[Opinions] What would you name
Your 5 children 3 boy 2 girls in 1 minute
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All middle names are names from way back when on my family tree.Lydia Violet
Mirabelle Edith "Mimi" Oscar Frederick
Walter Theodore "Walt"
Vincent Edward "Vince" Mimi, Lydia, Walt, Oscar and Vince
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Today: Ephraim Levi
Zephan Boaz
Malachi Ezra Jemimah Pearl
Goldie Shiloah
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Austin Michael Hill
Beckett Tristan James
Casper George Mackenzie
Juniper Maëva Clementine
Lucille Noemi Wildrose
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Edwin Abner Carl "Ned"
Sidney Ivan Oswald "Sid"
Oleander Damon George "Oli"Mabel May Elizabeth
Imelda Millicent Doris

This message was edited 10/26/2023, 10:42 AM

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Dean Kyle
Theo Henry
Jack HoldenLana Rose
Piper Eloise

This message was edited 10/26/2023, 8:44 AM

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Not including the names I've already used:Ian Victor Conrad
Thomas Brendan Keith (Tom)
William Fraser Bernard (Will)
Laura Gillian Alice
Eloise Vickie Esme (Vickie)Almost all of them for a reason; honouring, or to get honouring initials.
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George Alfred
Peter Somerled
Francis Absalom Fern Isidora
Joanna Spring
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