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[Opinions] Everleigh
Wdyt of Everleigh? This is Quinnlee's sister. Everly is bad and Leigh makes it worse imo.
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I think of Everleigh Rose Soutas, lol.I don’t feel one way or another about Everly itself, it’s very blasé in my opinion. Not bad, but not particularly good either.Everleigh gives it some pizzazz but I’m not sure if it’s in a good way or a bad one, ha.
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Aw, I'm starting to feel some affection for Everleigh. It's got Tragic Romance Heroine energy in spades, in an oddly endearing way. It tries so hard to be something beautiful. Quinnlee and Everleigh don't feel like sisters. Maybe neighbors. From rival families.
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I like Everly, but Everleigh just looks excessive.
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Everleigh is ok. I’m not used to this spelling - I’ve seen Everly more - but it does look more namey as someone else mentioned (Everly does kind of look like an adverb?). Quinnlee is bad/worse than Everleigh in my opinion. Maybe Quinley would be better? Quinn is ok.
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I like the Quinley spelling.
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We must disagree on Everly being bad, because I've always liked it. I liked it before it charted in the U.S. Top 1000, before it was added to the BtN database. An early favorite of mine. Everleigh, on the other hand, has way too many damn letters. Vowel overload.
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Don't like it at all
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It sounds dreadful and looks worse. I'm also feeling sympathetic towards Quinnlee - two lots of double letters just can't work.
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Regarding your last part, I don't think that's true! Here are names with two sets of double letters I think work:Annabelle
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I agree that Annette, Bennett, Colleen are fine. I prefer Annabel and Jeanette; don't like the others, and Lillianna proves my point! All a matter of taste, though; I tend to be pretty minimalist.
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It has a beautiful sound, in my opinion. Reminding me of eternity and forever.I would spell it Everly. Everlee looks fine to me as well.I'm not that fond of Everleigh, but it's okay.
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I like it but it sounds like a fantasy book character.Leigh actually makes it more tolerable than the -ly ending i usually see. Everly looks like a word, Everleigh looks like a name.Quinnlee is horrid tho.
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I agree with you 100%.
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I grew up with a girl named Everleigh, who was my age. She was named after her grandmother Beverly, I believe. I used to think that her name was creative, and admired that. Nowadays, it's such a common name that I don't enjoy it as much. I'm not much of a fan, but I like this spelling out of them all.
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It's hateful.
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