[Opinions] Ingram
What are you thoughts on Ingram?http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/87410
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It reminds me of Instagram in my opinion but it's still cool name.
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I completely agree about the Instagram thing, though I can’t say I like it. However, I definitely appreciate the uniqueness; I prefer Ingrid, personally.
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The meaning is really cool. It has occurred to me that it kind of looks like "in grams", which is kind of weird if you use the metric system. So, I wouldn't use it.
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It's a family name so I'm partial to it. Graham is a great alternative or nickname.

This message was edited 9/5/2023, 6:11 AM

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Ingram's handsome and a little dour, which I love.
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My immediate association is Laura Ingraham (pronounced exactly the same), who I don't have a high opinion of, and then I think of Blanche Ingram from Jane Eyre who was a snob. So I kind of hate it, with those being my only associations.If I pretend I have no associations...the sound itself is nice (I like Inga, Ingrid, Ingemar; Graham is ok though a bit milquetoast). The meaning's fun.

This message was edited 9/5/2023, 6:00 AM

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My brother-in-law’s guide dog is named Ingram, so that’s the entirety of my association with it - golden retriever who is a genius on the work harness and a complete floppy dork off it.
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Hi!Ingram is very fascinating in my opinion. It is quite simple to spell and pronounce. I'd like to see it more used. I personally like the meaning. It is so Medieval, Germanic and a bit Viking-style as well (also if actually isn't). Good name!

This message was edited 9/5/2023, 2:21 AM

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