[Opinions] Catriona and Elspeth
The last post makes me very uncomfortable with the mom being 13 when she gave birth and the dad 18. That’s rape of a child by an adult. The post is triggering. Changing the topic. Wdyt of these names? Catriona and Elspeth.
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I love both, especially Elspeth.
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I like both names though I prefer Katrina to Catriona as I knew a wonderful woman called Katrina who died in a car accident with a drunk driver. I still remember that last conversation I had with her. So excited about becoming a great grandmother.I live in Scotland so I have met through a shared interest a woman called Elspeth. Elspeth refused to allow anyone to tell her no just because she was woman so I have good associations with that name too.
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I love them both. Beautiful Irish/Scottish variations of classical English names.
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Both are ok
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I like them both; might actually consider Catriona.
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Like 18th-century literary protagonists. Nothing more or less than stunning. Separately, they are forest-green and cyan, but together, they take on all the pleasant characteristics of mint, color and smell and all. (What am I going on about it?) My point is, they are beautiful.
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