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[Opinions] Miranda or Marinda.
What is your opinion on both names and which one is in your opinion better then the other.For me its Miranda (despite the Miranda Sings association in the recent years.)


I love Miranda because I feel an immediate connection with the Latin root and it seems so celebratory and beautiful
Miranda has been one of my favorite names since high school - enough that I could easily see myself on using it for a daughter, should I ever have a daughter. Marinda... just feels like an -inda elaboration of Mary, and I'm not overly fond of -inda names.
My name is Marinda.
People always think I misspelled my name and "correct" to to Miranda.
I don't like my name.
I've actually never seen Marinda before! I definitely prefer it to Miranda, which I always found rather off-putting. Marinda may be confusing for some I suppose, but it's much more interesting to me.
I didn’t know Miranda had variants. Marinda reminds me of ‘marinate’ so that’s a no. Miranda is very timeless and pretty.
I'm used to seeing Marinda on Afrikaans women and girls, though it seems rather dated. I far prefer Miranda, and if only the obvious nn for it wasn't Randy, I'd certainly consider using it as a fn. As it is, a mn would be safer.
I think a lot of people would misread Marina as Miranda.
Miranda is very elegant, Shakespearean yet modern. I like it a lot.
Miranda has a lovely sound to me, and it’s definitely my favorite! (If anything I associate it with the Mass Effect character rather than Miranda Sings XD) I’d never heard of Marinda, and I fear I would mistake it for Miranda a lot, but I think it has it’s own charm :D the Mari- beginning is nice.