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[Opinions] Isabeau & Mirabeau
WDYT of the names Isabeau & Mirabeau?
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I actually like Isabeau. It feels like a refined lady from medieval times.I can't see Mirabeau as a first name. Makes me think of the French revolutionary too much. That being said, Mirabeau himself is not the WORST member of the national assembly to be named after. At least, it's not Robespierre. He was actually an interesting character and I feel the French revolution would have gone differently if he has not passed (of illness, by the way, not from the guillotine).
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I used to love Isabeau; now I just like it. It’s grandly whimsical.Mirabeau just makes me think of caribou.
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I used to think Isabeau was a little fanciful, until I discovered I have an ancestor named Isabeau, born in 1580-something. Now, I love it.Mirabeau is a new one for me. I like it, although I like Mirabel much more.
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I used to dislike Isabeau, thinking it sounded unnecessary and gramatically incorrect in French......but now I love it. Especially if spelt Ysabeau. It's quite whimsical and frilly.I can't believe I haven't added Mirabeau to my PNL yet. It's lovely, especially as a masculine name.However, my favorite name ending in -beau is Élisabeau.
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Isabeau is so pretty and very cool but it would be a very bold choice, almost outlandish, not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. I vastly prefer it to Isabel/le or Isabella.
I prefer Mirabelle over Mirabeau but it’s still a magical name, especially for a character or pet. Overall I really like both names!Thinking about it now, the only thing that bothers me about Isabeau is that it sounds like the phrase ‘is a beau’ (beau as in boyfriend).

This message was edited 3/18/2024, 7:25 AM

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I prefer both with a -bel ending instead. I quite enjoy Mirabel; DH used to play tennis with a pleasant Isabeau. I'd use Isobel.
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My first thought when I see Isabeau is a vampire matriarch character created by Deborah Harkness called Genevieve Melisande Helene Ysabeau Aude de Clermont known now to most as Ysabeau. I know it is spelled differently but pronounced the same.I love Isabeau because of positive associations with the character and it sounds close to Isabel which I like a lot.Mirabeau is more whimsical, more fantasy than Isabeau for me but if I came across it in real life or fiction I may feel differently.
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I've never been a big fan of either, I think it's because the "beau" part feels too masculine.
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Never seen Mirabeau. It's intriguing but I think it's too much of a mouthful truthfully. Doesn't roll off the tongue well. Either does Isabeau. Very frilly names, especially when considering Isabelle and Mirabel are already quite frilly.
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I like Isabeau but prefer Ysabeau - might as well go all out medieval.Mirabeau seems clunkier or somehow wordier/surnamey. I'm not sure how I'd react to seeing it IRL - could be I like it more once I associate a person, or not.

This message was edited 3/17/2024, 11:12 PM

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I don’t like the appearance of Beau in any name.
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Don't really like either
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