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[Games] generation caf 16.3
DH [88] Aaron Christopher Daniel Derek Joel Malcolm Nicholas Spencer [Britton Anderson Siegel]
DW [87] Sofia Genevieve Diana Aurora Arwen Celestia Lilja Veera [Tomlinson Jokinen O'Leary]DD1 [67] Anneli Jaana Kaija Alexandria Eleonora Evangelina Victoriana Anastasia
DD2 [65] Anamaria Briar Camellia Heather Iris Liana Poppy Rosemary
DS1 [62] Fathers name
DS2 [54] Ruben Sean Shea Travis Zachary Trevor Mitchell Kendall*
DD1 [67]
DH [68] Kyle Jonathan Grant Dimitri Desmond Collin Bryan Casey [Lord Metcalf Sanderson]DD [46] Susannah Violet Veronica Senna Rosalie Millaray Lilias Jasmine
- ExH [46] Brendan Brett Abel Bram Coen Milan Niels Sander [Meredith Sharpe Garland]
-- DD [25] Jacinta Indigo Fleur Erica Daisy Bryony Carmel Aster
--- DW [27] Azalea Valeria Thomasina Victoria Stellaluna Natalia Marianna Isabella [Regan Nicholas Mead]
--- DS [exp] Hugo Storm Achille Casper Eden Constantine Henrik Kuba
-- DD [23] Josefina Leonora Georgiana Indiana Felicity Emilia Demetria Caterina
- DH [44] Jakov Carlo Bjorn Yannick Callum Foster Huxley Jaxx [Healy Blanton Greenwood]
-- DD [16] Aurelia Antonia Amalia Theodora Wendy Sylvia Nell Pearl
-- DS [13] Brooklyn Eugene Leighton Ozzy Mylo Niko Rome Saint
-- DS [6] Remi Ozias Kaius Kingstyn Mikko Nilo Michelangelo EmanueleDD [45] Minnie Polly Margot June Laurel Harriet Beatrice Constance
- DH [45] Wilbur Clarence Maynard Irwin Elmer Alexander Ebenezer Jeremiah [Sheridan Geiger Alford]
- DD [16] Edith Augusta Clemency Agatha Florence Enid Mavis Maude
- DS [12] Leonardo Montgomery Sebastian Valeria Zakariya Valentino Benoit BlaiseDD [42] Mildred Philippa Pauline Simone Sybil Tabitha Theda Vivian
- ExH [43] Gaetan Laurent Didier Luc Emilien Rainier Thierry Etienne [Rousseau Martin LeBlanc]
- DS [13] Fathers name
- DD [10] Billy Bobby Ira Jules Perry Monroe Rudy AlanisDS [40] Fathers name
- DW [36] Alice Carys Lourdes Venice Bridget Camille Elizabeth Emma [Talley Dahl Dugan]
- DS [7] Chester Conrad Eric Edwin Gulliver Franklin Ludovic Preston
- DD [4] Ines Claire Emily Julia Isabel Laura Miriam Lucy
- DS [exp] Ralph Norman Otis Percy Ronald Sidney Wallace ThaddeusDD [37] Natalie Nina Olivia Sarah Rebecca Maggie Julie JoannaDS [35] Stanley Sterling Orson Ned Maurice Laszlo Kenneth Humphrey
- Dgf [31] Evelyn Corinne Christina Anna Amanda Bria Evie Hava [Grace Holley Teague]
- DD [nb] FN is mothers MN, Asha Chaya Mary Sophia Morgan*
DD2 [65]
DH [65] Jarvis Jasper Harvey Ford Fergus Douglas Darcy Dennis [Caruso Stiles Cahill]DS [40] Barney Albert Arthur Edmund Flynn Gideon Hamish Maxim
- DW [38] Katherine Cecilia Charlotte Agnes Arabella Delphina Eliana Clarissa [Jorgensen McFadden Piper]
- DS [9] Milo Laurie Arlo Cody Dean Ellis Jem Liam
- DS [6] Rex Toby Woody Jack Finn Bailey Heathcliff Holden
- DS [exp] Edward Ishmael Jolyon Orlando Phineas Sawyer Riley WolfDS [35] Baron Bodhi Crosby David Drake Gage Grey Hunter
- DW [33] Christabel Callista Bellerose Guinevere Juliette Larissa Philomena Savannah [Stroud Herron Ames]
- DD [10] Tallulah Theodora Artemis Aura Devika Jaya Juno Levana
- DD [8] Niamh Maia Persephone Selene Roma Sabrina Thora Belinda
- DD [5] Aphrodite Celeste Clemency Betsy Greta Hebe Hettie Ottilie
- DD [3] Ramona Romilly Marnie Ethel Delphi Bluebell Alabama Dahlia
- DS [nb] Fox Francis Evren Gabriel George Jesse Kevin Nathan*
DS1 [62]
ExW [63] Clarice Eloise Haydee Kinsey Jacy Maisie Mamie Katniss [Daley Stinson Hollis]DS [41] Fathers name
- ExW [42] Marin Matilda Prairie Rain Tamsin Zora Colleen Dominique [O'Hara Swift Barnhart]
-- DD [21] Oona Ariel June Molly Madison, MN is grandmothers FN
--- DD [exp] Lily Nadia Arabelle Brooke Chanel Dove Greer Ireland
-- DS [18] Terry Roger Wayne Ajax Castor Evander Damon Hector Leander
- ExFiancee [39] Jazz Ivory Kennedy Liberty Leigh Maeve Rainy Shea [Grady Abrams Cullen]
-- DS [13] Kirin Paris Vidar Archer Dashiell Felix Graham Rowan
- DW [36] Shell Summer Tawny True Alexis Beverly Brittany Carol [Womack Keenan Smart]
-- DS [7] Jayden Ryker Adonis Beau Jamal Farin Boden Journey
-- DD [4] Angela Cheryl Doris Emily Hannah Helen Jennifer Jessica
-- DS [8m] Kian Makai Maxton Santino Aston Bentley Bryson DashDS [39] Bastian Buzz Drew Frankie Gene Jamie Lev Moe
- DW [36] Kayla Kelly Lauren Linda Megan Michelle Nicole Stephanie [Jacobsen Weston Dorsey]
- DS [6] Freddie Mickey Lex Rafe Ray Thad Xan Wilf
- DD [3] Shirley Sarah Melissa Imogen Eugenia Mae Helena Aurielle
- DS [exp] Topher Jed Bradley Beckham Colby Cooper Devon GaryDS [36] Harley Jackson Hayes Lewis Kendrick Norman Presley Reed
- Dgf [32] Gisele Danika Marine Calista Diantha Samara Adley Banks [Swan Nowak Whitman]
- DS & DS [5m] Miller Parker Lee Hayes Flint Alexios Frederik Jacques & Jameson Maurits Stefan Valdemar Edgar Leopold Rupert AidanDW [55] Avaline Charleigh Dalary Haisley Haven Lyra Nayeli Rumi [Diehl Broussard Christiansen]DS [28] Basil Blane Finnian Jordan Justin Maximilian Peregrine Yves
- DW [27] Ripley Novalee Paislee Winslet Wynter Zendaya Soleil Capri [Sheldon McKinley Rivera]
- DD [exp] Ella Gwen Jenny Jovie Nico Rue Penny TibbyDD [13] Thea Nellie Lilah Bardot Ginger Grace Marlene Temple*
DS2 [54]
ExW [51] Theda Yvonne Rosalind Loretta Lillian Brigitte Bette Louise [Tidwell Davison Bowden]DD [30] Betty Adelaide Cordelia Edna Estelle Geraldine Letitia Imogen
- DH [32] Anders Conal Denzel Emeric Garrett Oswald Malin Rock [Paulson Lockhart Hagan]
- DD [3] Miriam Priscilla Vera Selma Addison Blakely Gillian Piper
- DS & DD [10m] Ulric Asher Elias Hugo Mason Max Muhammad Wyatt & Blake Melinda Peyton Rebel Wednesday Vanessa Macy LoveDD [28] Wren Shelby Kendra Holly Everly Ashley Alexa Camilla
- DH [28] Adlai Baxter Indiana Levon Rome Tobin Beck Ever [Kowalski Landis Kendrick]
- DS [2] Hendrix Journey Ocean Orion Sabbath Winston Armani Arrow
- DD [exp] Courtney Delilah Bonita Adrienne Catharina Khadija Ines ZariaDD [25] Juno Laverna Mena Pax Adoria Artemisia Gabriella LillianaDW [46] Renata Tamera Zarah Isabella Dariya Jelena Dominika Galina [Sharapova Kraus McGraw]DS [17] Fathers name
- Dgf [17] Ivanna Roksana Nadya Viveka Maura Michelina Zenobia [Shipley Boswell Lockwood]
- DD [nb] Casey Brady Dakota Bryce Chandler Evan Keegan DallasDD [5] Arlo Alix Freya Lena Xena, MN is mothers FN- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie
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DH (88) Daniel Joel Anderson
DW (87) Sofia Genevieve (Tomlinson) AndersonDD1 (67) Eleonora Kaija (Anderson)
DD2 (65) Poppy Anamariia (Anderson)
DS1 (62) Daniel Joel Anderson
DS2 (54) Zachary Sean AndersonDaniel and Sofia w/ Elly, Poppy, Daniel and Zach**
DD1 (67) Eleonora Kaija (Anderson) Metcalf
DH (68) Casey Jonathan Metcalf DD (46) Violet Jasmine (Metcalf) Greenwood
- ExH (46) Milan Abel Sharpe
- DD (25) Daisy Carmel Nicholas-Sharpe
-- DW (27) Isabella Natalia Nicholas-Sharpe
-- DS (exp) Hugo Casper Nicholas-Sharpe
Daisy and Isabella exp Hugo
- DD (23) Emilia Felicity Sharpe
Violet and Milan w/ Daisy and Emilia
- DH (44) Huxley Foster Greenwood
- DD (16) Theodora Pearl Greenwood
- DS (13) Mylo Rome Greenwood
- DS (6) Remi Kinstyn Greenwood
Violet and Huxley w/ Theo, Mylo and Remi DD (45) Polly Harriet (Metcalf) Sheridan
- DH (45) Alexander Wilbur Sheridan
- DD (16) Florence Clemency Sheridan
- DS (12) Valentino Sebastian Sheridan
Polly and Alex w/ Flossie and Valentino DD (42) Sybil Vivian Metcalf
- ExH (43) Etienne Luc LeBlanc
- DS (13) Etienne Luc LeBlanc
- DD (10) Jules Rudy LeBlanc
Sybil and Etienne w/ Etienne and Jules DS (40) Casey Jonathan Metcalf
- DW (36) Alice Emma (Dahl) Metcalf
- DS (7) Ludovic Franklin Metcalf
- DD (4) Ines Emily Metcalf
- DS (exp) Ralph Sidney Metcalf
Casey and Alice w/ Ludovic, Ines and exp Ralph DD (37) Olivia Joanna MetcalfDS (35) Laszlo Maurice Metcalf
- Dgf (31) Christina Evie Holley
- DD (nb) Evie Sophia Metcalf
Laszlo and Christina w/ Evie Elly and Casey w/ Violet, Polly, Sybil, Casey, Olivia and Laszlo **
DD2 (65) Poppy Anamariia (Anderson) Stiles
DH (65) Ford Jasper Stiles DS (40) Arthur Flynn Stiles
- DW (38) Charlotte Arabella (Piper) Stiles
- DS (9) Laurie Arlo Stiles
- DS (6) Jack Bailey Stiles
- DS (exp) Riley Phineas Stiles
Arthur and Lottie w/ Laurie, Jack and exp RileyDS (35) Bodhi Grey Stiles
- DW (33) Guinevere Juliette (Herron) Stiles
- DD (10) Tallulah Aura Stiles
- DD (8) Thora Roma Stiles

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dh 88 : daniel nicholas anderson
dw 87 : sofia genevieve (tomlinson) andersondd1 67 : kaija eleonora (anderson)
dd2 65 : poppy anamaria (anderson)
ds1 62 : daniel nicholas anderson
ds2 54 : zachary ruben anderson daniel and sofia w/ kaija, poppy, daniel and zach--
dd1 67 : kaija eleonora (anderson) metcalf
dh 68 : casey jonathan metcalf dd 46 : violet lilias (metcalf) greenwood
- exh 46 : milan abel garland
- dd 25 : daisy carmel garland-nicholas
-- dw 27 : isabella natalia garland-nichols
-- ds exp : hugo eden garland-nichols
daisy and isabella exp hugo
- dd 23 : emilia indiana garland
violet and milan w/ daisy and emilia
- dh 44 : huxley jax greenwood
- dd 16 : theodora aurelia greenwood
- ds 13 : rome mylo greenwood
- ds 6 : kaius remi greenwood
violet and huxley w/ theo, rome and kaius dd 45 : polly june (metcalf) sheridan
- dh 45 : alexander wilbur sheridan
- dd 16 : florence edith sheridan
- ds 12 : valentino sebastian sheridan
polly and alex w/ flossie and valentino dd 42 : vivian simone metcalf
- exh 43 : etienne luc rousseau
- ds 13 : etienne luc rousseau
- ds 10 : jules rudy rousseau
vivian and etienne w/ etienne and jules ds 40 : casey jonathan metcalf
- dw 36 : alice emma (dahl) metcalf
- ds 7 : ludovic franklin metcalf
- dd 4 : ines emily metcalf
- ds exp : ralph sidney metcalf
casey and alice w/ ludovic, ines and exp ralphdd 37 : olivia sarah metcalf ds 35 : laszlo maurice metcalf
- dgf 31 : anna christina grace
- dd nb : christina sophia metcalf
laszlo and anna w/ christina kaija and casey w/ violet, polly, vivian, casey, olivia and laszlo --
dd2 65 : poppy anamaria (anderson) cahill
dh 65 : ford harvey cahill ds 40 : arthur flynn cahill
- dw 38 : charlotte agnes (jorgensen) cahill
- ds 9 : milo laurie cahill
- ds 6 : jack bailey cahill
- ds exp : riley sawyer cahill
arthur and lottie w/ milo, jack and exp riley ds 35 : grey bodhi cahill
- dw 33 : guinevere savannah (herron) cahill
- dd 10 : tallulah aura cahill
- dd 8 : thora selene cahill

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DH (88) Daniel Joel Anderson
DW (87) Lilja Sofia (Jokinen) AndersonDD1 (67) Eleonora Kaija (Anderson)
DD2 (65) Iris Anamaria (Anderson)
DS1 (62) Daniel Joel Anderson
DS2 (54) Zachary Sean AndersonDaniel and Lilja w/ Elle, Iris, Daniel and Zach--
DD1 (67) Eleonora Kaija (Anderson) Metcalf
DH (68) Dimitri Casey MetcalfDD (46) Violet Rosalie (Metcalf) Greenwood
- ExH (46) Milan Abel Garland
- DD (25) Daisy Carmel Nicholas-Garland
-- DW (27) Isabella Natalia Nicholas-Garland
-- DS (exp) Hugo Casper Nicholas-Garland
Daisy and Izzy exp Hugo
- DD (23) Emilia Indiana Garland
Violet and Milan w/ Daisy and Emilia
- DH (44) Huxley Foster Greenwood
- DD (16) Theodora Antonia Greenwood
- DS (13) Mylo Rome Greenwood
- DS (6) Remi Kingstyn Greenwood
Violet and Huxley w/ Theo, Mylo and Remi DD (45) Margot Polly (Metcalf) Sheridan
- DH (45) Alexander Wilbur Sheridan
- DD (16) Florence Clemency Sheridan
- DS (12) Valentino Sebastian Sheridan
Margot and Alex w/ Flossie and ValentinoDD (42) Vivian Sybil Metcalf
- ExH (43) Etienne Luc Rousseau
- DS (13) Etienne Luc Rousseau
- DS (10) Jules Rudy Rousseau
Vivian and Etienne w/ Etienne and JulesDS (40) Dimitri Casey Metcalf
- DW (36) Alice Emma (Dahl) Metcalf
- DS (7) Ludovic Franklin Metcalf
- DD (4) Ines Emily Metcalf
- DS (exp) Ralph Sidney Metcalf
Dimitri and Alice w/ Ludovic, Ines and exp Ralph DD (37) Olivia Sarah Metcalf DS (35) Laszlo Maurice Metcalf
- Dgf (31) Evelyn Christina Grace
- DD (nb) Christina Sophia Metcalf
Laszlo and Evie w/ Christina Eleonora and Dimitri w/ Violet, Margot, Vivian, Dimitri, Olivia and Laszlo --
DD2 (65) Iris Anamaria (Anderson) Cahill
DH (65) Harvey Ford Cahill DS (40) Arthur Hamish Cahill
- DW (38) Charlotte Agnes (Piper) Cahill
- DS (9) Arlo Laurie Cahill
- DS (6) Jack Bailey Cahill
- DS (exp) Riley Orlando Cahill
Arthur and Lottie w/ Arlo, Jack and exp Riley DS (35) Grey Bodhi Cahill
- DW (33) Guinevere Larissa (Herron) Cahill
- DD (10) Tallulah Aura Cahill
- DD (8) Selene Naimh Cahill

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DH (88) Daniel Nicholas Anderson
DW (87) Lilja Sofia (Jokinen) Anderson DD1 (67) Kaija Evangelina (Anderson)
DD2 (65) Poppy Anamaria (Anderson)
DS1 (62) Daniel Nicholas Anderson
DS2 (54) Ruben Zachary Anderson Daniel and Lilja || KaijaPoppyDanielRuben -
DD1 (67) Kaija Evangelina (Anderson) Sanderson
DH (68) Casey Dimitri Sanderson DD (46) Violet Rosalie (Sanderson) Greenwood
- ExH (46) Milan Coen Sharpe
- DD (25) Daisy Carmel Regan-Sharpe
-- DW (27) Isabella Victoria Regan-Sharpe
-- DS (exp) Hugo Eden Regan-Sharpe
Daisy and Isabella || exp Hugo
- DD (23) Felicity Emilia Sharpe
Violet and Milan || DaisyFelicity
- DH (44) Huxley Bjorn Greenwood

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DH [88] Malcolm Daniel Britton
DW [87] Lilja Genevieve [Jokinen] BrittonDD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora Britton
DD2 [65] Liana Rosemary Britton
DS1 [62] Malcolm Daniel BrittonDaniel
DS2 [54] Sean Zachary BrittonMalcolm & Lilja; Kaija, Liana, Daniel, and Sean *
DD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora Britton
DH [68] Dimitri Jonathan Metcalf Kaija & Dimitri; Rosalie, Laurel, Vivian, Jonathan, Rebecca, and Maurice DD [46] Susannah Violet Metcalf
- ExH [46] Milan Abel Sharpe
-- DD [25] Erica Daisy Sharpe
--- DW [27] Natalia Isabella Mead
--- DS [exp] Casper Hugo Mead
-- DD [23] Emilia Felicity Sharpe
- DH [44] Callum Jakov Blanton

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DH [88] Malcolm Spencer Anderson
DW [87] Veera Diana (O'Leary) AndersonDD1 [67] Evangelina "Eva" Alexandria Anderson
DD2 [65] Rosemary "Rose" Heather Anderson
DS1 [62] Malcolm "Mac" Spencer Anderson, Jr
DS2 [54] Mitchell "Mitch" Travis AndersonMalcolm & Veera Anderson: Eva, Rose, Mac and Mitch*
DD1 [67] Evangelina "Eva" Alexandria (Anderson) Metcalf
DH [68] Grant Casey MetcalfDD [46] Susannah Violet (Metcalf) Greenwood
- ExH [46] Brett Sander Sharpe
-- DD [25] Erica Daisy (Sharpe) Regan-Sharpe
--- DW [27] Isabella "Izzy" Victoria (Regan) Regan-Sharpe
--- DS [exp] Hugo Casper Regan-Sharpe
-- DD [23] Emilia Felicity Sharpe
- DH [44] Callum "Cal" Foster Greenwood
-- DD [16] Theodora "Thea" Sylvia Greenwood
-- DS [13] Mylo Eugene Greenwood
-- DS [6] Remi Kingstyn GreenwoodDD [45] Margot Harriet (Metcalf) Alford
- DH [45] Jeremiah "Jerry" Alexander Alford
- DD [16] Edith "Edie" Florence Alford
- DS [12] Montgomery "Monty" Sebastian AlfordDD [42] Tabitha Pauline Metcalf
- ExH [43] Luc Etienne Rousseau
- DS [13] Luc Etienne Rousseau, Jr
- DD [10] Rudy Jules RousseauDS [40] Grant "Casey" Metcalf, Jr
- DW [36] Elizabeth "Libby" Bridget (Dugan) Metcalf
- DS [7] Chester Conrad Metcalf
- DD [4] Emily Miriam Metcalf
- DS [exp] Sidney Norman MetcalfDD [37] Rebecca Sarah MetcalfDS [35] Ned Stanley Metcalf
- Dgf [31] Amanda Corinne Holley
- DD [nb] Corinne "Cori" Sophia MetcalfEva & Grant Metcalf: Susannah, Margot, Tabitha, Casey, Rebecca and Ned
--Susannah Greenwood and Brett Sharpe: Erica and Emilia
----Erica & Izzy Regan-Sharpe: Hugo
---Susannah & Cal Greenwood: Thea, Mylo and Remi
--Margot & Jerry Alford: Edie and Monty
--Tabitha Metcalf and Luc Rousseau: Luc and Rudy
--Casey & Libby Metcalf: Chester, Emily and Sidney
--Ned Metcalf & Amanda Holley: Cori*
DD2 [65] Rosemary "Rose" Heather (Anderson) Cahill
DH [65] Harvey Douglas CahillDS [40] Edmund "Eddie" Arthur Cahill
- DW [38] Katherine "Kate" Agnes (Piper) Cahill
- DS [9] Milo Ellis Cahill
- DS [6] Toby Finn Cahill

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DH [88] Malcolm Nicholas Siegel
DW [87] Diana Lilja (nee. Jokinen) SiegelDD1 [67] Alexandria Eleanora
DD2 [65] Camellia Rosemary
DS1 [62] Malcolm Nicholas
DS2 [54] Zachary Sean ***
DD1 [67] Alexandria Eleanora (nee. Siegel) Metcalf
DH [68] Jonathan Collin Metcalf ~
DD [46] Susanna Lilias Metcalf
- ExH [46] Brendan Niels Sharpe -- DD [25] Jacinta Carmel Sharpe
--- DW [27] Victoria Thomasina (nee. Regan) Sharpe
--- DS [exp] Hugo Storm -- DD [23] Georgiana Emilia Sharpe - DH [44] Callum Huxley Blanton -- DD [16] Theodora Pearl Blanton
-- DS [13] Mylo Eugene Blanton
-- DS [6] Remi Emanuele Blanton ~
DD [45] Margot Beatrice (nee. Metcalf) Geiger
- DH [45] Alexander Clarence Geiger - DD [16] Edith Augusta Geiger
- DS [12] Sebastian Blaise Geiger ~
DD [42] Theda Simone Metcalf
- ExH [43] Gaetan Rainier LeBlanc - DS [13] Gaetan Rainier Leblanc, Jr.
- DD [10] Jules Monroe Leblanc ~
DS [40] Jonathan Collin Metcalf
- DW [36] Alice Bridget Dahl - DS [7] Conrad Edwin Metcalf-Dahl
- DD [4] Ines Julia Metcalf-Dahl
- DS [exp] Sidney Otis Metcalf-Dahl ~
DD [37] Natalie Olivia Metcalf ~
DS [35] Sterling Maurice Metcalf
- Dgf [31] Anna Christina Teague - DD [nb] Christina Mary Metcalf ****
DD2 [65] Camellia Rosemary (nee. Siegel) Cahill
DH [65] Harvey Douglas Cahill ~
DS [40] Arthur Hamish Cahill
- DW [38] Cecilia Delphina (nee. Jorgensen) Cahill - DS [9] Milo Dean Cahill
- DS [6] Holden Rex Cahill
- DS [exp] Jolyon Wolf Cahill ~
DS [35] David Grey Cahill
- DW [33] Juliette Philomena (nee. Ames) Cahill - DD [10] Theodora Artemis Cahill
- DD [8] Sabrina Persephone Cahill
- DD [5] Ottilie Celeste Cahill
- DD [3] Ramona Delphi Cahill
- DS [nb] Gabriel Fox Cahill ****
DS1 [62] Malcolm Nicholas Siegel
ExW [63] Haydee Eloise (nee. Hollis) Siegel ~
DS [41] Malcolm Nicholas Siegel, III
- ExW [42] Matilda Colleen Swift -- DD [21] Oona Haydee Siegel
--- DD [exp] Arabelle Lily -- DS [18] Evander Damon Siegel - ExFiancee [39] Maeve Ivory Cullen

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DH [88] Derek Joel Britton
DW [87] Genevieve Lilja Jokinen-Britton
DD1 [67] Anneli Kaija Britton
DD2 [65] Liana Heather Britton
DS1 [62] Derek Joel Britton, Jr.
DS2 [54] Zachary Sean Britton
DD1 [67] Anneli Kaija Britton-Metcalf
DH [68] Jonathan Kyle Metcalf
DD [46] Susannah Rosalie Jasmine Metcalf
- ExH [46] Brendan Coen Sharpe
-- DD [25] Erica Daisy Jacinta Sharpe
--- DW [27] Valeria Isabella Mead
--- DS [exp] Henrik Hugo Meadcalf
-- DD [23] Leonora Felicity Sharpe
- DH [44] Yannick Bjorn Blanton
-- DD [16] Wendy Pearl Blanton
-- DS [13] Eugene Mylo Blanton
-- DS [6] Ozias Remi Blanton
DD [45] Beatrice Polly Margot Metcalf-Alford
- DH [45] Clarence Alexander Alford
- DD [16] Agatha Mavis Alford

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DH [88] Joel Nicholas
DW [87] Genevieve Arwen DD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora
DD2 [65] Liana Iris
DS1 [62] Joel Nicholas
DS2 [54] Shea Zachary*
DD1 [67]
DH [68] Jonathan Grant DD [46] Rosalie Susannah
- ExH [46] Brett Abel
-- DD [25] Erica Fleur
--- DW [27] Victoria Thomasina
--- DS [exp] Hugo Constantine
-- DD [23] Emilia Caterina
- DH [44] Callum Foster
-- DD [16] Sylvia Pearl
-- DS [13] Leighton Niko
-- DS [6] Remi Kaius DD [45] Margot Laurel
- DH [45] Jeremiah Alexander
- DD [16] Edith Augusta
- DS [12] Leonardo Sebastian DD [42] Vivian Simone
- ExH [43] Luc Rainier
- DS [13] Luc Rainier
- DD [10] Rudy IraDS [40] Jonathan Grant
- DW [36] Bridget Alice
- DS [7] Preston Eric
- DD [4] Claire Emily
- DS [exp] Thaddeus RonaldDD [37] Olivia SarahDS [35] Sterling Laszlo
- Dgf [31] Corinne Amanda
- DD [nb] Amanda Morgan*
DD2 [65]
DH [65] Jasper FordDS [40] Gideon Flynn
- DW [38] Cecilia Katherine
- DS [9] Milo Dean
- DS [6] Jack Holden
- DS [exp] Riley Edward DS [35] Hunter David
- DW [33] Juliette Callista
- DD [10] Devika Tallulah
- DD [8] Maia Persephone
- DD [5] Celeste Greta
- DD [3] Romilly Dahlia
- DS [nb] Jesse Gabriel*
DS1 [62]
ExW [63] Maisie EloiseDS [41] Joel Nicholas
- ExW [42] Marin Colleen
-- DD [21] June Maisie
--- DD [exp] Lily Ireland
-- DS [18] Leander Wayne
- ExFiancee [39] Maeve Kennedy
-- DS [13] Rowan Graham
- DW [36] Summer Carol
-- DS [7] Jayden Beau
-- DD [4] Emily Hannah
-- DS [8m] Kian DashDS [39] Drew Lev
- DW [36] Kelly Megan
- DS [6] Thad Ray
- DD [3] Sarah Helena
- DS [exp] Devon BradleyDS [36] Hayes Jackson
- Dgf [32] Danika Calista
- DS & DS [5m] Parker Lee & Aidan Jameson DW [55] Charleigh AvalineDS [28] Maximilian Justin "Max"
- DW [27] Soleil Wynter
- DD [exp] Ella Gwen DD [13] Lilah Grace*
DS2 [54]
ExW [51] Rosalind Louise DD [30] Adelaide Estelle
- DH [32] Garrett Emeric
- DD [3] Gillian Piper
- DS & DD [10m] Mason Hugo & Blake VanessaDD [28] Wren Camilla
- DH [28] Rome Ever
- DS [2] Orion Winston
- DD [exp] Courtney Delilah DD [25] Gabriella JunoDW [46] Isabella Dominika DS [17] Shea Zachary
- Dgf [17] Viveka Nadya
- DD [nb] Casey EvanDD [5] Lena Isabella
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DH (88) Nicholas Daniel Anderson
DW (87) Lilja Genevieve (Jokinen) Anderson DD1 (67) Evangelina Kaija (Anderson)
DD2 (65) Poppy Anamaria (Anderson)
DS1 (62) Nicholas Daniel Anderson
DS2 (54) Zachary Sean Anderson Nicholas and Lilja || Evie • Poppy • Nicky • Zach *
DD1 (67) Evangelina Kaija (Anderson) Metcalf
DH (68) Casey Dimitri Metcalf DD (46) Violet Rosalie (Metcalf) Greenwood
- ExH (46) Milan Coen Garland
- DD (25) Daisy Carmel Garland-Regan
-- DW (27) Isabella Natalia Garland-Regan
-- DS (exp) Hugo Casper Garland-Regan
Daisy and Izzy || exp Hugo
- DD (23) Felicity Emilia Garland
Violet and Milan || Daisy • Felicity
- DH (44) Bjorn Huxley Greenwood
- DD (16) Theodora Pearl Greenwood
- DS (13) Mylo Brooklyn Greenwood
- DS (6) Remi Kingstyn Greenwood
Violet and Bjorn || Theo • Mylo • RemiDD (45) Margot Harriet (Metcalf) Sheridan
- DH (45) Alexander Wilbur Sheridan
- DD (16) Florence Clemency Sheridan
- DS (12) Leonardo Sebastian Sheridan
Margot and Alex || Flossie • Leo DD (42) Vivian Sybil Metcalf
- ExH (43) Etienne Luc Rousseau
- DS (13) Etienne Luc Rousseau
- DD (10) Monroe Jules Rousseau
Vivian and Etienne || Etienne • Monroe DS (40) Casey Dimitri Metcalf
- DW (36) Alice Elizabeth (Talley) Metcalf
- DS (7) Ludovic Franklin Metcalf
- DD (4) Ines Emily Metcalf
- DS (exp) Ralph Sidney Metcalf
Casey and Alice || Ludovic • Ines • exp Ralph DD (37) Olivia Sarah Metcalf DS (35) Laszlo Maurice Metcalf
- Dgf (31) Evelyn Christina Grace
- DD (nb) Christina Sophia Metcalf
Laszlo and Evelyn || Christina Evie and Casey || Violet • Margot • Vivian • Casey • Olivia • Laszlo *
DD2 (65) Poppy Anamaria (Anderson) Cahill
DH (65) Ford Darcy Cahill DS (40) Arthur Flynn Cahill
- DW (38) Charlotte Agnes (Piper) Cahill
- DS (9) Laurie Ellis Cahill
- DS (6) Jack Bailey Cahill
- DS (exp) Riley Sawyer Cahill
Arthur and Lottie || Laurie • Jack • exp Riley DS (35) Grey Bodhi Cahill
- DW (33) Guinevere Juliette (Ames) Cahill

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DH [88]: Malcolm Christopher Siegel Sr.
DW [87]: Lilja Sofia Siegel (née Jokinen)DD1 [67]: Anneli Eleonora Sanderson (née Siegel)
DD2 [65]: Iris Anamaria Caruso (née Siegel)
DS1 [62]: Malcolm Christopher Siegel Jr.
DS2 [54]: Sean Zachary Siegel Sr.Malcolm Sr. & Lilja; Anneli, Iris, Malcolm Jr., and Sean*DD1 [Anneli, 67]:
DH [68]: Grant Jonathan Sanderson Sr.DD [46]: Susannah Violet Greenwood (née Sanderson, formerly Garland)
- ExH [46]: Abel Coen Garland
- DD [25]: Bryony Fleur Garland
-- DW [27]: Isabella Thomasina Garland (née Regan) "Bella"
-- DS [exp]: Hugo Achille Garland
- DD [23]: Indiana Felicity Garland "Indie"
- DH [44]: Callum Yannick Greenwood
- DD [16]: Sylvia Pearl Greenwood
- DS [13]: Rome Eugene Greenwood

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This message was edited 3/29/2024, 9:44 AM

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DH [88] Derek Spencer Siegel
DW [87] Veera Genevieve [Jokinen] SiegelDD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora Siegel
DD2 [65] Liana Rosemary Siegel
DS1 [62] Derek Spencer Siegel Jr.
DS2 [54] Trevor Mitchell Siegel*DD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora Siegel
DH [68] Jonathan Desmond MetcalfDD [46] Rosalie Veronica [Metcalf] Greenwood
- ExH [46] Brendan Coen Sharpe
-- DD [25] Erica Fleur Sharpe
--- DW [27] Isabella Victoria Mead
--- DS [exp] Casper Henrik Mead-Sharpe
-- DD [23] Emilia Felicity Sharpe
- DH [44] Callum Foster Greenwood
-- DD [16] Antonia Wendy Greenwood
-- DS [13] Leighton Rome Greenwood
-- DS [6] Kaius Remi GreenwoodDD [45] Beatrice Laurel [Metcalf] Sheridan
- DH [45] Maynard Alexander Sheridan
- DD [16] Mavis Agatha Sheridan
- DS [12] Blaise Montgomery SheridanDD [42] Vivien Simone Metcalf
- ExH [43] Rainier Laurent Martin
- DS [13] Rainier Laurent Martin Jr.
- DD [10] Alanis Monroe MartinDS [40] Jonathan Desmond Metcalf Jr.
- DW [36] Alice Camille [Dugan] Metcalf
- DS [7] Eric Franklin Metcalf
- DD [4] Julia Isabel Metcalf
- DS [exp] Sidney Wallace MetcalfDD [37] Natalie Rebecca MetcalfDS [35] Stanley Kenneth Metcalf
- Dgf [31] Anna Christina Grace
- DD [nb] Christina Mary Metcalf*DD2 [65] Liana Rosemary [Siegel] Cahill
DH [65] Jasper Harvey CahillDS [40] Albert Flynn Cahill
- DW [38] Clarissa Katherine [McFadden] Cahill
- DS [9] Ellis Dean Cahill
- DS [6] Holden Jack Cahill
- DS [exp] Sawyer Wolf CahillDS [35] David Hunter Cahill
- DW [33] Savannah Juliette [Herron] Cahill
- DD [10] Artemis Juno Cahill
- DD [8] Sabrina Thora Cahill
- DD [5] Celeste Ottilie Cahill
- DD [3] Ramona Marnie Cahill
- DS [nb] Nathan Francis Cahill*DS1 [62] Derek Spencer Siegel Jr.
ExW [63] Clarice Kinsey Daley StinsonDS [41] Derek Spencer Siegel III
- ExW [42] Zora Tamsin Swift
-- DD [21] Ariel Clarice Siegel
--- DD [exp] Nadia Greer Siegel
-- DS [18] Damon Leander Siegel
- ExFiancee [39] Ivory Maeve Cullen
-- DS [13] Rowan Felix Siegel
- DW [36] Alexis Carol Keenan
-- DS [7] Beau Adonis Siegel

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H: Daniel Spencer Siegel [88]
W: Diana Lilja O'Leary Siegel [87] D1: Eleonora Evangelina Siegel [67]
D2: Rosemary Camellia Siegel [65]
S1: Daniel Spencer Siegel II [62]
S2: Sean Trevor Siegel [54] Daniel (Dan) & Diana (Dinah); Eleonora, Rosemary, Daniel, and Sean.*D1: Eleonora Evangelina Siegel Lord [67]
H: Dimitri Metcalf Lord [68] Eleonora (Ellie) & Dimitri; Susannah, Beatrice, Philippa, Conrad, Olivia, and Orson.D: Susannah Violet Lord Blanton [46]
-ExH: Milan Abel Garland [46]
--D: Veronica Daisy Garland Mead [25]
---W: Isabella Marianna Mead [27]
---S: Constantine Eden Mead [exp]
--D: Felicity Josefina Garland [23]
-H: Callum Bjorn Blanton [44]
--D: Sylvia Pearl Blanton [16]
--S: Remy Saint Blanton [13] Susannah & Milan; Veronica and Felicity.
Susannah & Callum (Cal); Sylvia and Remy.
Veronica & Isabella; Constantine. D: Beatrice Constance Lord Geiger [45]
-H: Alexander Maynard Geiger [45]
-D: Augusta Maude Geiger [16]
-S: Sebastian Blaise Geiger [12] Beatrice & Alexander (Alex); Augusta and Sebastian. D: Philippa Vivian Lord [42]
-ExH: Emilien Laurent Rousseau [43]
-S: Monroe Jules Rousseau [10] Philippa (Pippa) & Emilien; Monroe. S: Conrad Preston Lord [40]
-W: Alice Elizabeth Dugan Lord [36]
-D: Claire Lucy Lord [4]
-S: Eric Franklin Lord [exp] Conrad & Alice; Claire and Eric.D: Olivia Rebecca Lord [37] S: Orson Maurice Lord [35]
-gf: Anna Christina Teague [31]
-D: Mary Sophia Teague [nb] Orson & Anna; Mary Sophia.*D2: Rosemary Camellia Siegel Cahill [65]
H: Dennis Jasper Cahill [65] Rosemary & Dennis; Gideon and Hunter.S: Gideon Albert Cahill [40]
-W: Katherine Charlotte Piper Cahill [38]
-S: Liam Ellis Cahill [9]
-S: Finn Heathcliff Cahill [6]
-S: Sawyer Edward Cahill [exp] Gideon & Katherine (Kate); Liam, Finn, and Sawyer. S: Hunter David Cahill [35]
-W: Juliette Larissa Ames Cahill [33]
-D: Tallulah Niamh Cahill [10]
-D: Maia Sabrina Cahill [8]
-D: Greta Celeste Cahill [5]
-D: Theodora Dahlia Cahill [3]

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DH [88] Aaron Nicholas Britton, Sr.
DW [87] Lilja Celestia Jokinen BrittonDD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora Britton Metcalf
DD2 [65] Liana Camellia Britton Caruso
DS1 [62] Aaron Nicholas Britton, Jr.
DS2 [54] Ruben Mitchell Britton, Sr.*
DD1 [67] Kaija Eleonora Britton Metcalf
DH [68] Grant Jonathan Metcalf, Sr.DD [46] Senna Veronica Metcalf Blanton
- ExH [46] Milan Bram Garland
-- DD [25] Jacinta Bryony Garland Regan
--- DW [27] Natalia Azalea Regan
--- DS [exp] Constantine Achille Regan
-- DD [23] Leonora Emilia Garland
- DH [44] Carlo Huxley Blanton
-- DD [16] Wendy Nell Blanton
-- DS [13] Saint Mylo Blanton
-- DS [6] Kaius Remi BlantonDD [45] Polly Constance Metcalf Sheridan
- DH [45] Irwin Alexander Sheridan
- DD [16] Agatha Augusta Sheridan
- DS [12] Benoit Valeria SheridanDD [42] Theda Vivian Metcalf
- ExH [43] Luc Gaetan LeBlanc, Sr.
- DS [13] Luc Gaetan LeBlanc, Jr.
- DD [10] Ira Alanis LeBlancDS [40] Grant Jonathan Metcalf, Jr.
- DW [36] Carys Elizabeth Dahl Metcalf
- DS [7] Edwin Conrad Metcalf
- DD [4] Laura Isabel Metcalf
- DS [exp] Percy Ronald MetcalfDD [37] Julie Olivia MetcalfDS [35] Orson Humphrey Metcalf
- Dgf [31] Amanda Corinne Grace
- DD [nb] Corinne Asha Grace*
DD2 [65] Liana Camellia Britton Caruso
DH [65] Darcy Douglas CarusoDS [40] Gideon Flynn Caruso
- DW [38] Eliana Agnes McFadden Caruso
- DS [9] Ellis Dean Caruso
- DS [6] Woody Finn Caruso
- DS [exp] Riley Wolf CarusoDS [35] Hunter David Caruso
- DW [33] Bellerose Juliette Stroud Caruso
- DD [10] Artemis Levana Caruso
- DD [8] Belinda Selene Caruso
- DD [5] Celeste Hettie Caruso
- DD [3] Romilly Delphi Caruso
- DS [nb] Gabriel Nathan Caruso*
DS1 [62] Aaron Nicholas Britton, Jr.
ExW [63] Mamie Eloise StinsonDS [41] Aaron Nicholas Britton, III
- ExW [42] Marin Dominique Barnhart
-- DD [21] June Mamie Britton
--- DD [exp] Dove Greer Britton
-- DS [18] Ajax Wayne Britton
- ExFiancee [39] Ivory Jazz Abrams
-- DS [13] Dashiell Felix Abrams
- DW [36] Tawny Brittany Keenan Britton

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DH [88] Nicholas DanielNickBritton
DW [87] Aurora Genevieve Tomlinson-Britton
Nick & Aurora: Eleonora, Rosemary, Nicholas Jr and Ruben DD1 [67] Eleonora EvangelinaNoraBritton
DD2 [65] Rosemary IrisRomyBritton
DS1 [62] Nicholas DanielNickBritton Jr
DS2 [54] Ruben Mitchell Britton
DD1 [67] Nora Britton-Metcalf
DH [68] Jonathan GrantJon” Metcalf
Jon & Nora: Rosalie, June, Vivian, Jonathan Jr, Nina and SterlingDD [46] Rosalie Veronica Metcalf-Greenwood
- ExH [46] Abel Niels Garland
Abel & Rosalie: Daisy and Emilia -- DD [25] Daisy Jacinta Garland-Mead
--- DW [27] Isabella VictoriaBella” Garland-Mead

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DH [88] Daniel Joel Britton "Dan"
DW [87] Genevieve Diana Jokinen BrittonDD1 [67] Anastasia Alexandria Britton "Stacy"
DD2 [65] Rosemary Iris Britton "Rose"
DS1 [62] Daniel Joel Britton, Jr. "DJ"
DS2 [54] Zachary Trevor Britton "Zach"*
DD1 [67] Anastasia Alexandria Britton Sanderson "Stacy"
DH [68] Jonathan Grant Sanderson "Jon"DD [46] Susannah Violet Sanderson Greenwood
- ExH [46] Brendan Abel Sharpe
-- DD [25] Daisy Erica Sharpe
--- DW [27] Natalia Victoria Mead Sharpe
--- DS [exp] Casper Hugo Sharpe
-- DD [23] Emilia Georgiana Sharpe "Emmi"
- DH [44] Callum Foster Greenwood
-- DD [16] Theodora Sylvia Greenwood "Dora"
-- DS [13] Niko Eugene Greenwood
-- DS [6] Remi Emanuele GreenwoodDD [45] Beatrice June Sanderson Sheridan "Bea"
- DH [45] Alexander Clarence Sheridan "Alex"
- DD [16] Edith Florence Sheridan "Edie"
- DS [12] Sebastian Blaise Sheridan "Seb"DD [42] Vivian Simone Sanderson
- ExH [43] Thierry Luc LeBlanc
- DS [13] Thierry Luc LeBlanc, Jr. "TJ"
- DD [10] Alanis Monroe LeBlanc "Ali"DS [40] Jonathan Grant Sanderson, Jr. "JJ"
- DW [36] Elizabeth Emma Dahl Sanderson "Ellie"
- DS [7] Preston Conrad Sanderson
- DD [4] Lucy Isabel Sanderson
- DS [exp] Sidney Wallace Sanderson "Sid"DD [37] Olivia Rebecca Sanderson "Liv"DS [35] Kenneth Maurice Sanderson "Ken"
- Dgf [31] Christina Anna Grace
- DD [nb] Anna Sophia Grace Sanderson*
DD2 [65] Rosemary Iris Britton Cahill "Rose"
DH [65] Jarvis Darcy CahillDS [40] Hamish Arthur Cahill
- DW [38] Eliana Charlotte Piper Cahill
- DS [9] Milo Dean Cahill
- DS [6] Jack Bailey Cahill
- DS [exp] Riley Edward CahillDS [35] David Grey Cahill
- DW [33] Juliette Guinevere Ames Cahill
- DD [10] Juno Theodora Cahill
- DD [8] Maia Niamh Cahill
- DD [5] Greta Celeste Cahill
- DD [3] Romilly Dahlia Cahill "Romy"
- DS [nb] Jesse Gabriel Cahill*
DS1 [62] Daniel Joel Britton, Jr. "DJ"
ExW [63] Eloise Clarice StinsonDS [41] Daniel Joel Britton III "Danny"
- ExW [42] Matilda Colleen O'Hara
-- DD [21] Madison Eloise Britton "Madi"

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DH [88] Malcolm Christopher Britton, Sr.
DW [87] Veera Diana [Jokinen] BrittonDD1 [67] Jaana Alexandria [Britton] Lord
DD2 [65] Camellia Iris [Britton] Stiles
DS1 [62] Malcolm Christopher Britton
DS2 [54] Kendall Shea Britton Colm & Veera || Jaana, Camellia, Mal and Ken *DD1 [67] Jaana Alexandria [Britton] Lord
DH [68] Bryan Desmond Lord, Sr.DD [46] Veronica Lilias [Lord] Greenwood
- ExH [46] Bram Coen Meredith
-- DD [25] Aster Carmel Meredith
--- DW [27] Natalia Valeria Mead
--- DS [exp] Casper Hugo Meredith-Mead
-- DD [23] Leonora Felicity Meredith
- DH [44] Callum Foster Greenwood
-- DD [16] Theodora Pearl Greenwood
-- DS [13] Rome Eugene Greenwood
-- DS [6] Kaius Emanuele GreenwoodDD [45] Laurel Margot [Lord] Sheridan
- DH [45] Maynard Ebenezer Sheridan
- DD [16] Florence Maude Sheridan
- DS [12] Sebastian Montgomery Sheridan DD [42] Tabitha Vivian Lord
- ExH [43] Thierry Laurent Rousseau, Sr.
- DS [13] Thierry Laurent Rousseau, Jr.
- DD [10] Alanis Monroe Rousseau DS [40] Bryan Desmond Lord, Jr.
- DW [36] Bridget Elizabeth [Talley] Lord
- DS [7] Preston Conrad Lord
- DD [4] Julia Claire Lord
- DS [exp] Sidney Wallace Lord DD [37] Rebecca Joanna Lord DS [35] Kenneth Stanley Lord
- Dgf [31] Anna Corinne Teague
- DD [nb] Corinne Sophia Teague Bryan & Jaana || Veronica, Laurel, Tabitha, Des, Becca and Ken
...Bram & Veronica || Aster and Leonora / Cal & Veronica || Thea, Rome and Kaius
.....Aster & Natalia || Casper
...Maynard & Laurel || Florence and Sebastian
...Thierry & Tabitha || Laurie and Alanis
...Bryan & Bridget || Preston, Julia and Sidney
...Ken & Anna || Cori
*DD2 [65] Camellia Iris [Britton] Stiles
DH [65] Ford Douglas Stiles DS [40] Gideon Edmund Stiles
- DW [38] Katherine Eliana [Piper] Stiles
- DS [9] Milo Ellis Stiles
- DS [6] Holden Finn Stiles
- DS [exp] Riley Sawyer Stiles DS [35] David Hunter Stiles
- DW [33] Savannah Guinevere [Ames] Stiles
- DD [10] Artemis Tallulah Stiles
- DD [8] Thora Selene Stiles

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DH [88] Christopher Malcolm Siegel
DW [87] Diana Celestia Jokinen
DD1 [67] Eleonora Anastasia Siegel
DD2 [65] Anamaria Camellia Siegel
DS1 [62] Christopher Malcolm Siegel II
DS2 [54] Ruben Zachary Siegel
DD1 [67] Eleonora Anastasia Siegel
DH [68] Desmond Jonathan Metcalf
DD [46] Lilias Veronica Metcalf
- ExH [46] Abel Sander Meredith
-- DD [25] Bryony Carmel Meredith
--- DW [27] Thomasina Victoria Mead
--- DS [exp] Hugo Henrik Meredith-Mead
-- DD [23] Felicity Leonora Meredith
- DH [44] Carlo Foster Greenwood
-- DD [16] Sylvia Nell Greenwood
-- DS [13] Eugene Leighton Greenwood
-- DS [6] Ozias Remi Greenwood
DD [45] Constance Harriet Metcalf
- DH [45] Clarence Ebenezer Alford
- DD [16] Augusta Enid Alford
- DS [12] Montgomery Blaise "Monty" Alford
DD [42] Tabitha Pauline Metcalf
- ExH [43] Gaetan Luc Martin
- DS [13] Gaetan Luc "Luc" Martin, Jr.
- DD [10] Jules Perry Martin
DS [40] Desmond Jonathan "Jonty" Metcalf, Jr.
- DW [36] Lourdes Camille Dugan
- DS [7] Edwin Gulliver Metcalf
- DD [4] Miriam Claire Metcalf
- DS [exp] Percy Thaddeus Metcalf
DD [37] Joanna Rebecca Metcalf
DS [35] Humphrey Orson Metcalf
- Dgf [31] Amanda Evelyn Grace
- DD [nb] Evelyn Mary Metcalf
DD2 [65] Anamaria Camellia Siegel
DH [65] Jasper Jarvis Cahill
DS [40] Barnaby Edmund "Barney" Cahill
- DW [38] Agnes Delphina Piper
- DS [9] Laurence Milo "Laurie" Cahill
- DS [6] Tobias Rex "Toby" Cahill
- DS [exp] Phineas Edward "Phinny" Cahill
DS [35] Crosby David Cahill
- DW [33] Christabel Philomena Ames
- DD [10] Levana Theodora Cahill
- DD [8] Thora Belinda Cahill
- DD [5] Hebe Celeste Cahill
- DD [3] Ethel Romilly Cahill
- DS [nb] Fox Gabriel Cahill
DS1 [62] Christopher Malcolm Siegel II
ExW [63] Mariamne Clarice "Mamie" Hollis
DS [41] Christopher Malcolm "Kit" Siegel III
- ExW [42] Zora Matilda Barnhart
-- DD [21] June Mariamne Siegel
--- DD [exp] Arabelle Nadia Siegel
-- DS [18] Damon Leander Siegel
- ExFiancee [39] Urania Maeve "Rainy" Cullen
-- DS [13] Vidar Felix Siegel
- DW [36] Carol Brittany Smart

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DH [88] Christopher Malcolm Anderson
DW [87] Lilja Diana {Jokinen} AndersonDD [67] Alexandria Anneli {Anderson} Metcalf
— DH [68] Jonathan Grant Metcalf
— DD [46] Susannah Jasmine {Metcalf} Sharpe-Healy
—- exDH [46] Coen Abel Sharpe
—- DH [44] Callum Foster Healy
—- DD [25] Jacinta Daisy Sharpe
—— DW [27] Isabella Valeria Nicholas
—— DS [exp] Hugo Constantine Nicholas Sharpe
—- DD [23] Felicity Emilia Sharpe
—- DD [16] Sylvia Pearl Healy
—- DS [13] Leighton Eugene Healy
—- DS [6] Remi Emanuele Healy
— DD [45] Laurel June {Metcalf} Sheridan
—- DH [45] Alexander Jeremiah Sheridan
—- DD [16] Florence Edith Sheridan
—- DS [12] Sebastian Blaise Sheridan
— DD [42] Vivian Simone {Metcalf} Martin
—- exDH [43] Emilien Luc Martin
—- DS [13] Emilien Luc Martin Metcalf II
—- DD [10] Alanis Perry Metcalf
— DS [40] Jonathan Grant Metcalf II
—- DW [36] Camille Elizabeth {Talley} Metcalf
—- DS [7] Preston Conrad Metcalf
—- DD [4] Laura Claire Metcalf
—- DS [exp] Sidney Thaddeus Metcalf
— DD [37] Natalie Joanna Metcalf
— DS [35] Kenneth Stanley Metcalf
—- Dgf [31] Evelyn Amanda Holley
—- DD [nb] Amanda Morgan MetcalfDD [65] Rosemary Anamaria {Anderson} Cahill
— DH [65] Douglas Jasper Cahill
— DS [40] Flynn Hamish Cahill
—- DW [38] Cecilia Katherine {McFadden} Cahill
—- DS [9] Dean Ellis Cahill
—- DS [6] Jack Holden Cahill
—- DS [exp] Riley Sawyer Cahill
— DS [35] Crosby David Cahill
—- DW [33] Juliette Guinevere {Ames} Cahill
—- DD [10] Juno Tallulah Cahill
—- DD [8] Maia Persephone Cahill
—- DD [5] Greta Celeste Cahill
—- DD [3] Marnie Ramona Cahill
—- DS [nb] Fox Francis CahillDS [62] Christopher Malcolm Anderson II
— exDW [63] Maisie Eloise {Stinson} Anderson
— DW [55] Lyra Avaline {Diehl} Anderson
— DS [41] Christopher Malcolm Anderson III
—- exDW [42] Matilda Colleen {Swift} Anderson
—- exDf [39] Maeve Kennedy Abrams
—- DW [36] Summer Alexis {Keenan} Anderson
—- DD [21] Oona Maisie Anderson

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DH [88] Joel Christopher Anderson
DW [87] Lilja Sofia Anderson nee Jokinen
DD1 [67] Anneli Victoriana Anderson
DD2 [65] Briar Anamaria Anderson
DS1 [62] Joel Christopher Anderson "Kit"
DS2 [54] Zachary Mitchell Anderson "Zach"Joel & Lilja
Anneli | Briar | Kit | Zach*
DD1 [67] Anneli Victoriana Metcalf nee Anderson
DH [68] Jonathan Kyle Metcalf
DD [46] Lilias Jasmine Metcalf
- ExH [46] Niels Sander Sharpe
-- DD [25] Indigo Aster Sharpe
--- DW [27] Thomasina Victoria Sharpe nee Mead
--- DS [exp] Storm Henrik Sharpe
-- DD [23] Leonora Josefina Greenwood nee Sharpe
- DH [44] Huxley Bjorn Greenwood
-- DD [16] Antonia Theodora Greenwood
-- DS [13] Eugene Leighton Greenwood "Gene"

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