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[Opinions] Dusty
Wdyt of this name for a human and a pet? What could a long form me? Does it make you think of dusting furniture and the desert?
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I have a female cousin named Dusty. I'm not sure if it's short for anything, though. On a boy, it would definitely be short for Dustin. I don't like the name, but don't tell my cousin I said that!
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It does make me think of the action verb of "dusting" and the desert, yes. On a human, I'm not fond of it as a full name; it could be cool nickname (for Dustin, perhaps). On a pet, I think that the name Dusty is adorable; especially on something of a Labrador Retriever.
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I've known a few Dustys, both male and female. My husband went to school with a g/b sibling set Dusti and Dustin. Adam Levine named his daughter Dusty Rose - the ubiquitous '90s color not withstanding. Dusty Rose color:
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I can't think of any name it might be a nn for except Dustin, and none of the Dustins I ever knew were called Dusty. I think it's best for a dusty-colored animal. If it's a human name I think it has to be something that comes up naturally through circumstances.
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I dislike it as a full name and NN because dustiness is unpleasant. I think of a desert which is not the issue. It's the dust that blows in your eyes that bothers me. Household dust burns my eyes and nose. Dust would be cooler than Dusty as a name because at least I can think of stardust or pixie dust. Still better for a character than a person. I've only heard of it coming from Dustin, but Dunstan and Duncan aren't too out there.
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Yes it makes me think of dusty things and the desert. Don't like this as a name or nn
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I love Dusty! I think it's best as a character name though. Nicknames are fine, but I'd feel bad for a kid that was actually named Dusty.
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I love Dusty Springfield and hence I love her name :) Dusty was her stage name though, Mary being her real name.
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It's an attention-getter, but IMO it gets the wrong kind of attention. Sandy would make me think: desert. Dusty is all about housework, and as such I expect it to be a female name. However, the only long form I can think of is Dustin, which I don't think does feminise to Dustine.
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Ok for a pet but it does me thinking of dusting furniture and more of gross household dust than the desert.
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Funny story, I thought it would be my kid's nickname for awhile. My middle kid couldn't say Gs so he called me youngest "Audustin" and it was shortened to Dusty very briefly. Thankfully the G/D issue got sorted. I think less of furniture and more of dirt roads and the sound of tires on them when I think about the adjective. I don't think it's a great name for a human, a little cutesy maybe. Just fine for a dog.
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I love it as a nickname for either gender, perhaps for Dunstan and Dulcinea.
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