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[Opinions] Dinah
WDYT of Dinah?
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I love Dinah! I have since I was a young teen and Dinah was one of the main characters in my favourite books. She’s the daughter of a pastor and she and another girl solve mysteries. The book was set in the 1930’s I think and I’ll always think of this era when seeing Dinah. I really like the combo Dinah Mary

This message was edited 4/18/2024, 2:01 PM

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Like RoxStar, for some reason, I can only associate this name with "I've Been Working On The Railroad". In essence, I think that the name sounds gorgeous, though.
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Love this name. For me Dinah is the smart, irreverent kid. The kid who steals the spotlight, and is amusing and delightful in company. The talented charmer.
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It's very unattractive to me, first of all because it sounds like someone from Boston saying diner. Also it is so frumpy all I can think of is an old-lady kerchief or a cowbell.
Also, there's the old song about "Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah" and the repeated line "Dinah, won't you blow?"
Of course I know the "Dinah" here is a train, but it takes no imagination at all to realize what is likely to happen if any smart-alecky kid ever hears the old song even once and knows of a human Dinah.
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It's a family name from back in the 19th century, so I've always been used to it. I like it very much, and Diana/Diane not at all. We got two rescue cat sisters once, and named them Alice the Alley Cat and Katie the Kitty. Then we took over another rescue kitten, pretty little black thing that had been ill-treated, and named her Dinah after, yes, Alice's cat. They ignored each other superbly, but the names worked for me. Given enough daughters, which one never is, I'd readily use Dinah for a human child.
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I think of diner
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Just makes me think of the folk song. I can't take it seriously.
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Heard this name for the first time watching a new show called palm royal. When I heard it wasn’t sure if I liked it or not but thought it was Interesting.
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I dislike "DIE-nuh" but think "DEE-nuh" is okay. Diana and Diane are better. Also, the Dina spelling might be better, too. It's a good option, though. I've never met a Dinah, could be a great middle name with the right first name.
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Oh I love Dinah. I think it's warm and sassy. I'd use it!
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It’s rather horrid.
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I like it as DIE-na, but I can't stand DEE-na.
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It's the opposite for me. I generally don't like "die" or "hel" in names. I find them unpleasant.
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it's pretty good. Gives southern white 1950s housewife vibes. Yes, she was a rape victim, but that doesn't decrease her name's value.
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