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[Opinions] Day 16 of 26: What is your favourite name that starts with "P" for each gender?
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Girl: Penny
Boy: Patrick
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B: Penn, Perry
G: Piper, Petra

This message was edited 2/27/2024, 8:47 AM

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Patrick & Paloma
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Perran & PetraI really had to search for Perran, or "Perry" (or any masculine P name I liked).
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I adore Parthenope!
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Parthenope is one of the best names to ever exist.
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Boy: Phoenix
Girl: Phoebe or Primrose
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M: Priel
F: Poinsettia
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Pelagia is so beautiful. I taught English in Bulgaria for a year, and one of my eighth-grade students was a quiet, very intelligent Pelagia with blue eyes.
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Peter (my son!)
Philippa or Penelope: dead heat
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Pyrrha packs so much drama into six letters!
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Feminine: Perla (which I find weird because I intensely dislike Pearl)
Masculine: Pace (pronounced the Latin way - pah-CHAY)
Unisex: Peregrine
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Masculine: Philémon (Runner-up: Paul)
Feminine: Primrose
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Boy: Patrick
Girl: Persephone
Unisex: Phoenix
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Phillip and Paige
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Boy: Patrick (Disslike less)
Girl: Paige or Patricia
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Boy: Parker
Girl: Phoebe (Runner up: Paige)
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Girls: Petra or Philippa
Boys: PeregrineRunners up:
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Boy: Peter
Girl: Primrose
Unisex: Phoenix
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Boy: Percival
Girl: Phoebe
Unisex: Phoenix
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B: Prosper
G: PheobeI’m not a fan of the unisex options.
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F: Perpetua
M: Pascal
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Boy: Pike
Girl: Piper & Prudence (tie)
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Boy: Patrick
Girl: Phyllida or Philomena.
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