[Opinions] Gigi
What do you think of Gigi?What would you use for a full name? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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It's like most other repeated NNs: Mimi, Kiki, CC, Deedee, Zsazsa. Lulu; they're happy sounding in a frou frou way. Coco seems worse than those, probably because it's wordy sounding.I associate it with Georgi* names (I don't have a preference right now) and maybe Giselle. I guess because it sounds like Georgie but less boyish. I've met a Gigi (she's in her late 60s, early 70s? I think), but I don't know what her full name is.

This message was edited 11/19/2023, 10:27 PM

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I actually really enjoy this as a nickname, though I’m not opposed to it being a full name. I’d use Gigi as a nickname for any “G” name that I like, so Gloria, Gracie, Gina, Glenda, Gladys, Gabriella, and Giana.
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Years ago there was a Vegan Christian blog. It was run by a SAHM who had given up a legal career. The recipes were good but she was so obnoxious and basic. She put out a cookbook and omg - the unacknowledged privilege matched with "we have to struggle on one income" BS. Sorry - and if you can afford a Hawaii trip with two toddlers, you're not poor. She took the blog down to concentrate on disciplining her kids and wanted to adopt a child from China and give them a 'better home.'Her kids were Lulu and Gigi, and IMHO fit the household perfectly.
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It's good as a nickname that is accepted by an adult. It's like Kitty that way. When it fits, it's cute. But not the sort of nick that could or should be imposed on the unwilling.Georgia. Or any Georg-names, but Georgia is the only one I like. I think the two G sounds are needed to make Gigi make sense. Virginia is Gini.
Gigi for other names has an artificial repetition that I think seems too childish and mincing. Like calling a Taylor Taytay.
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Not too bad as a nn but don't like as a first name
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💛 Gigi is funny, cheerful, playful even. I'd ideally use Genevieve or Ginevra and then Giselle, if the first two do not meet the criteria for being shortened to Gigi.
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I don’t mind it as nickname but would never use it as a full name. I would likely use the full name Gianna.
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I don't like it: I knew two dogs once, named Gigi and Fifi, which put me right off both names. I'd expect Virginie as a full name, but I'd certainly never use it!
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It's my grandmother's nickname (the nice one, not the one we don't talk about.) I agree with RoxStar, I think Giselle would be the best full name.
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It just sounds like baby talk to me. I know a couple of families where the kids call the grandmother Gigi/Gee Gee. One of these ladies is named Gisele, and the nn has spilled over so some of her friends even call her Gigi.
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