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[Opinions] Re: Anjou
My first thought is "Duke of Anjou"; specifically the one who famously crossdressed because he's in movies, but what stands out to me is the title. So it seems pseudo aristocratic but not like Earl or Duke, more like Orsino (so, maybe it could be a literary reference that goes over my head, seems a bit swotty or try-hard romantic but not embarrassingly so) or Essex (African American names like this date back to slavery, so can seem traditional and humble but also kind of sharp?) or it could possibly have something to do with military (it used to be kind of popular to name kids after war leaders, so theoretically could be an obscure antique name in that way - or from a video game, haha: I googled, and there's a Warhammer character called Lord-General Anjou)...though chances seem good it's just a name someone thought was pretty, randomly.My 2nd thought is that it seems cooler than Bijou and prettier than Dutton (which yeah, has been used for girls).My 3rd thought is of that joke from Robin Hood Men in Tights ("I'm Ahchoo." - "Bless you!" - "NO, my name is Ahchoo!!") I'm imagining "I'm ahn-ZHOO" being mistaken for a sneeze.After reading responses, I think it's kind of fun that it's also a Japanese surname and a pear (it's also the name of a perfume apparently). But I'm glad it's not my name. I like Anjali at least twice as much.

This message was edited 1/19/2024, 4:43 PM

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