[Games] Robin’s Bash My Names Game!
Names: Boys1. Oli
2. Jemmy
3. LexNames: Girls1. Livia
2. Em
3. Totty
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Oli - I super really love it it is super cute
Jemmy - It's okay
Lex - Rhymes with s*x.
Livia - It's great and has a classic feel.
Em - Uncreative why only 2 letters?
Totty - Sounds like "potty" and "t*tty"
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Oli - Finns shout this when they are drunk.
Jemmy - That tiny boy with curly hair at the back of the schoolbus who always gets called a girl.
Lex - Some cyborg made of glass. Livia - A shampoo brand.
Em - Means "Yes" in blobfish language.
Totty - Sounds like a nickname for pet food. good luck :)
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Full on bashy...1. Oli - looks like a part of the directions for flat pack Ikea furniture.2. Jemmy - like the archaic nn thing but its just a nn, no depth, no weight.3. Lex - a lead character in a cheezy sci fi.1. Livia - kinda kick ass name, always reminds me of Caesar Augustus' wife, but not exactly a great role model.2. Em - a remark made when you can't think of what to say.3. Totty - in the UK means pretty much the same a bimbo in the US.
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1. Oli - I don't like the way this name looks.
2. Jemmy - Seems like it would be often confused for Jimmy.
3. Lex - This name rhymes with the word "sex".1. Livia - I actually like this one, though it may be confused as Olivia.
2. Em - It would be fine as a nickname, but I don't like how it's two-letters-long.
3. Totty - No offense, but this name could easily be teased; it rhymes with the word "potty" (another word for toilet) and sounds similar to "titty" (slang for a woman's breasts).
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