[Facts] the meaning of atreyu
okay so my husband and i are thinking of naming our boy atreyu and were searching for the meaning of the name, as have many others apparently. the only site i have found so far that actually has the name on their site says it means boy warrior. and if you spell it atrayu, it means friend. i hope that helps!
Atreyu like the band? [m]
I've never seen that as a name.. I didn't know it could be a name.
But anyways here's a link that says the name is Hindu. [http://babynames.indastro.com/hinduthreethreemA.html] I don't know if that helps tho. And another site I looked at just said: Character in "The Never Ending Story" who hunted the purple buffalo, and I also find boy warrior. Well that wasn't much help.. but I tried.
We love Him because He first loved us.
1 John 4:9

I've never seen that as a name.. I didn't know it could be a name.
But anyways here's a link that says the name is Hindu. [http://babynames.indastro.com/hinduthreethreemA.html] I don't know if that helps tho. And another site I looked at just said: Character in "The Never Ending Story" who hunted the purple buffalo, and I also find boy warrior. Well that wasn't much help.. but I tried.
1 John 4:9

If the band is more recent than the early 80s, they will have got their name from the movie.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Though there doesn't seem to be an explanation of their name on the band's homepage, the article about the band Atreyu in Wikipedia definitely says they were named after the character in Neverending Story.
Though there doesn't seem to be an explanation of their name on the band's homepage, the article about the band Atreyu in Wikipedia definitely says they were named after the character in Neverending Story.
The site that says Atreyu means "boy warrior" is obviously taking a description of the character in Michael Ende's Neverending Story and using that as the "meaning". But that's not really the same thing as an etymology.
It's possible that Ende simply made up the name. However, there is a Sanskrit name Atreya, meaning "belonging to Atri", and it's possible Ende altered that to come up with Atreyu. But one would have to have confirmation from Ende himself to be sure of that. Unfortunately, he is now deceased and I don't know if he ever wrote down anything about how he chose character names.
It's possible that Ende simply made up the name. However, there is a Sanskrit name Atreya, meaning "belonging to Atri", and it's possible Ende altered that to come up with Atreyu. But one would have to have confirmation from Ende himself to be sure of that. Unfortunately, he is now deceased and I don't know if he ever wrote down anything about how he chose character names.