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[Opinions] Elmore
I've never read any of Elmore Leonard's books, but I recently read three by Martin Amis, who has praised Leonard in interviews. What do you think of Elmore? I'm totally charmed by it.Some combos:Elmore Sebastian
Elmore Vivian
Elmore Titus
Elmore Lucius/Lucian
Elmore Julius/Julian
Elmore Duncan
Elmore Felix
Elmore Henry
Elmore Silas
Elmore Louis
Elmore Leo
Elmore Hugo
Elmore Augustus
Elmore Eustace
Elmore Valentine
Elmore Vito
Elmore Tito
Elmore Lionel
Elmore Stefan
Elmore Simon
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I love it. My favorite combos from your list:
Elmore Henry
Elmore Hugo
Elmore Lionel
Elmore Simon
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It's adorable. It does evoke Elmer, but it's not quite as nerdy. The -ore ending gives it a bit of gravitas.From your combos I enjoy Elmore Augustus, that one has great cadence.
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Don't like it at all
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You should definitely read some Elmore Leonard, especially "Freaky Deaky."
I don't care for the name; it's totally linked to the author, and also it feels clumsy to say and like it's trying to do whatever it is that Elmo and Elmer, both names I really don't like, are doing.
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