH: Michael Alexander Holmes
DW: Elizabeth Molly Holmes (née Karle)DS1: Oliver Sebastian Holmes
DD1: Ava Madeleine HolmesDCat1: Athena Holmes
DCat2: Poseidon Holmes
DCat3: Luna Holmes
DCat4: Marlin Holmes
DCat5: Kipper Holmes
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Michael Jack Laveaux
Winifred Eleanor "Winnie" KarleTheodore Christopher Laveaux
Virginia Madeleine LaveauxMarlin (cat)

This message was edited 8/2/2023, 10:55 PM

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DH: Michael Joseph Simmons
DW: Noelle Elizabeth HicksDS: Reid Christopher Simmons
DD: Anna Madeleine SimmonsDTurtle: Poseidon
DHamster: Murphy
DTortieCat: Athena
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DH: James Joseph Laveaux
DW: Elizabeth Noelle Karle LaveauxDS: Theodore Henry Laveaux "Theo"
DD: Madeleine Juliet Laveaux "Maddie"
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