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[Opinions] Re: Kimber
in reply to a message by )(
Apparently it's the name of a weapons manufacturer, so I'm guessing it's popular due to the rise of gun-names trend.
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It was also a character in Two and a Half Men. It checks a lot of boxes.
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How many boxes in total?
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Um...It's short, familiar, an updated version of Kimberly, used on a popular show, apparently there is a gun with the name....
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In one of my interior decor groups, someone posted a baby nursery with the name "Kimber Something" on the wall, along with a gun hung up as a decoration. That's where I learned about the gun company, people were like "wtf is with the gun on the wall". I hope it was fake, but I don't know anymore. I do know people who would genuinely do something like that in real life so I just don't know.
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