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[Opinions] Tiffania
My favorite name for a girl (at the moment) is Tiffany. Recently, I came across a woman named Tiffania, whose name is pronounced "Tih-FAWN-nee-uh". I really love this form of Tiffany, and find it so melodic; I have never heard it anywhere before. How does everyone feel about the name Tiffania?
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I love the name Tiffany. Tiffania is pretty and certainly has its charm, but I prefer Tiffany.
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Tiffany is forever young and rather silly. Tiffania is trying to make it more adult and respectable, but not succeeding very well at all.
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If I had to choose a more melodic form of Tiffany, I’d opt for its ancestor, Theophania.
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That's a good one! I named my cat Theophania, after a Greek legendary figure, I believe it was. Definitely prefer it to Tiffany.
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A gorgeous and noble name for a cat!
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I would pronounce it tih-FAN-yuh, which is ok but I prefer just Tiffany.
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I really like Tiffany, Tiffany is too over the top
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if you hadn't said, I wouldn't have known how to pronounce the name, which is a dealbreaker for me. The way this Tiffania says her name is kind of attractive, but also feels fancified and a little trying-too-hard. It's taking Tiffany out of her bright, casual clothes and stuffing her into a Renaissance Faire costume, but her colorful sneakers are showing under her fancy dress and kind of make the whole getup a little silly.
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Melodic is certainly a fair word to describe it. I do prefer it to Tiffany, which, while it retains its somewhat old-fashioned charm, just feels chewy and sticky in my mouth. Tiffania is much more pleasant.
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