[Facts] What is the meaning of the name "Ronav"?
What is the meaning of the name "Ronav"?
m or f?
where did you hear it?
where did you hear it?
It's a boy's name. I saw it somewhere on the internet and saw that it is a Kurdish name.
Did you get that information from this website? http://groups.inetbot.com/showgrp/soc_pculture_pkurdish_s274.html
Sorry, I wasn't able to find anything except for the following, which tells me that the name is Indian.

Sorry, I wasn't able to find anything except for the following, which tells me that the name is Indian.

This message was edited 6/11/2006, 3:33 PM
Not commonly used in India to my knowledge, though the twins at http://www.twinsrealm.com/othrpics/ronavandroma.jpg could easily be Indians.