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[Opinions] Guadalupe
What are your thoughts on the name Guadalupe? And what would you pair it with?Do you say it as gwa-de-LOOP or gwa-de-LOOP-eh?
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

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If I were Hispanic / Latina, I'd totally consider Guadalupe for a daughter. It's unisex, I know, but I have trouble picturing it on a boy or man. "Lupe" is a fun nickname.Guadalupe Atenea
Guadalupe Flor
Guadalupe Inés
Guadalupe Isabel
Guadalupe Mildred
Amparo Guadalupe
Ava Guadalupe
Calista Guadalupe
Clara Guadalupe
Elena Guadalupe
Estela Guadalupe
Ester Guadalupe / Esther Guadalupe
Imogen Guadalupe
Juno Guadalupe
Lavinia Guadalupe
Miranda Guadalupe
Nadia Guadalupe
Perpetua Guadalupe (I saw that post above this one)
Pilar Guadalupe

This message was edited 2/24/2024, 8:09 PM

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I like it but I wouldn't use it. I say it more like gwa-da-LOOP-ay. I picture it as an older Mexian lady, but it looks like it's popular in Mexico so not really dated or an "older lady" specifically. I also like Lupe and Lupita, especially for the wolf meaning.
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i like the name, but only with the 4-syllable pronunciation. "gwa-de-LOOP" just sounds wrong to me.
personally, i'd pair it with something like Lucia or Mercedes. i think it sounds good paired with either of those in either order.
Guadalupe Lucia / Lucia Guadalupe
Guadalupe Mercedes / Mercedes Guadalupe

This message was edited 2/23/2024, 12:19 AM

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The only Guadalupe I've ever known was a boy, and it was pronounced with four syllables. I'm not particularly fond of the name.
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It just doesn’t feel pleasant to say.
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2nd pronounciation, don't like it at all, very foreign and old sounding
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This name is a hoot. It has so much personality and energy, and it's powerful and iconic. To me it's a very extroverted name. I wish I knew a Guadalupe.Like Wordsmith, I'm particularly fond of the Lupe part. I also say it in four syllables.Guadalupe Simone
Guadalupe Zelda
Guadalupe Manuela
Guadalupe Selena
Guadalupe Yma
Guadalupe Carmina
Guadalupe Rosalba
Guadalupe Lucinda
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The beginning of the name calls to mind guava and gouda. I love the "lupe" part, though, and I'm quite fond of Lupita.I pronounce it with four syllables.Guadalupe Iris
Guadalupe Estelle
Guadalupe Silvia
Guadalupe Ingrid
Guadalupe Inez
Guadalupe Fern
Guadalupe Orla
Guadalupe Lucrecia
Guadalupe Celestia
Guadalupe Irmgard
Guadalupe Leandra
Guadalupe Tacita
Guadalupe Nevra
Guadalupe Zinnia
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Ah, Guadalupe Estelle is gorgeous. Also love Guadeloupe Ingrid and Fern. I’m usually not a fan of Fern either. You put names together very well!
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