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[Opinions] Happy Valentine's Day - Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day :)What about the name Valentine? Can it work on a girl? I personally always loved it for a girl, but not so much on a boy.
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I love Valentine on a boy. Unfortunately, it's been tarnished by my odious half-brother (named after our dad, Valentino), who's not in our dad's will and has been trying to prevent me from being appointed executor (which the will clearly ordains) while also squatting in my dead parents' condo and sending me the monthly bills to pay. It's a shame—the name is so handsome.Valentine appeals to me less on a girl, though it's certainly usable as such.

This message was edited 2/15/2024, 12:18 PM

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I hate it when great names get tarnished like that. What a kerfuffle you have to deal with :(
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Don't like it for either
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I'm not particularly fond of it, but I think it works for both genders.
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I have several male ancestors on my paternal line with the name Valentine. Anywere from the 1400s to the 1800s.
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I love it on anyone. Valentino is great too, but Valentina makes my teeth hurt a bit.
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I like it a lot on both genders. It seems girlier because the holiday seems to be more enjoyed by women: the chocolates, candies, flowers, etc. "Feminine" things.
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I think it works for a girl. I used to have it in the middle in a few places, but ultimately I prefer it as a first for a boy.
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I don’t really like it on either gender, it feels surnamey.Valentina on the other hand is much more romantic ❤️
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As a baby born on February 14th (Hihihihi!), my parents gave me Valentine as a middle name. I like it because it's special and a little reminder of my birth story.That being said, in french it is considered a feminine name. It is prononced something like Va-Lahn-TEEN. It rhymes with Justine. Different from the English Va-Lin-Tine. We have a masculine version in French, which is Valentin. The ending is prononced more like ''tawn'' or ''TEHN'' and not like ''tin can''.

This message was edited 2/14/2024, 12:41 PM

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Happy Birthday :)
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Happy Birthday!🎉
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