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[Opinions] Maury
Wdyt of Maury? is it too "You are NOT the father" Maury Povich or is it usable? Do you even know who I mean?
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I have never heard of that person. I just don't like the name.
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I think it's going to be very associated with Maury Povich for a long time since there really aren't other associations.
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There's a Swedish celebrity named Mauri, so that's who I think of. It's okay, nothing I'd use but I don't have anything against it either.
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I immediately thought of the Maury show, which makes me prefer Morris, Maurice, or Morrie instead. I really love the sound and appearance for Maury, though!
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Don't like it at all
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I really like Maurice and the nickname Maury, but yes, for now, based on my own experience, I do associate it strongly with paternity tests.
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