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[Opinions] Elowen
What do you guys think of Elowen? I've been really into it lately!
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I love it! I also love the other names mentioned in this thread - Anwen and the LOTR names Eowyn and Arwen.
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I think it's really lovely and elven. I keep seeing Elowyn on Nameberry, which I think looks ghastly.
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One cannot help but wonder if J.R.R. Tolkien took inspiration from Welsh and Cornish names Elowen and Anwen. I love Elowen though and would use it in a heartbeat if the other half would let me.
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I like it. I wouldn't be surprised if it became trendy in America. It has an easily-consumed kind of beauty.
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I know it's legitimate, but it sounds like an invented Lord of the Rings name (à la Éowyn and Arwen), which doesn't appeal to me.

This message was edited 3/14/2024, 7:03 AM

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I think Elowen is beautiful. I think the sound is lovely and the tree meaning is nice.
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I quite like it, I find it has a youthful and natural sound to it. The ending -en/-yn has become popular in recent years, though Elowen has a more classic feel than the all invented names.
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Depressing meaning: there are hardly any elm trees left any more. I don't find the sound attractive either.
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There's lots of elms in my city! I even live in an area named "Elmwood" for the trees. Of course, most of them are slowly dying from that Dutch Elm disease....
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Wait, really? I wasn’t aware elm trees were disappearing. :o
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As Chloe says, it's called Dutch Elm Disease and it's deadly to full-grown trees. They can still grow to a certain height, I forget what, but not very tall, and then they die. In the UK, that is: we don't have them where I live.
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It's ok
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I absolutely adore Elowen! It's soft, feminine and has that alluring quality to it. I've loved it for almost a decade now and I'm glad that it's finally getting the recognition it deserves in more recent years. Elowen absolutely deserves it. I wouldn't be surprised if it enters the top 1000 in May, given that "Elowyn" entered last year. Although in my honest opinion, the original is the nicest spelling.

This message was edited 3/13/2024, 7:03 PM

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I think Elowen is much better than Elowyn!
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