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[Opinions] Rhianna
What are your thoughts on the name Rhianna/Rianna/Riana? I've always thought this was an extremely underrated name. I think it's so pretty.
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I this is a wonderful, gorgeous name! I like the look of the spelling and it's fun to write in cursive!! Though, I do think that I'd prefer Rianna "Ree-ann-nuh" or Reanne "Ree-ann". I'd pronounce Rhianna as "Ree-on-nuh," which is too associated with the singer for me.
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This is a pretty spelling.
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I much prefer Rhiannon. Rhianna, although not terrible, is far too reminiscent of the singer.
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I prefer Rhiannon, Ariana, Rhea.
I like Rhianna more than Brianna and Leanna, though.

This message was edited 3/1/2024, 5:00 PM

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That's fair! I also love Ariana and Rhea.
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It sounds grating, bratty, and immaterial to me. I also hate Brianna and dislike Rhiannon.

This message was edited 3/1/2024, 10:38 AM

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I also think it's very pretty; less stuffy than Rhiannon. But I was infinitely disappointed to learn it's not pronounced with a long A. Same thing happened with Zendaya. Wasted opportunity imo :(
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Zendaya is pronounced with a long A, though.
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Sorry, whatever you call the AH sound (as in Dawson), that’s what I mean.
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Why would anyone perform this amputation on Rhiannon? Just to make it look like a dainty-dancing-fairy fantasy? I dunno, maybe it's just me, but surely accuracy matters?
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I personally prefer Rhianna over Rhiannon by a lot!
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Go for it! Whatever floats your personal boat.
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It's nice
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