[Opinions] Rita and Bing
What do you think of Rita for a girl and Bing for a boy?These aren't favorites of mine, I'm just wondering what people think of them. They just popped into my head. Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Bing doesn't work if you're white. Rita is okay.
I like Rita; it sounds vibrant and energetic and I could see it on a variety of different people. Bing just sounds like a pinging noise to me.
I would think the parents are Rita Hayworth and Bing Crosby fans.
I think Bing sounds silly in English. I'd wonder if it was another language, if it's not a purposely silly nickname.My only reference for Rita for a long time was Shania Twain lyrics. It sounds country to me sort of like Loretta but in a sassy cute way like Nina. It has more grit than Nina, which I guess I like because I'd prefer it to Nina. It also seems a bit like it's between Ruby and Anita.
Bing? Like the search engine? Hate it.
Rita's alright albeit a bit aged.
I immediately thought of Bing Crosby and Rita Hayworth. They were both celebrities at the same time but I don't know if they ever worked together or knew each other. His real name was Harry and hers was Margarita Carmen
I knew a Rita Enid at school. Very nice person, but I prefer Margaret.I've just finished reading Brothers In Arms, by James Holland, the story of a UK takn regiment from D-Day to the armistice. And a man named Harry Crosby joined them and, because they'd been fighting with an American regiment and were therefore up to date, he was instantly nicknamed Bing. In my own experience, the first dog I had, at the age of three (me, not the dog), was named Bingo by me. I don't know where I got it from, but she was a dear little dog and I can't see any form of her name on any kind of human at all.
Rita is ok, esp as a nn for Marita, Laurita.I don't like Bing at all
Rita feels cheap to me, like someone with a bad brassy dye job and spiky fingernails, laughing too loud and thinking she's glamorous when she's really just kind of gross, probably drinks and smokes too much. Another version of Lola.Bing doesn't feel like a name to me. It's just a sound, like a comic book way to show someone just got popped in the eye with a rubber band.