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[Opinions] Re: Tiana
I like the name a lot. It does sound very princessy - but not in a snooty way. I do think of The Princess and the Frog but Tiana was a good character in a good movie; I'm not worried. The Christian meaning is not very fortunate for me, though. Ironically, I love the name Christian. I always have. But I am just now remembering that Tiana could come from Christiana or Tatiana. They sound very regal, too! or :3
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That is ironic.I guess one could say it comes from Sebastiana, Gratiana, Gentiana, but it doesn't really mean Christian even if it comes from Christiana; the only part of it that connects to "annointed" is the T which seems tenuous so basically it's a generic, I wouldn't really think Tina means "just" even though it's a NN for Justina...Though I think it'd be cooler to say it's a version of Diana (it's somewhat plausible? D and T crossover in some languages I think including Vietnamese? so why not).

This message was edited 1/26/2024, 1:40 PM

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