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[Opinions] Opinions on Baby Name Ideas?
Hi, just wanting opinions on some future baby name ideas! For a girl, we like the first name Eila, pronounced like Isla. It's a nod to my mother, using the last four letters of her name. We’d pair it with the middle name Claire, which is my middle name, and also my great-grandmothers. For a boy, we like the first name Eris. The middle name would be Thorn, in honor of my husband's late brother. Anyway, what do y'all think?
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I can see some possible pronunciation issues with both Eila and Eris, but that doesn't have to be a dealbreaker. Eris feels very feminine to me though, and I'm generally not a fan of gender bending names from mythology and/or religious names. But maybe Eris as a male name has another root?As for children being bullied about their names, as you mentioned in a different comment: every name has teasing potential, so that's not really a valid reason to not choose a name, with some exceptions of course.
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Eila reminds me of Eileen. The sound (Isla) seems fashionable, I don't have a problem with the spelling, and I like Claire.Where did the idea for Eris come from? (Like other people have said, I associate the goddess of discord or Aerys Targaryen or "heiress", which makes me not really like it, but it seems like none of those are where your idea came from, and I could ignore them if had a positive association.) I think it'd work ok, by which I mean that it's readable and sounds familiar despite being obscure, and I doubt people would take any issue with it...but I feel like I'd rather see something like Idris, Emrys, Erasmus, Erik, Ari, Ariel, Elias, Ellis, Harris. Or is it supposed to be like Ares? I don't mind Ares by itself, but I don't like it with Thorn. I like the idea of Emrys Thorn, though.

This message was edited 8/10/2023, 6:58 AM

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Honestly, I'd been thinking about “Ae” names, came across the name Aeris, and just dropped the E. I feel like out of all of the names I’d only be able to change Eris, because It doesn't actually have any personal depth to it. I do really like the idea of Emrys, but I think I’d like it even better as a girls name!
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Ditto Idris, Emrys, Elias, and maybe Ares. Erik doesn't quite fit the vibe but it would sound good with Thorn. What about Eras? It could be pronounced almost like Eris, and/or it could be short for Erasmus.
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I know an Eila prn like Isla. I like that name. I like it more than I like Isla.
People do often mispronounce it at first. It takes one correction per person - like with many names - and then people know.
I think Claire is a great middle name for almost all names and it's fine with Eila or Isla.
I don't think shared letters matter in most cases, and not in this one either.I recognize Eris as a fem name like Dracotorix does. I've never seen it used for either sex, though - so I guess I'd adapt to it as a guy's name. I kinda prefer a different spelling though, Aeris or Erris maybe. Thorn is a cool middle name esp. if it's after someone. It could sound better than it does with any first name ending with S. But that's not a big enough issue that you would change the name if you really like it.I guess both Eila and Eris are the kind of name that are minority usages in the US ...
(if you don't have an account you can't see that link - Eila and Eris (F) have been rising slightly since around 2000 and were used about 130 times each in 2022; Eris (M) has barely risen and was used for 18 boys in '22; all of them have very very light usage (generally less than 10/year) going back to the 1910s. There's a spike in usage of Eris (F) in 1923 - 230 girls - but it's very brief.)
... which means a majority of people who you ask for opinions, will not really like them a lot. There's no reason to not use them, if you like them a whole lot. But if you are looking for names that lots of other people claim to like, you'll want to keep looking.

This message was edited 8/9/2023, 11:15 PM

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I'm actually fine with them not being popular names. I mostly just wanted to see what other ideas were out there/what could be improved…or if I had missed some horrible connotation😂
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I think Eila would have pronunciation issues, most would think Ayla the idea of the last 4 letters is nice as is Claire. I don't like Eris sounds like heiress, I'm not keen on Thorn but it's ok as a mn and it's an honour name

This message was edited 8/9/2023, 10:27 PM

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Eila doesn't read like Isla to me. When I read it I think it should rhyme with Kayla. I like the idea of using the last 4 letters of your mom's name but I would change the pronunciation to be more intuitive if it's the letters/spelling you're after.Isla Claire would be nice. Eila Claire, even pronounced the same, is more awkward because Eila has all the letters of Claire except the C. It looks redundant.Eris Thorn looks cool, but Eris makes me think 'goddess of discord' so I'd assume it was a girl (or more likely a female cat). I like the sound of Eris for a boy though. Aerys maybe? I like Aerys Thorn too, but it is a lot less simple and everyone would assume it was from ASOIAF.
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I never noticed that Eila and Claire had the same letters😂I don't have a better idea, but I love the spelling Aerys! We were initially going to go with Aeris but dropped the A because we realized we could do both E names, but that would at least help with the goddess association issue.
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Eila and Claire don't have the same letters eila doesn't have C or R
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I think they meant that all of the letters in the name Eila we're also in the name Claire. Although, I'm not sure I see the problem there, since it isn't repetitive like “lilah delilah”🤷‍♀️
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A lot of people don't like "Ae". I like it, but I also wouldn't want my baby to be associated with Aerys Targaryen. Aeris looks a little feminine to me but it could work. (also I forgot about the "r" in Claire, still includes all the letters of Eila though)
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I'd rather them not get bullied for their it seems I may need to go back to the drawing board😂🤦‍♀️Thank you for your help!
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