[Opinions] Re: I think you are thinking of "Dirty Dancing"
in reply to a message by RoxStar
Forgive me I'm old (not really I'm only 37). However, both movies in my area where huge in the 90s.
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Mommy to

Mommy to
I'm 43, and while I was really too young to remember "Flashdance" firsthand, as it came out in 1983, I was almost seven when "Dirty Dancing" was released and I was crazy about it too. I don't remember those movies having any kind of revival in the 1990s though.
Like I said, without going into specifics of where exactly I live, it might just had been my area where the mini revival happened, because I distinctly remember my older cousins being obsessed with both of the movies and it seemed like everywhere around 1994-ish. I'm on the west coast of Washington State and it feels like we're always a step behind the rest of the country when it comes to fads or what not. So I could be (and probably am) wrong. I merely said it as an amusing ancedote.
No matter what, it doesn't matter in the long run. It's most likely the fact that the child wasn't named by the time the birth certificate was written out so it's that data that got recorded first.
No matter what, it doesn't matter in the long run. It's most likely the fact that the child wasn't named by the time the birth certificate was written out so it's that data that got recorded first.