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[Games] generation caf : with rules 2/3
DH [94] FN and MN are between 35-45 in 1931, LN begins with B
DW [92] Initials are JMC and FrenchDD1 [71] FN is between 10-20 in France in 1953, MN is after DH's mother [your choice of name]
DS1 [70] FN is between 1-10 in France in 1954, MN is after DH
DS2 [67] FN is between 20-30 in France in 1957, MN is after DH's father [your choice of name]
DD2 [65] FN is between 50-60 in France in 1959 MN is after DW's mother [your choice of name]
DS3 [53] FN is between 40-50 in France in 1971, MN is after DW's father [your choice of name]*
DD1 [71]
DH [73] FN and MN are between 100-115 in 1951, LN is ScottishDD [50] FN is a virtue name, MN is grandmothers FN
- DH [50] Initials are LAN
- DS [24] FN is a classic, MN is French
- DD [23] FN is a classic, MN is mothers MN
-- DH [28] FN and LN are Armenian
-- DD [2] FN was popular in the 1980s, but not so popular now, MN is Armenian
-- DS [exp] FN was popular in 1990s, but not so popular now, MN is fathers name
- DD [20] FN is a classic, MN is French
- DD [18] FN is a classic, MN is French
-- Dbf [19] Initials are SED
-- DS [3m] FN is short and masculine, MN is fathers FN
- DD [14] FN is a classic, MN is French
- DS [11] FN is a classic, MN is FrenchDS [48] FN is Irish, but easy to pronounce in English, MN is French
- ExW [48] FN and MN are between 10-20 in 1979, LN begins with A
-- DD [30] FN and MN are between 50-60 in 1993
-- DD [28] FN and MN are between 80-90 in 1995
--- DW [33] FN and LN are Indian
--- DS [3] FN is Indian, MN is French
--- DD [nb] FN is Indian, MN is French
- DW [42] FN and MN are between 130-140 in 1982, maiden name ends in -son
-- DS [17] Fathers name
-- DD [15] FN and MN are between 100-110 in 2009
-- DD [3] FN and MN are between 230-240 in 2021DS [42] FN is Irish, but easy to pronounce in English, MN is French
- Dfiancee [37] Initials are GRE*
DS1 [70]
ExW1 [70] FN is one syllable, MN is a popular MN, LN is GermanDS [49] Fathers name
- DW [45] FN was popular in the 1970s, but not so popular now, MN is long and feminine and maiden name is one syllable
- DD [23] FN is between 21-25 in the state of Ohio in 2001, MN is grandmothers FN
-- DW [24] FN is a flower, MN is after her mother and maiden name is a common LN
-- DS & DD [6m] FNs are unisex, MNs are after great-grandparents
- DD [21] FN is between 21-25 in the state of Ohio in 2003, MN is after mother
- DS [19] FN is between 31-35 in the state of Ohio in 2004, MN begins with H
-- Dbf [22] Initials are ORC
- DD [19] FN is between 31-35 in the state of Ohio in 2004, MN begins with H
- DS [13] FN is between 56-60 in the state of Ohio in 2010, MN begins with B
- DD [4] FN is between 81-85 in the state of Ohio in 2020, MN begins with IDS [47] Initials are the same as fathers, including one French name
- DW [40] FN is a double barrelled Spanish names, LN is Spanish
- DD [12] FN is Spanish, MN is French
- DD [9] FN is Spanish, MN is French
- DS [exp] FN is Spanish, MN is fathers French nameExW2 [68] Initials are VMCDD [42] Initials are the same as her brothers, including one French name
- ExBf [43] FN and MN were popular in 1970s, LN is up to you
-- DS [22] FN is between 140-160 in 2002, MN is fathers FN
--- Dgf [23] FN and MN are between 400-415 in 2001, LN is Bulgarian
--- DS [1] FN is French, MN is fathers FN
--- DS [exp] FN is French, MN is after dgf's father [your choice of name]
- DW [30] Initials are SDY
-- ADS [6] FN is trendy, MN is Arabic
-- DD [7m] FN is trendy, MN is after DW's late grandmotherDW [66] FN is Russian, MN is patronymic, maiden name is RussianDD [34] FN is Russian, MN is French
- DH [34] FN is one syllable, MN and LN are Finnish
- DD [11] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [10] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [7] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [5] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [exp] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet*
DS2 [67]
DW [67] FN is country sounding, MN is one syllable and maiden name begins with JDS [46] FN and MN are from here :
- DW [46] FN, MN and LN are Polish
- DS [22] FN is fathers MN, MN is Polish
- DD [20] FN is from here :, MN is mothers FN
-- Dbf [23] Initials are ZQR
-- DD [nb] FN is Polish, MN is great-grandmothers FN
- DS [18] FN is from here :, MN is Polish
- DD [15] FN is from here :, MN is Polish
- DS & DD [13] FNs are from here :, MNs are Polish
- DS [5] FN is from here :, MN is PolishDD [44] FN and MN are from here :
- DH [43] FN and MN are between 300-320 in 1978, LN is the same as a TV character
- DS [18] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DS [16] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DD [12] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DS [10] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DD [3] FN and MN are any names from here : [42] FN and MN are from here :
- ExW [42] Initials are GNV
- DS [13] Initials are JJ
- DS [11] Initials are AJDD [39] FN and MN are from here :
- ExH [41] FN and MN are between 80-90 in 1983, LN is double barrelled
-- DS [15] FN is trendy, but NOT in the top 100, MN is fathers FN
- DH [40] FN and MN are between 120-130 in 1981, LN is a color
-- DS [8] FN and MN are between 600-615 in the USA
-- DD [6] FN and MN are between 740-755 in the USA
-- DD [3] FN and MN are between 870-885 in the USADS [39] FN and MN are from here :
- DW [34] FN may be considered dated, MN is after her mother, maiden name has a double letter
- DD [5] FN is after a singer, MN is a place name
- DD [2] FN is after a singer, MN is a place nameDS [35] FN and MN are from here :
- ExFiancee [35] FN is one of your favourite names, MN is city and LN is a common last name
-- DD [14] FN and MN are old fashioned
-- DS [12] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DW [33] FN was trendy in the 1980s, MN and LN are Korean
-- DS [4] FN is old fashioned, MN is Korean
-- DD [1] FN is old fashioned, MN is KoreanDS [33] FN and MN are from here :*
DD2 [65]
DH [64] FN, MN and LN are ItalianDS [40] Fathers name
- DW [38] FN and LN are Romanian
- DD [10] FN is Italian and begins with V, MN is mothers FN
- DD [8] FN is Italian, and begins with A MN is Romanian
- DS [5] FN is Italian, and begins with L MN is Romanian
- DS [3] FN is Italian, and begins with M MN is Romanian
- DD [exp] FN is Italian and begins with R, MN is RomanianDD [37] FN is Italian, MN is mothers FN
- DH [37] FN is one syllable, MN is long and masculine, LN begins with S
- DD [4] FN is Italian and begins with G, MN is after DH's mother [your choice of name]
- DD [nb] FN is Italian and begins with C, MN is after DH's late aunt [your choice of name]*
DS3 [53]
ExW [53] FN and MN are between 5-20 in 1971, LN is one syllableDS [32] Fathers name
- DS [7] FN and MN are between 450-470 in USADD [30] FN and MN are between 5-10 in the USA
- DH [32] FN and LN are Arabic
- DS [10] FN is Arabic, MN is grandfathers FN
- DD & DD [8] FNs are Arabic, MNs are long and feminine
- DS [5] FN is Arabic, MN is masculine
- DD [3] FN is Arabic, MN is long and feminine
- DS [4m] FN is Arabic, MN is masculineDS [28] FN and MN are between 40-45 in USA
- Dfiancee [27] FN and MN are between 50-60 in UK, LN is up to you
- DS [2] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is fathers FN
- DD [exp] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is grandmothers FNDD [26] FN and MN are between 30-35 in USA
DD [25] FN and MN are between 40-45 in USADS [22] FN and MN are between 65-70 in USA
- Dgf [22] FN and MN are from here :, LN begins with C
- DS [4] FN is unisex, but used more on girls, MN is fathers FN
- DS [2] FN is unisex, but used more on girls, MN is fathers MN
- DD [exp] FN is technically a boys name, MN is mothers FNDD [20] FN and MN are between 85-90 in USA
- DD [exp] Named after DD's favourite actressDW [48] Initials are NREDS [14] FN and MN are between 95-100 in USA- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie
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DH [94] Norman Francis Boatwright
DW [92] Joëlle Mirabel Constantin BoatwrightDD1 [71] Josiane Isabel Boatwright Carmichael
DS1 [70] Patrick Norman Boatwright, Sr.
DS2 [67] Francis Harvey Boatwright
DD2 [65] Viviane Émilie Boatwright Tornincasa
DS3 [53] Richard Claude Boatwright, Sr.*
DD1 [71] Josiane Isabel Boatwright Carmichael
DH [73] Vincent Alfred CarmichaelDD [50] Hope Joëlle Carmichael Nikolaidis
- DH [50] Levi Abdiel Nikolaidis
- DS [24] James Hugues Nikolaidis
- DD [23] Marie Joëlle Nikolaidis Donabedian
-- DH [28] Levon Donabedian
-- DD [2] Amanda Lilit Donabedian
-- DS [exp] Darien Levon Donabedian
- DD [20] Laura Jeanne Nikolaidis
- DD [18] Emily Louise Nikolaidis
-- Dbf [19] Sylas Eragon Damianakos
-- DS [3m] Mack Sylas Damianakos
- DD [14] Sarah Isabel Nikolaidis
- DS [11] Peter Eugène NikolaidisDS [48] Rory Émeric Carmichael, Sr.
- ExW [48] Lisa Rebecca Abatangelo
-- DD [30] Shannon Olivia Carmichael
-- DD [28] Crystal Angela Carmichael
--- DW [33] Sultana Srivastava Carmichael
--- DS [3] Narayana Achille Carmichael
--- DD [nb] Lilavati Gwenaël Carmichael
- DW [42] Kari Kristi Andrewsson Carmichael
-- DS [17] Rory Émeric Carmichael, Jr.
-- DD [15] Lucy Isabel Carmichael
-- DD [3] Myla Rachel CarmichaelDS [42] Shay Ismaël Carmichael
- Dfiancee [37] Gaea Roxana Ecclestone*
DS1 [70] Patrick Norman Boatwright, Sr.
ExW1 [70] Prisque Claire DüsterwaldDS [49] Patrick Norman Boatwright, Jr.
- DW [45] Heather Eloisa Schwartz Boatwright
- DD [23] Haley Prisque Boatwright Richardson
-- DW [24] Poppy Celeste Richardson
-- DS & DD [6m] Sparrow Norman Richardson & Sequoia Claire Richardson
- DD [21] Anna Heather Boatwright
- DS [19] Gavin Haywood Boatwright
-- Dbf [22] Omair Ridzwan Coronacion
- DD [19] Rachel Hillary Boatwright
- DS [13] Jonathan Britton Boatwright
- DD [4] Maya Indiana BoatwrightDS [47] Primien Nestor Boatwright
- DW [40] Rosario-Pasión San Nicolás “Rosy” Boatwright
- DD [12] Lirios Colombe Boatwright
- DD [9] Reposo Laurine Boatwright

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DH [94] Earl Lawrence Brown
DW [92] Josephine Marie CourtierDD1 [71] Brigitte Mary Brown
DS1 [70] Gérard Lawrence Brown
DS2 [67] François Earl Brown
DD2 [65] Marie-Hélène Francine Brown
DS3 [53] Guillaume Pierre Brown*DD1 [71] Brigitte Mary Brown
DH [73] Calvin Leroy MacGallDD [50] Grace Josephine MacGall
- DH [50] Luke Allen Nicholson
- DS [24] Edward Jacques Nicholson
- DD [23] Elizabeth Grace Nicholson
-- DH [28] Vardan Sargisian
-- DD [2] Jessica Mari Sargisian
-- DS [exp] Christopher Davit Sargisian
- DD [20] Caroline Jacqueline Nicholson
- DD [18] Margaret Claire Nicholson
-- Dbf [19] Stellan Elvis Danielsson
-- DS [3m] Jack Stellan Danielsson
- DD [14] Catherine Adelaide Nicholson
- DS [11] Andrew Pierre NicholsonDS [48] Patrick Michel MacGall
- ExW [48] Jamie Rebecca Andrews
-- DD [30] Marissa Kelly MacGall
-- DD [28] Jenna Alicia MacGall
--- DW [33] Lakshmi Patel
--- DS [3] Rohan Nicolas Patel-MacGall
--- DD [nb] Jaya Amandine Patel-MacGall
- DW [42] Molly Kristi Henderson
-- DS [17] Patrick Michel MacGall
-- DD [15] Naomi Isabel MacGall
-- DD [3] Kaia Evangeline MacGallDS [42] Sean Matthieu MacGall
- Dfiancee [37] Georgia Rose Etheridge*DS1 [70] Gérard Lawrence Brown
ExW1 [70] Mia Isabelle KohlDS [49] Gérard Lawrence Brown
- DW [45] Kimberly Estelle Lee
- DD [23] Haley Mia Brown
-- DW [24] Peony Karen Smith
-- DS & DD [6m] Rowan Gerard Brown-Smith & Sutton Isabelle Brown-Smith
- DD [21] Kayla Estelle Brown
- DS [19] Luke Hayden Brown
-- Dbf [22] Orion Richard Campbell
- DD [19] Jenna Heidi Brown
- DS [13] Levi Benjamin Brown
- DD [4] Maya Isabel BrownDS [47] Gabriel Lucas Brown
- DW [40] Ana-Maria Lopez
- DD [12] Luna Nathalie Brown
- DD [9] Alba Victoire Brown
- DS [exp] Inigo Gabriel BrownExW2 [68] Vanessa Molly CrichtonDD [42] Georgia Leonie Brown
- ExBf [43] Jeffrey Scott Chapman
-- DS [22] Bradley Gage Chapman
--- Dgf [23] Fiona Piper Demireva
--- DS [1] Paul Bradley Chapman
--- DS [exp] Daniel Kaloyan Chapman
- DW [30] Saskia Daisy Yates

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This message was edited 3/7/2024, 4:53 AM

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DH [94] Francis Herbert Baines
DW [92] Jeanne Marcelle [Charbonneau] BainesDD1 [71] Josiane Pearl [Baines] Duffy
DS1 [70] Daniel Francis Baines
DS2 [67] Eric Philip Baines
DD2 [65] Viviane Marie Baines
DS3 [53] Alexandre Louis BainesFrancis & Jeanne; Josiane, Daniel, Eric, Viviane, and Alexandre*
DD1 [71] Josiane Pearl [Baines] Duffy
DH [73] Jerome Vincent Duffy Josiane & Jerome; Grace, Patrick, and Ronan DD [50] Grace Jeanne Duffy
- DH [50] Leo Avery Nelson
- DS [24] Michael Étienne Nelson
- DD [23] Elizabeth Jeanne Nelson
-- DH [28] Ari Panosyan
-- DD [2] Heather Lusine Panosyan
-- DS [exp] Kyle Ari Panosyan
- DD [20] Sophia Mathilde Nelson
- DD [18] Victoria Juliette Nelson
-- Dbf [19] Samuel Ezra Davis “Sam”
-- DS [3m] Luke Samuel Nelson
- DD [14] Alexandra Sylvie Nelson
- DS [11] James Philippe Nelson Grace & Leo; Michael, Elizabeth, Sophia, Victoria, Alexandra, and James
Elizabeth & Ari; Heather and Kyle
Victoria & Sam; Luke DS [48] Patrick Michel Duffy
- ExW [48] Stephanie Christina Abrams
-- DD [30] Olivia Brooke Duffy
-- DD [28] Catherine Alicia Duffy
--- DW [33] Sandhya Patel
--- DS [3] Ayaan Joël Duffy
--- DD [nb] Mira Céleste Duffy
- DW [42] Kayla Molly Matheson
-- DS [17] Patrick Michel Matheson “Rick”
-- DD [15] Isabel Natalia Matheson
-- DD [3] Kaia Rachel Matheson Patrick & Stephanie; Olivia and Catherine
Patrick & Kayla; Rick, Isabel, and Kaia
Catherine & Sandhya; Ayaan and MiraDS [42] Ronan Charles Duffy
- Dfiancee [37] Genevieve Rain Elson Ronan & Genevieve *
DS1 [70] Daniel Francis Baines
ExW1 [70] Claire Marie NeumannDaniel & Claire; Francis and David DS [49] Daniel Francis Baines “Francis”
- DW [45] Amanda Gabriella Ross
- DD [23] Rachel Claire Baines
-- DW [24] Lily Jennifer Parker
-- DS & DD [6m] Rowan Daniel Parker-Baines / Camille Maria Parker-Baines
- DD [21] Anna Gabrielle Baines
- DS [19] Elijah Hadrian Baines “Eli”
-- Dbf [22] Owen Robert Carver
- DD [19] Jenna Hope Baines
- DS [13] Isaac Bennett Baines

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DH [94] Roy Lawrence Burchard
DW [92] Jeanne Marguerite ChatagnierDD1 [71] Christine Vivian Burchard
DS1 [70] Patrick Lawrence Burchard
DS2 [67] William Francis Burchard
DD2 [65] Nathalie Claire Burchard
DS3 [53] Benoit Gerard "Ben" Burchard***
DD1 [71] Christine Vivian Burchard
DH [73] Clifford Ray BoydDD [50] Constance Jeanne "Connie" Boyd
- DH [50] Lee Alexander Neville
- DS [24] Thomas Charles "Tom" Neville
- DD [23] Elizabeth Jeanne "Bess" Neville
-- DH [28] Daniel Aram Krikorian
-- DD [2] April Gohar Krikorian
-- DS [exp] Anthony Daniel Krikorian
- DD [20] Margaret Renee "Maggie" Neville
- DD [18] Victoria Louise "Torie" Neville
-- Dbf [19] Silas Edmund "Sy" Davidson
-- DS [3m] Thor Silas Davidson
- DD [14] Katherine Cecile "Katie" Neville
- DS [11] Alexander Laurent "Alex" NevilleDS [48] Cormac Louis "Mac" Boyd
- ExW [48] Rebecca Michelle Ambrose
-- DD [30] Marissa Katelyn Boyd
-- DD [28] Jenna Madeline Boyd
--- DW [33] Jayendra Mohan "Jay" Patel
--- DS [3] Rajesh Gerard "Raj" Patel
--- DD [nb] Amrita Sylvie Patel
- DW [42] Cassie Michele Anderson
-- DS [17] Cormac Louis Boyd, Jr.
-- DD [15] Lucy Isabel Boyd
-- DD [3] Annie Alyssa BoydDS [42] Kellen André Boyd
- Dfiancee [37] Georgia Ruth Edwards***
DS1 [70] Patrick Lawrence Burchard
ExW1 [70] Jane Elizabeth FaustDS [49] Patrick Lawrence "Larry" Burchard, Jr.
- DW [45] Amy Susannah Flynn
- DD [23] Brianna Jane Burchard
-- DW [24] Lily Michelle Smith
-- DS & DD [6m] Carson Patrick & Rylie Jane Burchard-Smith
- DD [21] Kayla Suzanne Burchard
- DS [19-twin] Mason Howard Burchard
-- Dbf [22] Owen Robert Curtis
- DD [19-twin] Rachel Helen Burchard
- DS [13] Parker Bryce Burchard
- DD [4] Adalynn Iris BurchardDS [47] Philip Louis Burchard
- DW [40] Ana-Marisol Ramirez
- DD [12] Estela Marie "Stella" Burchard
- DD [9] Margarita Jeanne "Rita" Burchard
- DS [exp] Francisco Louis "Frank" BurchardExW2 [68] Valerie Mae ChaseDD [42] Paulette Lucille "Paula" Burchard
- ExBf [43] Ryan Christopher Williams

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DH (94) Louis Francis Brennan
DW (92) Jacqueline Marie (Chastain) Brennan DD1 (71) Joëlle Ruby (Brennan)
DS1 (70) Christian Louis Brennan
DS2 (67) Yves Robert Brennan
DD2 (65) Sophie Madeleine (Brennan)
DS3 (53) Benoit Lucien Brennan Louis and Jacqueline || Joëlle • Christian • Yves • Sophie • Benoit *
DD1 (71) Joëlle Ruby (Brennan) Hepburn
DH (73) Jesse Alfred Hepburn DD (50) Grace Jacqueline (Hepburn) Nichols
- DH (50) Leon Axel Nichols
- DS (24) George Renè Nichols
- DD (23) Alice Jacqueline (Nichols) Sarkisian
-- DH (28) Jirair Sarkisian
-- DD (2) Sarah Anoush Sarkisian
-- DS (exp) Eric Jirair Sarkisian
Alice and Jirair || Sarah • exp Eric
- DD (20) Elizabeth Marceline Nichols
- DD (18) Sophie Lise Nichols
-- Dbf (19) Sean Edward Deacon
-- DS (3m) Luca Sean Deacon
Sophie and Sean || Luca
- DD (14) Emily Margaux Nichols
- DS (11) Alexander Bastien Nichols
Grace and Leon || George • Alice • Betty • Sophie • Emily • Alex DS (48) Ronan Philippe Hepburn
- ExW (48) Christina Laura Allard
- DD (30) Olivia Brooke Hepburn
- DD (28) Alicia Jenna Gadhavi-Hepburn
-- DW (33) Lalita Gadhavi-Hepburn
-- DS (3) Naveen Pierre Gadhavi-Hepburn
-- DD (nb) Amala Genevieve Gadhavi-Hepburn
Alicia and Lalita || Naveen • Amala
Ronan and Christina || Olivia • Alicia
- DW (42) Cassie Molly (Anderson) Hepburn
- DS (17) Ronan Philippe Hepburn
- DD (15) Isabel Natalia Hepburn
- DD (3) Harlow Evangeline Hepburn
Ronan and Cassie || Ronan • Izzy • Harlow DS (42) Cian Yannick Hepburn
- Dfiancee (37) Georgia Rachel Edwards
Cian with fiancee Georgia Joëlle and Jesse || Grace • Ronan • Cian *
DS1 (70) Christian Louis Brennan
ExW1 (70) Rose Louise Gerber DS (49) Christian Louis Brennan
- DW (45) Melissa Rebecca (Cole) Brennan
- DD (23) Haley Rose Brennan-Smith
-- DW (24) Daisy Ashley Brennan-Smith
-- DS & DD (6m) Avery Christian Brennan-Smith & Blake Melissa Brennan-Smith
Haley and Daisy || Avery • Blake
- DD (21) Kayla Rebecca Brennan

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DH 94: Norman Roger Busto
DW 92: Josiane Maeva CloutierDD1 71: Annick Francine
DS1 70: Bernard Norman
DS2 67: Joël Marshall
DD2 65: Viviane Alice
DS3 53: Fabien Peter
Norman & Josiane || Annick, Bernard, Joël, Viviane, Fabien
DD1 71: Annick Francine
DH 73: Ricky Ray FergusonDD 50: Haven Josiane
-DH 50: Lemuel Antonie Nicholas
-DS 24: Matthew Louis
-DD 23: Emma Josiane
–DH 28: Matevos Davit Krikorian
–DD 2: Jennifer Anoush
–DS exp: Joshua Matevos
{Emma & Matevos || Jenny & Josh}
-DD 20: Mary Elodie
-DD 18: Olivia Delphine
–Dbf 19: Shaw Edison Dennel
–DS 3m: Hans Shaw
{Olivia & Shaw || Hans}
-DD 14: Isabel Ines
-DS 11: Christopher Gaspard
Haven & Lemuel || Matthew, Emma, Mary, Olivia, Isabel & ChristopherDS 48: Torin Etienne
-XW 48: Kelly Kimberly Anker
–DD 30: Lindsey Katelyn
–DD 28: Mackenzie Kathryn
—DW 33: Rashmi Begam
—DS 3: Amarjeet Marcel
—DD nb: Rina Colette
{Mackenzie & Rashmi || Amarjeet & Rina}
Torin & Kelly || Lindsey & Mackenzie
-DW 42: Cassie Colleen Johnson
–DS 17:Torin Etienne
–DD 15: Megan Naomi
–DD 3: Lennon Evangeline
Cassie & Torin || Torin, Megan & LennonDS 42: Lorcan Blaise
-DF 37: Grace Renee Endicott
Lorcan & Grace
Annick & Ricky || Haven, Torin, Lorcan
DS1 70: Bernard Norman
XW1 70: June Marie ReichDS 49: Bernard Norman
-DW 45: Amy Penelope Wolfe
-DD 23: Haley June
–DW 24: Lily Jessica Hanson
–DS & DD 6m: Spencer Norman & Hadley Marie
{Haley & Lily || Spencer & Hadley}
-DD 21: Ashley Amy
-DS 19: Gavin Henry
–Dbf 22: Odie Reginald Carsen
{Gavin & Odie}
-DD 19: Rachel Hilary
-DS 13: Isaac Benjamin
-DD 4: Silas Inigo
Bernard & Amy || Haley, Ashley, Gavin, Rachel, Isaac & SilasDS 47: Benoit Nikolai
-DW 40: Maria-Rosa Salinas
-DD 12: Arcelia Leontine
-DD 9: Aroa Allura
-DS exp: Alvar Benoit
Benoit & Maria-Rosa || Arcelia, Aroa & Alvar Bernard & June || Bernie & BenoitXW2 68: Violet Martha Cormac

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DH [94] Daniel Clarence Becker "Dan"
DW [92] Juliette Madeleine Cloutier BeckerDD1 [71] Josiane Elizabeth Becker
DS1 [70] Patrick Daniel Becker
DS2 [67] Bruno James Becker
DD2 [65] Sophie Marie Becker
DS3 [53] Fabien Joseph Becker*
DD1 [71] Josiane Elizabeth Becker McCallum
DH [73] Gordon Ray McCallumDD [50] Constance Juliette McCallum Nelson
- DH [50] Louis Andrew Nelson
- DS [24] William Pierre Nelson "Will"
- DD [23] Anna Juliette Nelson Petrosyan
-- DH [28] Grigor Petrosyan
-- DD [2] Megan Lusine Petrosyan
-- DS [exp] Tyler Grigor Petrosyan
- DD [20] Charlotte Nathalie Nelson
- DD [18] Eleanor Rosalie Nelson "Ellie"
-- Dbf [19] Samuel Evan Dillon "Sam"
-- DS [3m] Joel Samuel Dillon
- DD [14] Victoria Dominique Nelson "Tori"
- DS [11] Theodore Blaise Nelson "Theo"DS [48] Owen Jacques McCallum
- ExW [48] Rebecca Michelle Anderson "Becky"
-- DD [30] Katelyn Brooke McCallum
-- DD [28] Mackenzie Catherine McCallum "Kenzie"
--- DW [33] Priya Singh McCallum
--- DS [3] Kiran Marcel McCallum
--- DD [nb] Arya Laurence McCallum
- DW [42] Molly Michele Matheson McCallum
-- DS [17] Owen Jacques McCallum, Jr.
-- DD [15] Isabelle Natalia McCallum
-- DD [3] Evangeline Kaia McCallum "Eva"DS [42] Brian Renaud McCallum
- Dfiancee [37] Greta Rose Eklund*
DS1 [70] Patrick Daniel Becker
ExW1 [70] Ruth Marie BauerDS [49] Patrick Daniel Becker, Jr. "PJ"
- DW [45] Julie Elizabeth White Becker
- DD [23] Jessica Ruth Becker "Jess"
-- DW [24] Lily Jennifer Smith Becker
-- DS & DD [6m] Rowan Daniel Becker / Riley Marie Becker
- DD [21] Ashley Elizabeth Becker
- DS [19] Gavin Henry Becker
-- Dbf [22] Oliver Ryan Charleston
- DD [19] Kylie Hope Becker
- DS [13] Jonathan Bennett Becker
- DD [4] Maya Isabella BeckerDS [47] Paul Dorian Becker
- DW [40] Maria Luisa Diaz Becker
- DD [12] Flavia Delphine Becker
- DD [9] Eliana Isabeau Becker
- DS [exp] Donato Paul BeckerExW2 [68] Vivian Mae CrockerDD [42] Patricia Dalila Becker "Tricia"
- ExBf [43] Jeremy Jason Gannon
-- DS [22] Collin Jeremy Becker

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