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[Opinions] Thoughts on the name Lovely?
Lovely "Love"


Even though I used to work with a Lovely... that name has never, ever seemed like a name to me. English is not a language where adjectives work as legal names.
I actually knew a Lovely and she hated her name. She said everyone made fun of her when she was in school. Also, she wasn't a very nice person and she was also kind of homely looking so I don't have a good association with the name.
If I had to have an aesthetically descriptive name like this, I'd prefer it to be a noun like Beauty or Loveliness. And I feel I would be more interested to meet someone named Loveliness than someone named Lovely.Love by itself is charting in the US. I think it could be awkward as a first name, but it's not as awkward as Precious seems to me because it's slightly more likely to strike me as partially an ideal/virtue name rather than exclusively as an endearment. So...I prefer Love by itself to Lovely but wouldn't prefer Love to Lovejoy or Loveday.
Works as a cute term of endearment, not so much a name.
Lovely is not lovely. I wouldn’t even use it as a pet name. I think Lovey is cute for a cat
not lovely at all ...It's cloying and weirdly impersonal.
And feels like you're being awfully bold when you address someone as Lovely.
I know someone named Lady. I always felt sort of rude and abrupt addressing her as Lady, like an old-time NYC cab driver.
Totally agree. My husband had a student once whose name, and she went by the whole name, was Queen Elizabeth. There the resemblance ended.
It's sweet as a pet name but not as someone's government name...What about Loveday?
I thin it’s fine, it has a nice sound and I don’t see how it’s much different from virtue names like Faith and Hope. I vastly prefer it to Love which sounds incomplete.
Find it vaguely ridiculous.
For a boy or a girl? Or, doesn't it matter?
Don't like it at all