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[Opinions] Emery or Everly?
Just wondering, which one would you pick for a girl and why?Emery or Everly?
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I would pick Emery if it weren't for the nail file thing. Everly is fine but it seems incomplete. Everley is overdone though, and too much like Beverley. (For some reason Everly doesn't remind me of Beverly the way Everley reminds me of Beverley.) I think I would like Everlie more but that doesn't look right either. Ever-lie as in Never-truth? Evalie or Evelie like Evelyn with a lee ending instead of lyn? I like the sound but not the look of ant of them. And they start to look like 'evilly'.
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Team Emery
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I'd probably go with Everly, even though I don't care for either name.
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Emery. I used to dislike it on a girl but now I think it's fine for both, although I prefer the spelling Amerie, but only as feminine.On the other hand, I can't stand Everly. It sounds like an adverb.
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I also prefer Amerie but I don't pronounce them anything alike.
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Trying, but just can't do it. Would inflict neither of these on a girl. Nothing feminine, let alone beautiful about either of them. Emery is clearly very masculine and all I get upon seeing the surname Everly is a chorus of Bye Bye Love. Neither work well as a girl name, just trying too desperately to be 'different' when all they are are just more tired bnog and lnfn entries.
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Emery! Why would anyone send a girl into the world, answering to the name of Nailfile? Everly is unattractive, but unrelated to manicures, which is an advantage: it could also shorten to Eve, perhaps, which is better than tired Emma and Emmie.
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I don't like Emery, but I specifically dislike Everly. The sound is not pleasant. Emery sounds a bit classier, kind of lively.
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Emery. Everly is not a good name, but Emery is pretty.
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Everly. It looks prettier and more feminine.
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Everly, easily. I like Emery more actually, but much prefer it for a boy.
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Emery, although it sounds masculine to me. Everly is overused at this point.
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