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[Opinions] BA Eloise Elizabeth Catherine
My friend that was pregnant recently gave birth. They named her Eloise Elizabeth Catherine. She is the same friend who had previously given birth to a son named Whyatt two years ago. Previously, she had wanted to name a daughter Clementine Rose for a long while, then she was really set on Winter for a time at the beginning of the pregnancy. I asked her what changed her mind and why she picked Eloise. "Well, the more I thought about it, the more a word name felt silly to me. Eloise feels like a 'real' name. I saw it on a list of pretty girl names online and decided 'yup, that's the one'. Elizabeth is my friend's middle name and I'm pretty sure Catherine is the name of her mother-in-law if I'm remembering correctly. Wdyt? Honestly for me I love this name. This friend has a pension for unusual spellings, as noted by her first born, so I was a bit apprehensive about what she would pick..but I think she did pretty well. The only thing I don't like is the double initial and double El- sounds but other than that I think it's a solid, pretty & classic name!Honestly... I like this a bit better than my niece's name combo, Eloise Victoria.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.


I'd have preferred Eloise Catherine Elizabeth, for rhythm and initials. But, yes, a great improvement on Whyatt.
Love it
I think the flow would have been better had the two middle names been reversed but a great name. Well done!
I love this! It’s very stately. I usually don’t like more than one mn but this combo is great!