[Opinions] Evronie
An old name, of a saint. It sounds stunning, in my opinion.
Thoughts on Evronie?
Another name for the saint is Apronia.
Thoughts on Evronie?
Another name for the saint is Apronia.
I don't mind the sound of it but visually it makes me think of Peyronies (Fibrous scar tissue inside the penis that causes curved, painful erections.)
I understand why you are drawn to this name! Perhaps, it's the quirky "ev-" sound with the cute "-ie" ending, but it definitely catches the eye.
Interestingly enough, it reminds me of the name Évodie (Evodia, Euodia), one of my beloved rare french cuties))
Interestingly enough, it reminds me of the name Évodie (Evodia, Euodia), one of my beloved rare french cuties))
I read it as ev-roh-nee ... a little bit ev-ROH-nee. Like macaroni ... sound not to my personal taste.
It is a neat name, though. Evr- seems very current
It is a neat name, though. Evr- seems very current
I’m sorry, but I don’t really care much for either; however, I definitely appreciate the history and uniqueness. Either Evronie or Apronia would be a cool, unexpected middle name!!
My first glance was incorrect "ev-row-dine" which made me think it sounded like a medicine product, but upon correction, it sounds rather cute. I prefer Evronie to Apronia, but I don't think the latter is bad at all
It's lovely! I'd never heard of it before.
Don't like either