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[Opinions] Veranda reminds me of a joke ...
A man meets up with an old acquaintance who has gotten very rich, and the rich guy tells him all about the new mansion he has in the country, and all the wonderful things about it. He keeps talking about the veranda; "I love my veranda. When anything is bothering me I just go and lay down on my veranda. Oh, my beautiful, beautiful veranda!"So our hero goes home and tells his wife "I met up with George today and he sure has changed a lot since he came into the money. I think he dumped his wife after all those years and he's now got some floozy named Veranda."In the sporting world, Victory Jubilee Hallelujah's parents would be penalized for excessive celebration.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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