[Opinions] On a scale of 1- 10, how ugly is the name Greer?
On a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being "not ugly at all" and 10 being "severely ugly"), where do you rank the name Greer?


7, lol. I still like it. Maybe I've been looking for something edgy and unconventionally alluring all along.
2, idk I like it 🤷‍♀️
10! Ugly!!
Im giving it a 5. Even though it’s ugly, it’s a good kind of ugly to me.
About a 9 - a combination of 'gear' and 'rear'Definitely not for me!
Every time I see or hear the name Greer, I think of the word "rear" (another name for derriere or bum for those non-English speakers as a first language). I find it harsh and unattractive so I would give it an 8.
10. I know I said Olga is the ugliest name ever... but this name definitely competes for that title.
For me it's like a 4 I guess? I can see how people find it ugly, but I think it's a fascinating name.
On a scale of 1 - 10, I'd give it an 11.
9.5. Doesn't sound like a name at all to me, and it's very harsh.